You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

859 lines
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10 years ago
uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill
10 years ago
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {}.
10 years ago
'use strict';
10 years ago
µMatrix.assets = (( ) => {
10 years ago
const reIsExternalPath = /^(?:[a-z-]+):\/\//;
const reIsUserAsset = /^user-/;
const errorCantConnectTo = vAPI.i18n('errorCantConnectTo');
const api = {};
const observers = [];
api.addObserver = function(observer) {
if ( observers.indexOf(observer) === -1 ) {
api.removeObserver = function(observer) {
let pos;
while ( (pos = observers.indexOf(observer)) !== -1 ) {
observers.splice(pos, 1);
10 years ago
const fireNotification = function(topic, details) {
let result;
for ( const observer of observers ) {
const r = observer(topic, details);
if ( r !== undefined ) { result = r; }
return result;
10 years ago
10 years ago
api.fetch = function(url, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Start of executor
10 years ago
const timeoutAfter = µMatrix.rawSettings.assetFetchTimeout * 1000 || 30000;
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
let contentLoaded = 0;
let timeoutTimer;
const cleanup = function() {
xhr.removeEventListener('load', onLoadEvent);
xhr.removeEventListener('error', onErrorEvent);
xhr.removeEventListener('abort', onErrorEvent);
xhr.removeEventListener('progress', onProgressEvent);
if ( timeoutTimer !== undefined ) {
timeoutTimer = undefined;
const fail = function(details, msg) {
realm: 'message',
type: 'error',
text: msg,
details.content = '';
details.error = msg;
10 years ago
const onLoadEvent = function() {
10 years ago
// xhr for local files gives status 0, but actually succeeds
const details = {
statusCode: this.status || 200,
statusText: this.statusText || ''
if ( details.statusCode < 200 || details.statusCode >= 300 ) {
return fail(details, `${url}: ${details.statusCode} ${details.statusText}`);
details.content = this.response;
10 years ago
const onErrorEvent = function() {
fail({ url }, errorCantConnectTo.replace('{{url}}', url));
const onTimeout = function() {
// - Timeout only when there is no progress.
const onProgressEvent = function(ev) {
if ( ev.loaded === contentLoaded ) { return; }
contentLoaded = ev.loaded;
if ( timeoutTimer !== undefined ) {
timeoutTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(onTimeout, timeoutAfter);
10 years ago
// Be ready for thrown exceptions:
// I am pretty sure it used to work, but now using a URL such as
// `file:///` on Chromium 40 results in an exception being thrown.
try {'get', url, true);
xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoadEvent);
xhr.addEventListener('error', onErrorEvent);
xhr.addEventListener('abort', onErrorEvent);
xhr.addEventListener('progress', onProgressEvent);
xhr.responseType = options.responseType || 'text';
10 years ago
timeoutTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(onTimeout, timeoutAfter);
10 years ago
} catch (e) {;
10 years ago
// End of executor
api.fetchText = async function(url) {
const isExternal = reIsExternalPath.test(url);
let actualUrl = isExternal ? url : vAPI.getURL(url);
// Force browser cache to be bypassed, but only for resources which have
// been fetched more than one hour ago.
// Provide filter list authors a way to completely bypass
// the browser cache.
if ( isExternal ) {
const cacheBypassToken =
? Math.floor( / 1000) % 86400
: Math.floor( / 3600000) % 12;
const queryValue = `_=${cacheBypassToken}`;
if ( actualUrl.indexOf('?') === -1 ) {
actualUrl += '?';
} else {
actualUrl += '&';
actualUrl += queryValue;
10 years ago
let details = { content: '' };
try {
details = await api.fetch(actualUrl);
// Consider an empty result to be an error
if ( stringIsNotEmpty(details.content) === false ) {
details.content = '';
// We never download anything else than plain text: discard if
// response appears to be a HTML document: could happen when server
// serves some kind of error page for example.
const text = details.content.trim();
if ( text.startsWith('<') && text.endsWith('>') ) {
details.content = '';
} catch(ex) {
details = ex;
// We want to return the caller's URL, not our internal one which may
// differ from the caller's one.
details.url = url;
10 years ago
return details;
The purpose of the asset source registry is to keep key detail information
about an asset:
- Where to load it from: this may consist of one or more URLs, either local
or remote.
- After how many days an asset should be deemed obsolete -- i.e. in need of
an update.
- The origin and type of an asset.
- The last time an asset was registered.
let assetSourceRegistryPromise,
assetSourceRegistry = Object.create(null);
const getAssetSourceRegistry = function() {
if ( assetSourceRegistryPromise === undefined ) {
assetSourceRegistryPromise = µMatrix.cacheStorage.get(
).then(bin => {
if (
bin instanceof Object &&
bin.assetSourceRegistry instanceof Object
) {
assetSourceRegistry = bin.assetSourceRegistry;
return assetSourceRegistry;
return api.fetchText(
).then(details => {
return details.content !== ''
? details
: api.fetchText('assets/assets.json');
}).then(details => {
updateAssetSourceRegistry(details.content, true);
return assetSourceRegistry;
return assetSourceRegistryPromise;
const registerAssetSource = function(assetKey, dict) {
const entry = assetSourceRegistry[assetKey] || {};
for ( const prop in dict ) {
if ( dict.hasOwnProperty(prop) === false ) { continue; }
if ( dict[prop] === undefined ) {
delete entry[prop];
} else {
entry[prop] = dict[prop];
10 years ago
let contentURL = dict.contentURL;
if ( contentURL !== undefined ) {
if ( typeof contentURL === 'string' ) {
contentURL = entry.contentURL = [ contentURL ];
} else if ( Array.isArray(contentURL) === false ) {
contentURL = entry.contentURL = [];
let remoteURLCount = 0;
for ( let i = 0; i < contentURL.length; i++ ) {
if ( reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL[i]) ) {
remoteURLCount += 1;
entry.hasLocalURL = remoteURLCount !== contentURL.length;
entry.hasRemoteURL = remoteURLCount !== 0;
} else if ( entry.contentURL === undefined ) {
entry.contentURL = [];
10 years ago
if ( typeof entry.updateAfter !== 'number' ) {
entry.updateAfter = 5;
if ( entry.submitter ) {
entry.submitTime =; // To detect stale entries
10 years ago
assetSourceRegistry[assetKey] = entry;
10 years ago
const unregisterAssetSource = function(assetKey) {
delete assetSourceRegistry[assetKey];
const saveAssetSourceRegistry = (( ) => {
let timer;
const save = function() {
timer = undefined;
µMatrix.cacheStorage.set({ assetSourceRegistry });
10 years ago
return function(lazily) {
if ( timer !== undefined ) {
if ( lazily ) {
timer = vAPI.setTimeout(save, 500);
} else {
const updateAssetSourceRegistry = function(json, silent) {
let newDict;
try {
newDict = JSON.parse(json);
} catch (ex) {
if ( newDict instanceof Object === false ) { return; }
const oldDict = assetSourceRegistry;
// Remove obsolete entries (only those which were built-in).
for ( const assetKey in oldDict ) {
if (
newDict[assetKey] === undefined &&
oldDict[assetKey].submitter === undefined
) {
// Add/update existing entries. Notify of new asset sources.
for ( const assetKey in newDict ) {
if ( oldDict[assetKey] === undefined && !silent ) {
{ assetKey: assetKey, entry: newDict[assetKey] }
registerAssetSource(assetKey, newDict[assetKey]);
api.registerAssetSource = async function(assetKey, details) {
await getAssetSourceRegistry();
registerAssetSource(assetKey, details);
10 years ago
api.unregisterAssetSource = async function(assetKey) {
await getAssetSourceRegistry();
10 years ago
The purpose of the asset cache registry is to keep track of all assets
which have been persisted into the local cache.
10 years ago
const assetCacheRegistryStartTime =;
let assetCacheRegistryPromise;
let assetCacheRegistry = {};
10 years ago
const getAssetCacheRegistry = function() {
if ( assetCacheRegistryPromise === undefined ) {
assetCacheRegistryPromise = µMatrix.cacheStorage.get(
).then(bin => {
if (
bin instanceof Object &&
bin.assetCacheRegistry instanceof Object
) {
assetCacheRegistry = bin.assetCacheRegistry;
return assetCacheRegistry;
10 years ago
return assetCacheRegistryPromise;
10 years ago
const saveAssetCacheRegistry = (( ) => {
let timer;
const save = function() {
timer = undefined;
µMatrix.cacheStorage.set({ assetCacheRegistry });
return function(lazily) {
if ( timer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(timer); }
if ( lazily ) {
timer = vAPI.setTimeout(save, 30000);
} else {
const assetCacheRead = async function(assetKey, updateReadTime = false) {
const internalKey = `cache/${assetKey}`;
const reportBack = function(content) {
if ( content instanceof Blob ) { content = ''; }
const details = { assetKey: assetKey, content: content };
if ( content === '' ) { details.error = 'ENOTFOUND'; }
return details;
const [ , bin ] = await Promise.all([
if (
bin instanceof Object === false ||
bin.hasOwnProperty(internalKey) === false
) {
return reportBack('');
const entry = assetCacheRegistry[assetKey];
if ( entry === undefined ) {
return reportBack('');
10 years ago
entry.readTime =;
if ( updateReadTime ) {
return reportBack(bin[internalKey]);
const assetCacheWrite = async function(assetKey, details) {
let content = '';
if ( typeof details === 'string' ) {
content = details;
} else if ( details instanceof Object ) {
content = details.content || '';
if ( content === '' ) {
return assetCacheRemove(assetKey);
const cacheDict = await getAssetCacheRegistry();
let entry = cacheDict[assetKey];
if ( entry === undefined ) {
entry = cacheDict[assetKey] = {};
entry.writeTime = entry.readTime =;
if ( details instanceof Object && typeof details.url === 'string' ) {
entry.remoteURL = details.url;
[`cache/${assetKey}`]: content
const result = { assetKey, content };
fireNotification('after-asset-updated', result);
return result;
const assetCacheRemove = async function(pattern) {
const cacheDict = await getAssetCacheRegistry();
const removedEntries = [];
const removedContent = [];
for ( const assetKey in cacheDict ) {
if ( pattern instanceof RegExp && !pattern.test(assetKey) ) {
if ( typeof pattern === 'string' && assetKey !== pattern ) {
removedContent.push('cache/' + assetKey);
delete cacheDict[assetKey];
if ( removedContent.length !== 0 ) {
µMatrix.cacheStorage.set({ assetCacheRegistry });
for ( let i = 0; i < removedEntries.length; i++ ) {
{ assetKey: removedEntries[i] }
const assetCacheMarkAsDirty = async function(pattern, exclude) {
const cacheDict = await getAssetCacheRegistry();
let mustSave = false;
for ( const assetKey in cacheDict ) {
if ( pattern instanceof RegExp ) {
if ( pattern.test(assetKey) === false ) { continue; }
} else if ( typeof pattern === 'string' ) {
if ( assetKey !== pattern ) { continue; }
} else if ( Array.isArray(pattern) ) {
if ( pattern.indexOf(assetKey) === -1 ) { continue; }
if ( exclude instanceof RegExp ) {
if ( exclude.test(assetKey) ) { continue; }
} else if ( typeof exclude === 'string' ) {
if ( assetKey === exclude ) { continue; }
} else if ( Array.isArray(exclude) ) {
if ( exclude.indexOf(assetKey) !== -1 ) { continue; }
const cacheEntry = cacheDict[assetKey];
if ( !cacheEntry.writeTime ) { continue; }
cacheDict[assetKey].writeTime = 0;
mustSave = true;
if ( mustSave ) {
µMatrix.cacheStorage.set({ assetCacheRegistry });
10 years ago
const stringIsNotEmpty = function(s) {
return typeof s === 'string' && s !== '';
User assets are NOT persisted in the cache storage. User assets are
recognized by the asset key which always starts with 'user-'.
TODO(seamless migration):
Can remove instances of old user asset keys when I am confident all users
are using uBO v1.11 and beyond.
User assets are NOT persisted in the cache storage. User assets are
recognized by the asset key which always starts with 'user-'.
const readUserAsset = async function(assetKey) {
const bin = await;
const content =
bin instanceof Object && typeof bin[assetKey] === 'string'
? bin[assetKey]
: '';
// Remove obsolete entry
// TODO: remove once everybody is well beyond 1.18.6'assets/user/filters.txt');
return { assetKey, content };
const saveUserAsset = function(assetKey, content) {
return{ [assetKey]: content }).then(( ) => {
return { assetKey, content };
api.get = async function(assetKey, options = {}) {
if ( assetKey === µMatrix.userFiltersPath ) {
return readUserAsset(assetKey);
let assetDetails = {};
const reportBack = (content, url = '', err = undefined) => {
const details = { assetKey, content };
if ( err !== undefined ) {
details.error = assetDetails.lastError = err;
} else {
assetDetails.lastError = undefined;
if ( options.needSourceURL ) {
if (
url === '' &&
assetCacheRegistry instanceof Object &&
assetCacheRegistry[assetKey] instanceof Object
) {
details.sourceURL = assetCacheRegistry[assetKey].remoteURL;
if ( reIsExternalPath.test(url) ) {
details.sourceURL = url;
10 years ago
return details;
10 years ago
// Skip read-time property for non-updatable assets: the property is
// completely unused for such assets and thus there is no point incurring
// storage write overhead at launch when reading compiled or selfie assets.
const updateReadTime = /^(?:compiled|selfie)\//.test(assetKey) === false;
const details = await assetCacheRead(assetKey, updateReadTime);
if ( details.content !== '' ) {
return reportBack(details.content);
const assetRegistry = await getAssetSourceRegistry();
assetDetails = assetRegistry[assetKey] || {};
let contentURLs = [];
if ( typeof assetDetails.contentURL === 'string' ) {
contentURLs = [ assetDetails.contentURL ];
} else if ( Array.isArray(assetDetails.contentURL) ) {
contentURLs = assetDetails.contentURL.slice(0);
for ( const contentURL of contentURLs ) {
if ( reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL) && assetDetails.hasLocalURL ) {
const details = await api.fetchText(contentURL);
if ( details.content === '' ) { continue; }
if ( reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL) && options.dontCache !== true ) {
assetCacheWrite(assetKey, {
content: details.content,
url: contentURL,
return reportBack(details.content, contentURL);
return reportBack('', '', 'ENOTFOUND');
10 years ago
const getRemote = async function(assetKey) {
const assetRegistry = await getAssetSourceRegistry();
const assetDetails = assetRegistry[assetKey] || {};
10 years ago
const reportBack = function(content, err) {
const details = { assetKey: assetKey, content: content };
if ( err ) {
details.error = assetDetails.lastError = err;
} else {
assetDetails.lastError = undefined;
return details;
let contentURLs = [];
if ( typeof assetDetails.contentURL === 'string' ) {
contentURLs = [ assetDetails.contentURL ];
} else if ( Array.isArray(assetDetails.contentURL) ) {
contentURLs = assetDetails.contentURL.slice(0);
for ( const contentURL of contentURLs ) {
if ( reIsExternalPath.test(contentURL) === false ) { continue; }
const result = await api.fetchText(contentURL);
// Failure
if ( stringIsNotEmpty(result.content) === false ) {
let error = result.statusText;
if ( result.statusCode === 0 ) {
error = 'network error';
{ error: { time:, error } }
// Success
{ content: result.content, url: contentURL }
registerAssetSource(assetKey, { error: undefined });
return reportBack(result.content);
return reportBack('', 'ENOTFOUND');
10 years ago
api.put = async function(assetKey, content) {
return reIsUserAsset.test(assetKey)
? await saveUserAsset(assetKey, content)
: await assetCacheWrite(assetKey, content);
10 years ago
api.metadata = async function() {
await Promise.all([
const assetDict = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(assetSourceRegistry));
const cacheDict = assetCacheRegistry;
const now =;
for ( const assetKey in assetDict ) {
const assetEntry = assetDict[assetKey];
const cacheEntry = cacheDict[assetKey];
if ( cacheEntry ) {
assetEntry.cached = true;
assetEntry.writeTime = cacheEntry.writeTime;
const obsoleteAfter =
cacheEntry.writeTime + assetEntry.updateAfter * 86400000;
assetEntry.obsolete = obsoleteAfter < now;
assetEntry.remoteURL = cacheEntry.remoteURL;
} else if (
assetEntry.contentURL &&
assetEntry.contentURL.length !== 0
) {
assetEntry.writeTime = 0;
assetEntry.obsolete = true;
return assetDict;
api.purge = assetCacheMarkAsDirty;
api.remove = function(pattern) {
return assetCacheRemove(pattern);
api.rmrf = function() {
return assetCacheRemove(/./);
10 years ago
// Asset updater area.
const updaterAssetDelayDefault = 120000;
const updaterUpdated = [];
const updaterFetched = new Set();
let updaterStatus,
updaterAssetDelay = updaterAssetDelayDefault;
10 years ago
const updateFirst = function() {
updaterStatus = 'updating';
updaterUpdated.length = 0;
10 years ago
const updateNext = async function() {
const [ assetDict, cacheDict ] = await Promise.all([
const now =;
let assetKeyToUpdate;
for ( const assetKey in assetDict ) {
const assetEntry = assetDict[assetKey];
if ( assetEntry.hasRemoteURL !== true ) { continue; }
if ( updaterFetched.has(assetKey) ) { continue; }
const cacheEntry = cacheDict[assetKey];
if (
cacheEntry &&
(cacheEntry.writeTime + assetEntry.updateAfter * 86400000) > now
) {
10 years ago
if (
{ assetKey, content: assetEntry.content }
) === true
) {
assetKeyToUpdate = assetKey;
10 years ago
// This will remove a cached asset when it's no longer in use.
if (
cacheEntry &&
cacheEntry.readTime < assetCacheRegistryStartTime
) {
10 years ago
if ( assetKeyToUpdate === undefined ) {
return updateDone();
10 years ago
const result = await getRemote(assetKeyToUpdate);
if ( result.content !== '' ) {
if ( result.assetKey === 'assets.json' ) {
} else {
fireNotification('asset-update-failed', { assetKey: result.assetKey });
10 years ago
vAPI.setTimeout(updateNext, updaterAssetDelay);
10 years ago
const updateDone = function() {
const assetKeys = updaterUpdated.slice(0);
updaterUpdated.length = 0;
updaterStatus = undefined;
updaterAssetDelay = updaterAssetDelayDefault;
fireNotification('after-assets-updated', { assetKeys: assetKeys });
10 years ago
api.updateStart = function(details) {
const oldUpdateDelay = updaterAssetDelay;
const newUpdateDelay = typeof details.delay === 'number' ?
details.delay :
updaterAssetDelay = Math.min(oldUpdateDelay, newUpdateDelay);
if ( updaterStatus !== undefined ) {
if ( newUpdateDelay < oldUpdateDelay ) {
updaterTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(updateNext, updaterAssetDelay);
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
api.updateStop = function() {
if ( updaterTimer ) {
updaterTimer = undefined;
10 years ago
if ( updaterStatus !== undefined ) {
10 years ago
api.isUpdating = function() {
return updaterStatus === 'updating' &&
updaterAssetDelay <= µMatrix.rawSettings.manualUpdateAssetFetchPeriod;
10 years ago
return api;
10 years ago
10 years ago