You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

338 lines
12 KiB

* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ <>
* @author John Molakvoæ <>
* @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import '@nextcloud/dialogs/style.css'
import type { Folder, Node, View } from '@nextcloud/files'
import type { IFilePickerButton } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
import type { FileStat, ResponseDataDetailed } from 'webdav'
import type { MoveCopyResult } from './moveOrCopyActionUtils'
// eslint-disable-next-line n/no-extraneous-import
import { AxiosError } from 'axios'
import { basename, join } from 'path'
import { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus'
import { FilePickerClosed, getFilePickerBuilder, showError } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
import { Permission, FileAction, FileType, NodeStatus, davGetClient, davRootPath, davResultToNode, davGetDefaultPropfind } from '@nextcloud/files'
import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
import { openConflictPicker, hasConflict } from '@nextcloud/upload'
import Vue from 'vue'
import CopyIconSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder-multiple.svg?raw'
import FolderMoveSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder-move.svg?raw'
import { MoveCopyAction, canCopy, canMove, getQueue } from './moveOrCopyActionUtils'
import { getContents } from '../services/Files'
import logger from '../logger'
import { getUniqueName } from '../utils/fileUtils'
* Return the action that is possible for the given nodes
* @param {Node[]} nodes The nodes to check against
* @return {MoveCopyAction} The action that is possible for the given nodes
const getActionForNodes = (nodes: Node[]): MoveCopyAction => {
if (canMove(nodes)) {
if (canCopy(nodes)) {
return MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY
return MoveCopyAction.MOVE
// Assuming we can copy as the enabled checks for copy permissions
return MoveCopyAction.COPY
* Handle the copy/move of a node to a destination
* This can be imported and used by other scripts/components on server
* @param {Node} node The node to copy/move
* @param {Folder} destination The destination to copy/move the node to
* @param {MoveCopyAction} method The method to use for the copy/move
* @param {boolean} overwrite Whether to overwrite the destination if it exists
* @return {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the copy/move is done
export const handleCopyMoveNodeTo = async (node: Node, destination: Folder, method: MoveCopyAction.COPY | MoveCopyAction.MOVE, overwrite = false) => {
if (!destination) {
if (destination.type !== FileType.Folder) {
throw new Error(t('files', 'Destination is not a folder'))
// Do not allow to MOVE a node to the same folder it is already located
if (method === MoveCopyAction.MOVE && node.dirname === destination.path) {
throw new Error(t('files', 'This file/folder is already in that directory'))
* Example:
* - node: /foo/bar/file.txt -> path = /foo/bar/file.txt, destination: /foo
* Allow move of /foo does not start with /foo/bar/file.txt so allow
* - node: /foo , destination: /foo/bar
* Do not allow as it would copy foo within itself
* - node: /foo/bar.txt, destination: /foo
* Allow copy a file to the same directory
* - node: "/foo/bar", destination: "/foo/bar 1"
* Allow to move or copy but we need to check with trailing / otherwise it would report false positive
if (`${destination.path}/`.startsWith(`${node.path}/`)) {
throw new Error(t('files', 'You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself'))
// Set loading state
Vue.set(node, 'status', NodeStatus.LOADING)
const queue = getQueue()
return await queue.add(async () => {
const copySuffix = (index: number) => {
if (index === 1) {
return t('files', '(copy)') // TRANSLATORS: Mark a file as a copy of another file
return t('files', '(copy %n)', undefined, index) // TRANSLATORS: Meaning it is the n'th copy of a file
try {
const client = davGetClient()
const currentPath = join(davRootPath, node.path)
const destinationPath = join(davRootPath, destination.path)
if (method === MoveCopyAction.COPY) {
let target = node.basename
// If we do not allow overwriting then find an unique name
if (!overwrite) {
const otherNodes = await client.getDirectoryContents(destinationPath) as FileStat[]
target = getUniqueName(
node.basename, => n.basename),
suffix: copySuffix,
ignoreFileExtension: node.type === FileType.Folder,
await client.copyFile(currentPath, join(destinationPath, target))
// If the node is copied into current directory the view needs to be updated
if (node.dirname === destination.path) {
const { data } = await client.stat(
join(destinationPath, target),
details: true,
data: davGetDefaultPropfind(),
) as ResponseDataDetailed<FileStat>
emit('files:node:created', davResultToNode(data))
} else {
// show conflict file popup if we do not allow overwriting
const otherNodes = await getContents(destination.path)
if (hasConflict([node], otherNodes.contents)) {
try {
// Let the user choose what to do with the conflicting files
const { selected, renamed } = await openConflictPicker(destination.path, [node], otherNodes.contents)
// if the user selected to keep the old file, and did not select the new file
// that means they opted to delete the current node
if (!selected.length && !renamed.length) {
await client.deleteFile(currentPath)
emit('files:node:deleted', node)
} catch (error) {
// User cancelled
showError(t('files', 'Move cancelled'))
// getting here means either no conflict, file was renamed to keep both files
// in a conflict, or the selected file was chosen to be kept during the conflict
await client.moveFile(currentPath, join(destinationPath, node.basename))
// Delete the node as it will be fetched again
// when navigating to the destination folder
emit('files:node:deleted', node)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AxiosError) {
if (error?.response?.status === 412) {
throw new Error(t('files', 'A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder'))
} else if (error?.response?.status === 423) {
throw new Error(t('files', 'The files is locked'))
} else if (error?.response?.status === 404) {
throw new Error(t('files', 'The file does not exist anymore'))
} else if (error.message) {
throw new Error(error.message)
logger.debug(error as Error)
throw new Error()
} finally {
Vue.set(node, 'status', undefined)
* Open a file picker for the given action
* @param {MoveCopyAction} action The action to open the file picker for
* @param {string} dir The directory to start the file picker in
* @param {Node[]} nodes The nodes to move/copy
* @return {Promise<MoveCopyResult>} The picked destination
const openFilePickerForAction = async (action: MoveCopyAction, dir = '/', nodes: Node[]): Promise<MoveCopyResult> => {
const fileIDs = => node.fileid).filter(Boolean)
const filePicker = getFilePickerBuilder(t('files', 'Choose destination'))
.setFilter((n: Node) => {
// We only want to show folders that we can create nodes in
return (n.permissions & Permission.CREATE) !== 0
// We don't want to show the current nodes in the file picker
&& !fileIDs.includes(n.fileid)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
filePicker.setButtonFactory((_selection, path: string) => {
const buttons: IFilePickerButton[] = []
const target = basename(path)
const dirnames = => node.dirname)
const paths = => node.path)
if (action === MoveCopyAction.COPY || action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY) {
label: target ? t('files', 'Copy to {target}', { target }, undefined, { escape: false, sanitize: false }) : t('files', 'Copy'),
type: 'primary',
icon: CopyIconSvg,
async callback(destination: Node[]) {
destination: destination[0] as Folder,
action: MoveCopyAction.COPY,
} as MoveCopyResult)
// Invalid MOVE targets (but valid copy targets)
if (dirnames.includes(path)) {
// This file/folder is already in that directory
return buttons
if (paths.includes(path)) {
// You cannot move a file/folder onto itself
return buttons
if (action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE || action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY) {
label: target ? t('files', 'Move to {target}', { target }, undefined, { escape: false, sanitize: false }) : t('files', 'Move'),
type: action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE ? 'primary' : 'secondary',
icon: FolderMoveSvg,
async callback(destination: Node[]) {
destination: destination[0] as Folder,
action: MoveCopyAction.MOVE,
} as MoveCopyResult)
return buttons
const picker =
picker.pick().catch((error) => {
logger.debug(error as Error)
if (error instanceof FilePickerClosed) {
reject(new Error(t('files', 'Cancelled move or copy operation')))
} else {
reject(new Error(t('files', 'Move or copy operation failed')))
export const action = new FileAction({
id: 'move-copy',
displayName(nodes: Node[]) {
switch (getActionForNodes(nodes)) {
case MoveCopyAction.MOVE:
return t('files', 'Move')
case MoveCopyAction.COPY:
return t('files', 'Copy')
case MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY:
return t('files', 'Move or copy')
iconSvgInline: () => FolderMoveSvg,
enabled(nodes: Node[]) {
// We only support moving/copying files within the user folder
if (!nodes.every(node => node.root?.startsWith('/files/'))) {
return false
return nodes.length > 0 && (canMove(nodes) || canCopy(nodes))
async exec(node: Node, view: View, dir: string) {
const action = getActionForNodes([node])
let result
try {
result = await openFilePickerForAction(action, dir, [node])
} catch (e) {
logger.error(e as Error)
return false
try {
await handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, result.destination, result.action)
return true
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error && !!error.message) {
// Silent action as we handle the toast
return null
return false
async execBatch(nodes: Node[], view: View, dir: string) {
const action = getActionForNodes(nodes)
const result = await openFilePickerForAction(action, dir, nodes)
const promises = node => {
try {
await handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, result.destination, result.action)
return true
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Failed to ${result.action} node`, { node, error })
return false
// We need to keep the selection on error!
// So we do not return null, and for batch action
// we let the front handle the error.
return await Promise.all(promises)
order: 15,