You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

937 lines
26 KiB

- @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 John Molakvoæ <>
- @author John Molakvoæ <>
- @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
<li :class="{'sharing-entry--share': share}" class="sharing-entry sharing-entry__link">
<NcAvatar :is-no-user="true"
:icon-class="isEmailShareType ? 'avatar-link-share icon-mail-white' : 'avatar-link-share icon-public-white'"
class="sharing-entry__avatar" />
<div class="sharing-entry__desc">
<span class="sharing-entry__title" :title="title">
{{ title }}
<p v-if="subtitle">
{{ subtitle }}
<!-- clipboard -->
<NcActions v-if="share && !isEmailShareType && share.token"
<NcActionLink :href="shareLink"
:icon="copied && copySuccess ? 'icon-checkmark-color' : 'icon-clippy'"
@click.stop.prevent="copyLink" />
<!-- pending actions -->
<NcActions v-if="!pending && (pendingPassword || pendingExpirationDate)"
<!-- pending data menu -->
<NcActionText v-if="errors.pending"
:class="{ error: errors.pending}">
{{ errors.pending }}
<NcActionText v-else icon="icon-info">
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Please enter the following required information before creating the share') }}
<!-- password -->
<NcActionText v-if="pendingPassword" icon="icon-password">
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Password protection (enforced)') }}
<NcActionCheckbox v-else-if="config.enableLinkPasswordByDefault"
:disabled="config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink || saving"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Password protection') }}
<NcActionInput v-if="pendingPassword || share.password"
:required="config.enableLinkPasswordByDefault || config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink"
:minlength="isPasswordPolicyEnabled && config.passwordPolicy.minLength"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a password') }}
<!-- expiration date -->
<NcActionText v-if="pendingExpirationDate" icon="icon-calendar-dark">
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Expiration date (enforced)') }}
<NcActionInput v-if="pendingExpirationDate"
:value="new Date(share.expireDate)"
<!-- let's not submit when picked, the user
might want to still edit or copy the password -->
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a date') }}
<NcActionButton icon="icon-checkmark" @click.prevent.stop="onNewLinkShare">
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Create share') }}
<NcActionButton icon="icon-close" @click.prevent.stop="onCancel">
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Cancel') }}
<!-- actions -->
<NcActions v-else-if="!loading"
<template v-if="share">
<template v-if="share.canEdit && canReshare">
<!-- Custom Label -->
<NcActionInput ref="label"
:class="{ error: errors.label }"
:label="t('files_sharing', 'Share label')"
:value="share.newLabel !== undefined ? share.newLabel : share.label"
@submit="onLabelSubmit" />
<SharePermissionsEditor :can-reshare="canReshare"
:file-info="fileInfo" />
<NcActionSeparator />
<NcActionCheckbox :checked.sync="share.hideDownload"
:disabled="saving || canChangeHideDownload"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Hide download') }}
<!-- password -->
<NcActionCheckbox :checked.sync="isPasswordProtected"
:disabled="config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink || saving"
{{ config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink
? t('files_sharing', 'Password protection (enforced)')
: t('files_sharing', 'Password protect') }}
<NcActionInput v-if="isPasswordProtected"
:class="{ error: errors.password}"
:value="hasUnsavedPassword ? share.newPassword : '***************'"
:type="hasUnsavedPassword ? 'text': 'password'"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a password') }}
<NcActionText v-if="isEmailShareType && passwordExpirationTime" icon="icon-info">
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Password expires {passwordExpirationTime}', {passwordExpirationTime}) }}
<NcActionText v-else-if="isEmailShareType && passwordExpirationTime !== null" icon="icon-error">
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Password expired') }}
<!-- password protected by Talk -->
<NcActionCheckbox v-if="isPasswordProtectedByTalkAvailable"
:disabled="!canTogglePasswordProtectedByTalkAvailable || saving"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Video verification') }}
<!-- expiration date -->
<NcActionCheckbox :checked.sync="hasExpirationDate"
:disabled="config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced || saving"
{{ config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced
? t('files_sharing', 'Expiration date (enforced)')
: t('files_sharing', 'Set expiration date') }}
<NcActionInput v-if="hasExpirationDate"
:class="{ error: errors.expireDate}"
:value="new Date(share.expireDate)"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a date') }}
<!-- note -->
<NcActionCheckbox :checked.sync="hasNote"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Note to recipient') }}
<NcActionTextEditable v-if="hasNote"
:class="{ error: errors.note}"
:placeholder="t('files_sharing', 'Enter a note for the share recipient')"
:value="share.newNote || share.note"
@submit="onNoteSubmit" />
<NcActionSeparator />
<!-- external actions -->
<ExternalShareAction v-for="action in externalLinkActions"
:share="share" />
<!-- external legacy sharing via url (social...) -->
<NcActionLink v-for="({icon, url, name}, index) in externalLegacyLinkActions"
{{ name }}
<NcActionButton v-if="share.canDelete"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Unshare') }}
<NcActionButton v-if="!isEmailShareType && canReshare"
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Add another link') }}
<!-- Create new share -->
<NcActionButton v-else-if="canReshare"
:title="t('files_sharing', 'Create a new share link')"
:aria-label="t('files_sharing', 'Create a new share link')"
:icon="loading ? 'icon-loading-small' : 'icon-add'"
@click.prevent.stop="onNewLinkShare" />
<!-- loading indicator to replace the menu -->
<div v-else class="icon-loading-small sharing-entry__loading" />
import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
import { showError, showSuccess } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
import { Type as ShareTypes } from '@nextcloud/sharing'
import Vue from 'vue'
import NcActionButton from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionButton.js'
import NcActionCheckbox from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionCheckbox.js'
import NcActionInput from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionInput.js'
import NcActionLink from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionLink.js'
import NcActionText from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionText.js'
import NcActionSeparator from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionSeparator.js'
import NcActionTextEditable from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionTextEditable.js'
import NcActions from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActions.js'
import NcAvatar from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcAvatar.js'
import ExternalShareAction from './ExternalShareAction.vue'
import SharePermissionsEditor from './SharePermissionsEditor.vue'
import GeneratePassword from '../utils/GeneratePassword.js'
import Share from '../models/Share.js'
import SharesMixin from '../mixins/SharesMixin.js'
export default {
name: 'SharingEntryLink',
components: {
mixins: [SharesMixin],
props: {
canReshare: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
index: {
type: Number,
default: null,
data() {
return {
copySuccess: true,
copied: false,
// Are we waiting for password/expiration date
pending: false,
ExternalLegacyLinkActions: OCA.Sharing.ExternalLinkActions.state,
ExternalShareActions: OCA.Sharing.ExternalShareActions.state,
computed: {
* Link share label
* @return {string}
title() {
// if we have a valid existing share (not pending)
if (this.share && {
if (!this.isShareOwner && this.share.ownerDisplayName) {
if (this.isEmailShareType) {
return t('files_sharing', '{shareWith} by {initiator}', {
shareWith: this.share.shareWith,
initiator: this.share.ownerDisplayName,
return t('files_sharing', 'Shared via link by {initiator}', {
initiator: this.share.ownerDisplayName,
if (this.share.label && this.share.label.trim() !== '') {
if (this.isEmailShareType) {
return t('files_sharing', 'Mail share ({label})', {
label: this.share.label.trim(),
return t('files_sharing', 'Share link ({label})', {
label: this.share.label.trim(),
if (this.isEmailShareType) {
return this.share.shareWith
if (this.index > 1) {
return t('files_sharing', 'Share link ({index})', { index: this.index })
return t('files_sharing', 'Share link')
* Show the email on a second line if a label is set for mail shares
* @return {string}
subtitle() {
if (this.isEmailShareType
&& this.title !== this.share.shareWith) {
return this.share.shareWith
return null
* Does the current share have an expiration date
* @return {boolean}
hasExpirationDate: {
get() {
return this.config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced
|| !!this.share.expireDate
set(enabled) {
const defaultExpirationDate = this.config.defaultExpirationDate
|| new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1))
this.share.expireDate = enabled
? this.formatDateToString(defaultExpirationDate)
: ''
console.debug('Expiration date status', enabled, this.share.expireDate)
dateMaxEnforced() {
if (this.config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced) {
return new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + this.config.defaultExpireDate))
return null
* Is the current share password protected ?
* @return {boolean}
isPasswordProtected: {
get() {
return this.config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink
|| !!this.share.password
async set(enabled) {
// TODO: directly save after generation to make sure the share is always protected
Vue.set(this.share, 'password', enabled ? await GeneratePassword() : '')
Vue.set(this.share, 'newPassword', this.share.password)
passwordExpirationTime() {
if (this.share.passwordExpirationTime === null) {
return null
const expirationTime = moment(this.share.passwordExpirationTime)
if (expirationTime.diff(moment()) < 0) {
return false
return expirationTime.fromNow()
* Is Talk enabled?
* @return {boolean}
isTalkEnabled() {
return OC.appswebroots.spreed !== undefined
* Is it possible to protect the password by Talk?
* @return {boolean}
isPasswordProtectedByTalkAvailable() {
return this.isPasswordProtected && this.isTalkEnabled
* Is the current share password protected by Talk?
* @return {boolean}
isPasswordProtectedByTalk: {
get() {
return this.share.sendPasswordByTalk
async set(enabled) {
this.share.sendPasswordByTalk = enabled
* Is the current share an email share ?
* @return {boolean}
isEmailShareType() {
return this.share
? this.share.type === this.SHARE_TYPES.SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL
: false
canTogglePasswordProtectedByTalkAvailable() {
if (!this.isPasswordProtected) {
// Makes no sense
return false
} else if (this.isEmailShareType && !this.hasUnsavedPassword) {
// For email shares we need a new password in order to enable or
// disable
return false
// Anything else should be fine
return true
* Pending data.
* If the share still doesn't have an id, it is not synced
* Therefore this is still not valid and requires user input
* @return {boolean}
pendingPassword() {
return this.config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink && this.share && !
pendingExpirationDate() {
return this.config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced && this.share && !
// if newPassword exists, but is empty, it means
// the user deleted the original password
hasUnsavedPassword() {
return this.share.newPassword !== undefined
* Return the public share link
* @return {string}
shareLink() {
return window.location.protocol + '//' + + generateUrl('/s/') + this.share.token
* Tooltip message for actions button
* @return {string}
actionsTooltip() {
return t('files_sharing', 'Actions for "{title}"', { title: this.title })
* Tooltip message for copy button
* @return {string}
copyLinkTooltip() {
if (this.copied) {
if (this.copySuccess) {
return ''
return t('files_sharing', 'Cannot copy, please copy the link manually')
return t('files_sharing', 'Copy public link of "{title}" to clipboard', { title: this.title })
* External additionnai actions for the menu
* @deprecated use OCA.Sharing.ExternalShareActions
* @return {Array}
externalLegacyLinkActions() {
return this.ExternalLegacyLinkActions.actions
* Additional actions for the menu
* @return {Array}
externalLinkActions() {
// filter only the registered actions for said link
return this.ExternalShareActions.actions
.filter(action => action.shareType.includes(ShareTypes.SHARE_TYPE_LINK)
|| action.shareType.includes(ShareTypes.SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL))
isPasswordPolicyEnabled() {
return typeof this.config.passwordPolicy === 'object'
canChangeHideDownload() {
const hasDisabledDownload = (shareAttribute) => shareAttribute.key === 'download' && shareAttribute.scope === 'permissions' && shareAttribute.enabled === false
return this.fileInfo.shareAttributes.some(hasDisabledDownload)
methods: {
* Create a new share link and append it to the list
async onNewLinkShare() {
// do not run again if already loading
if (this.loading) {
const shareDefaults = {
share_type: ShareTypes.SHARE_TYPE_LINK,
if (this.config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced) {
// default is empty string if not set
// expiration is the share object key, not expireDate
shareDefaults.expiration = this.formatDateToString(this.config.defaultExpirationDate)
if (this.config.enableLinkPasswordByDefault) {
shareDefaults.password = await GeneratePassword()
// do not push yet if we need a password or an expiration date: show pending menu
if (this.config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink || this.config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced) {
this.pending = true
// if a share already exists, pushing it
if (this.share && ! {
// if the share is valid, create it on the server
if (this.checkShare(this.share)) {
try {
await this.pushNewLinkShare(this.share, true)
} catch (e) {
this.pending = false
return false
return true
} else { = true
OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('files_sharing', 'Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date'))
return false
// ELSE, show the pending popovermenu
// if password enforced, pre-fill with random one
if (this.config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink) {
shareDefaults.password = await GeneratePassword()
// create share & close menu
const share = new Share(shareDefaults)
const component = await new Promise(resolve => {
this.$emit('add:share', share, resolve)
// open the menu on the
// freshly created share component = false
this.pending = false = true
// Nothing is enforced, creating share directly
} else {
const share = new Share(shareDefaults)
await this.pushNewLinkShare(share)
* Push a new link share to the server
* And update or append to the list
* accordingly
* @param {Share} share the new share
* @param {boolean} [update=false] do we update the current share ?
async pushNewLinkShare(share, update) {
try {
// do nothing if we're already pending creation
if (this.loading) {
return true
this.loading = true
this.errors = {}
const path = (this.fileInfo.path + '/' +'//', '/')
const options = {
shareType: ShareTypes.SHARE_TYPE_LINK,
password: share.password,
expireDate: share.expireDate,
attributes: JSON.stringify(this.fileInfo.shareAttributes),
// we do not allow setting the publicUpload
// before the share creation.
// Todo: We also need to fix the createShare method in
// lib/Controller/ShareAPIController.php to allow file drop
// (currently not supported on create, only update)
console.debug('Creating link share with options', options)
const newShare = await this.createShare(options) = false
console.debug('Link share created', newShare)
// if share already exists, copy link directly on next tick
let component
if (update) {
component = await new Promise(resolve => {
this.$emit('update:share', newShare, resolve)
} else {
// adding new share to the array and copying link to clipboard
// using promise so that we can copy link in the same click function
// and avoid firefox copy permissions issue
component = await new Promise(resolve => {
this.$emit('add:share', newShare, resolve)
// Execute the copy link method
// freshly created share component
// ! somehow does not works on firefox !
if (!this.config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink) {
// Only copy the link when the password was not forced,
// otherwise the user needs to copy/paste the password before finishing the share.
showSuccess(t('sharing', 'Link share created'))
} catch (data) {
const message = data?.response?.data?.ocs?.meta?.message
if (!message) {
showError(t('sharing', 'Error while creating the share'))
if (message.match(/password/i)) {
this.onSyncError('password', message)
} else if (message.match(/date/i)) {
this.onSyncError('expireDate', message)
} else {
this.onSyncError('pending', message)
throw data
} finally {
this.loading = false
* Label changed, let's save it to a different key
* @param {string} label the share label
onLabelChange(label) {
this.$set(this.share, 'newLabel', label.trim())
* When the note change, we trim, save and dispatch
onLabelSubmit() {
if (typeof this.share.newLabel === 'string') {
this.share.label = this.share.newLabel
this.$delete(this.share, 'newLabel')
async copyLink() {
try {
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.shareLink)
showSuccess(t('files_sharing', 'Link copied'))
// focus and show the tooltip
this.copySuccess = true
this.copied = true
} catch (error) {
this.copySuccess = false
this.copied = true
} finally {
setTimeout(() => {
this.copySuccess = false
this.copied = false
}, 4000)
* Update newPassword values
* of share. If password is set but not newPassword
* then the user did not changed the password
* If both co-exists, the password have changed and
* we show it in plain text.
* Then on submit (or menu close), we sync it.
* @param {string} password the changed password
onPasswordChange(password) {
this.$set(this.share, 'newPassword', password)
* Uncheck password protection
* We need this method because @update:checked
* is ran simultaneously as @uncheck, so we
* cannot ensure data is up-to-date
onPasswordDisable() {
this.share.password = ''
// reset password state after sync
this.$delete(this.share, 'newPassword')
// only update if valid share.
if ( {
* Menu have been closed or password has been submitted.
* The only property that does not get
* synced automatically is the password
* So let's check if we have an unsaved
* password.
* expireDate is saved on datepicker pick
* or close.
onPasswordSubmit() {
if (this.hasUnsavedPassword) {
this.share.password = this.share.newPassword.trim()
* Update the password along with "sendPasswordByTalk".
* If the password was modified the new password is sent; otherwise
* updating a mail share would fail, as in that case it is required that
* a new password is set when enabling or disabling
* "sendPasswordByTalk".
onPasswordProtectedByTalkChange() {
if (this.hasUnsavedPassword) {
this.share.password = this.share.newPassword.trim()
this.queueUpdate('sendPasswordByTalk', 'password')
* Save potential changed data on menu close
onMenuClose() {
* Cancel the share creation
* Used in the pending popover
onCancel() {
// this.share already exists at this point,
// but is incomplete as not pushed to server
// YET. We can safely delete the share :)
this.$emit('remove:share', this.share)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.sharing-entry {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
min-height: 44px;
&__desc {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 8px;
line-height: 1.2em;
overflow: hidden;
p {
color: var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
&__title {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
&:not(.sharing-entry--share) &__actions {
.new-share-link {
border-top: 1px solid var(--color-border);
::v-deep .avatar-link-share {
background-color: var(--color-primary-element);
.sharing-entry__action--public-upload {
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border);
&__loading {
width: 44px;
height: 44px;
margin: 0;
padding: 14px;
margin-left: auto;
// put menus to the left
// but only the first one
.action-item {
margin-left: auto;
~ .action-item,
~ .sharing-entry__loading {
margin-left: 0;
.icon-checkmark-color {
opacity: 1;