You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

778 lines
24 KiB

* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Roeland Jago Douma <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Joas Schilling <>
* @author Christoph Wurst <>
* @author Daniel Kesselberg <>
* @author Georg Ehrke <>
* @author Joas Schilling <>
* @author Roeland Jago Douma <>
* @author Thomas Citharel <>
* @author Richard Steinmetz <>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace OCA\DAV\CalDAV\Schedule;
use DateTimeZone;
use OCA\DAV\CalDAV\CalDavBackend;
use OCA\DAV\CalDAV\Calendar;
use OCA\DAV\CalDAV\CalendarHome;
use OCP\IConfig;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Sabre\CalDAV\ICalendar;
use Sabre\CalDAV\ICalendarObject;
use Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\ISchedulingObject;
use Sabre\DAV\INode;
use Sabre\DAV\IProperties;
use Sabre\DAV\PropFind;
use Sabre\DAV\Server;
use Sabre\DAV\Xml\Property\LocalHref;
use Sabre\DAVACL\IACL;
use Sabre\DAVACL\IPrincipal;
use Sabre\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use Sabre\VObject\Component;
use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar;
use Sabre\VObject\Component\VEvent;
use Sabre\VObject\DateTimeParser;
use Sabre\VObject\FreeBusyGenerator;
use Sabre\VObject\ITip;
use Sabre\VObject\ITip\SameOrganizerForAllComponentsException;
use Sabre\VObject\Parameter;
use Sabre\VObject\Property;
use Sabre\VObject\Reader;
use function Sabre\Uri\split;
class Plugin extends \Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin {
* @var IConfig
private $config;
/** @var ITip\Message[] */
private $schedulingResponses = [];
/** @var string|null */
private $pathOfCalendarObjectChange = null;
public const CALENDAR_USER_TYPE = '{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-user-type';
public const SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_URL = '{' . Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-default-calendar-URL';
private LoggerInterface $logger;
* @param IConfig $config
public function __construct(IConfig $config, LoggerInterface $logger) {
$this->config = $config;
$this->logger = $logger;
* Initializes the plugin
* @param Server $server
* @return void
public function initialize(Server $server) {
$server->on('propFind', [$this, 'propFindDefaultCalendarUrl'], 90);
$server->on('afterWriteContent', [$this, 'dispatchSchedulingResponses']);
$server->on('afterCreateFile', [$this, 'dispatchSchedulingResponses']);
// We allow mutating the default calendar URL through the CustomPropertiesBackend
// (oc_properties table)
$server->protectedProperties = array_filter(
static fn (string $property) => $property !== self::SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_URL,
* Allow manual setting of the object change URL
* to support public write
* @param string $path
public function setPathOfCalendarObjectChange(string $path): void {
$this->pathOfCalendarObjectChange = $path;
* This method handler is invoked during fetching of properties.
* We use this event to add calendar-auto-schedule-specific properties.
* @param PropFind $propFind
* @param INode $node
* @return void
public function propFind(PropFind $propFind, INode $node) {
if ($node instanceof IPrincipal) {
// overwrite Sabre/Dav's implementation
$propFind->handle(self::CALENDAR_USER_TYPE, function () use ($node) {
if ($node instanceof IProperties) {
$props = $node->getProperties([self::CALENDAR_USER_TYPE]);
if (isset($props[self::CALENDAR_USER_TYPE])) {
return $props[self::CALENDAR_USER_TYPE];
return 'INDIVIDUAL';
parent::propFind($propFind, $node);
* Returns a list of addresses that are associated with a principal.
* @param string $principal
* @return array
protected function getAddressesForPrincipal($principal) {
$result = parent::getAddressesForPrincipal($principal);
if ($result === null) {
$result = [];
return $result;
* @param mixed $calendarPath
* @param mixed $modified
* @param mixed $isNew
public function calendarObjectChange(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, VCalendar $vCal, $calendarPath, &$modified, $isNew) {
// Save the first path we get as a calendar-object-change request
if (!$this->pathOfCalendarObjectChange) {
$this->pathOfCalendarObjectChange = $request->getPath();
try {
if (!$this->scheduleReply($this->server->httpRequest)) {
/** @var Calendar $calendarNode */
$calendarNode = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($calendarPath);
/** @var bool $isSharedCalendar is the calendar shared? */
$isSharedCalendar = str_contains($calendarPath, '_shared_by_');
* Calendar "Alice & Bob" shared from Alice (owner) to Bob (can edit)
* Alice adds an event with Jane as attendee
* - $isSharedCalendar = false, because Alice is the owner
* - $principal = principals/users/alice
* Bob adds an event with John as attendee
* - $isSharedCalendar = true, because Alice is the owner
* - $principal = principals/users/bob
if ($isSharedCalendar) {
$principal = $calendarNode->getPrincipalURI();
} else {
$principal = $calendarNode->getOwner();
* In order for scheduling to work, $addresses must contain the email address of the event organizer.
* In Sabre\VObject\ITip\Broker.parseEvent is a conditional whether the
* event organizer is included in $addresses respectively $userHref [1].
* Yes, treat the iTip message as an update from the event organizer
* and deliver it to the other attendees [2].
* No, treat the iTip message as an update from an attendee to the event organizer,
* usually a reply to an event invitation [3].
* The annotated return type for Sabre\CalDAV\Calendar.getOwner is string|null [4],
* but getOwner should not return null in our world.
* [1]:
* [2]:
* [3]:
* [4]:
if ($principal === null) {
$addresses = [];
} else {
$addresses = $this->getAddressesForPrincipal($principal);
/** @var VCalendar $oldObj */
if (!$isNew) {
/** @var \Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarObject $node */
$node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($request->getPath());
$oldObj = Reader::read($node->get());
} else {
$oldObj = null;
* Sabre has several issues with faulty argument type specifications
* in its doc-block comments. Passing null is ok here.
* @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArgument
* @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion
$this->processICalendarChange($oldObj, $vCal, $addresses, [], $modified);
if ($oldObj) {
// Destroy circular references so PHP will GC the object.
} catch (SameOrganizerForAllComponentsException $e) {
$this->handleSameOrganizerException($e, $vCal, $calendarPath);
* @inheritDoc
public function beforeUnbind($path): void {
try {
} catch (SameOrganizerForAllComponentsException $e) {
$node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
if (!$node instanceof ICalendarObject || $node instanceof ISchedulingObject) {
throw $e;
/** @var VCalendar $vCal */
$vCal = Reader::read($node->get());
$this->handleSameOrganizerException($e, $vCal, $path);
* @inheritDoc
public function scheduleLocalDelivery(ITip\Message $iTipMessage):void {
/** @var VEvent|null $vevent */
$vevent = $iTipMessage->message->VEVENT ?? null;
// Strip VALARMs from incoming VEVENT
if ($vevent && isset($vevent->VALARM)) {
// We only care when the message was successfully delivered locally
// Log all possible codes returned from the parent method that mean something went wrong
// 3.7, 3.8, 5.0, 5.2
if ($iTipMessage->scheduleStatus !== '1.2;Message delivered locally') {
$this->logger->debug('Message not delivered locally with status: ' . $iTipMessage->scheduleStatus);
// We only care about request. reply and cancel are properly handled
// by parent::scheduleLocalDelivery already
if (strcasecmp($iTipMessage->method, 'REQUEST') !== 0) {
// If parent::scheduleLocalDelivery set scheduleStatus to 1.2,
// it means that it was successfully delivered locally.
// Meaning that the ACL plugin is loaded and that a principal
// exists for the given recipient id, no need to double check
/** @var \Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin $aclPlugin */
$aclPlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
$principalUri = $aclPlugin->getPrincipalByUri($iTipMessage->recipient);
$calendarUserType = $this->getCalendarUserTypeForPrincipal($principalUri);
if (strcasecmp($calendarUserType, 'ROOM') !== 0 && strcasecmp($calendarUserType, 'RESOURCE') !== 0) {
$this->logger->debug('Calendar user type is room or resource, not processing further');
$attendee = $this->getCurrentAttendee($iTipMessage);
if (!$attendee) {
$this->logger->debug('No attendee set for scheduling message');
// We only respond when a response was actually requested
$rsvp = $this->getAttendeeRSVP($attendee);
if (!$rsvp) {
$this->logger->debug('No RSVP requested for attendee ' . $attendee->getValue());
if (!$vevent) {
$this->logger->debug('No VEVENT set to process on scheduling message');
// We don't support autoresponses for recurrencing events for now
if (isset($vevent->RRULE) || isset($vevent->RDATE)) {
$this->logger->debug('VEVENT is a recurring event, autoresponding not supported');
$dtstart = $vevent->DTSTART;
$dtend = $this->getDTEndFromVEvent($vevent);
$uid = $vevent->UID->getValue();
$sequence = isset($vevent->SEQUENCE) ? $vevent->SEQUENCE->getValue() : 0;
$recurrenceId = isset($vevent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}) ? $vevent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}->serialize() : '';
$message = <<<EOF
PRODID:-//Nextcloud/Nextcloud CalDAV Server//EN
if ($this->isAvailableAtTime($attendee->getValue(), $dtstart->getDateTime(), $dtend->getDateTime(), $uid)) {
$partStat = 'ACCEPTED';
} else {
$partStat = 'DECLINED';
$vObject = Reader::read(vsprintf($message, [
$responseITipMessage = new ITip\Message();
$responseITipMessage->uid = $uid;
$responseITipMessage->component = 'VEVENT';
$responseITipMessage->method = 'REPLY';
$responseITipMessage->sequence = $sequence;
$responseITipMessage->sender = $iTipMessage->recipient;
$responseITipMessage->recipient = $iTipMessage->sender;
$responseITipMessage->message = $vObject;
// We can't dispatch them now already, because the organizers calendar-object
// was not yet created. Hence Sabre/DAV won't find a calendar-object, when we
// send our reply.
$this->schedulingResponses[] = $responseITipMessage;
* @param string $uri
public function dispatchSchedulingResponses(string $uri):void {
if ($uri !== $this->pathOfCalendarObjectChange) {
foreach ($this->schedulingResponses as $schedulingResponse) {
* Always use the personal calendar as target for scheduled events
* @param PropFind $propFind
* @param INode $node
* @return void
public function propFindDefaultCalendarUrl(PropFind $propFind, INode $node) {
if ($node instanceof IPrincipal) {
$propFind->handle(self::SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_URL, function () use ($node) {
/** @var \OCA\DAV\CalDAV\Plugin $caldavPlugin */
$caldavPlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('caldav');
$principalUrl = $node->getPrincipalUrl();
$calendarHomePath = $caldavPlugin->getCalendarHomeForPrincipal($principalUrl);
if (!$calendarHomePath) {
return null;
$isResourceOrRoom = str_starts_with($principalUrl, 'principals/calendar-resources') ||
str_starts_with($principalUrl, 'principals/calendar-rooms');
if (str_starts_with($principalUrl, 'principals/users')) {
[, $userId] = split($principalUrl);
$uri = $this->config->getUserValue($userId, 'dav', 'defaultCalendar', CalDavBackend::PERSONAL_CALENDAR_URI);
$displayName = CalDavBackend::PERSONAL_CALENDAR_NAME;
} elseif ($isResourceOrRoom) {
} else {
// How did we end up here?
// TODO - throw exception or just ignore?
return null;
/** @var CalendarHome $calendarHome */
$calendarHome = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($calendarHomePath);
$currentCalendarDeleted = false;
if (!$calendarHome->childExists($uri) || $currentCalendarDeleted = $this->isCalendarDeleted($calendarHome, $uri)) {
// If the default calendar doesn't exist
if ($isResourceOrRoom) {
// Resources or rooms can't be in the trashbin, so we're fine
$this->createCalendar($calendarHome, $principalUrl, $uri, $displayName);
} else {
// And we're not handling scheduling on resource/room booking
$userCalendars = [];
* If the default calendar of the user isn't set and the
* fallback doesn't match any of the user's calendar
* try to find the first "personal" calendar we can write to
* instead of creating a new one.
* A appropriate personal calendar to receive invites:
* - isn't a calendar subscription
* - user can write to it (no virtual/3rd-party calendars)
* - calendar isn't a share
foreach ($calendarHome->getChildren() as $node) {
if ($node instanceof Calendar && !$node->isSubscription() && $node->canWrite() && !$node->isShared() && !$node->isDeleted()) {
$userCalendars[] = $node;
if (count($userCalendars) > 0) {
// Calendar backend returns calendar by calendarorder property
$uri = $userCalendars[0]->getName();
} else {
// Otherwise if we have really nothing, create a new calendar
if ($currentCalendarDeleted) {
// If the calendar exists but is deleted, we need to purge it first
// This may cause some issues in a non synchronous database setup
$calendar = $this->getCalendar($calendarHome, $uri);
if ($calendar instanceof Calendar) {
$this->createCalendar($calendarHome, $principalUrl, $uri, $displayName);
$result = $this->server->getPropertiesForPath($calendarHomePath . '/' . $uri, [], 1);
if (empty($result)) {
return null;
return new LocalHref($result[0]['href']);
* Returns a list of addresses that are associated with a principal.
* @param string $principal
* @return string|null
protected function getCalendarUserTypeForPrincipal($principal):?string {
$calendarUserType = '{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-user-type';
$properties = $this->server->getProperties(
// If we can't find this information, we'll stop processing
if (!isset($properties[$calendarUserType])) {
return null;
return $properties[$calendarUserType];
* @param ITip\Message $iTipMessage
* @return null|Property
private function getCurrentAttendee(ITip\Message $iTipMessage):?Property {
/** @var VEvent $vevent */
$vevent = $iTipMessage->message->VEVENT;
$attendees = $vevent->select('ATTENDEE');
foreach ($attendees as $attendee) {
/** @var Property $attendee */
if (strcasecmp($attendee->getValue(), $iTipMessage->recipient) === 0) {
return $attendee;
return null;
* @param Property|null $attendee
* @return bool
private function getAttendeeRSVP(?Property $attendee = null):bool {
if ($attendee !== null) {
$rsvp = $attendee->offsetGet('RSVP');
if (($rsvp instanceof Parameter) && (strcasecmp($rsvp->getValue(), 'TRUE') === 0)) {
return true;
// RFC 5545 3.2.17: default RSVP is false
return false;
* @param VEvent $vevent
* @return Property\ICalendar\DateTime
private function getDTEndFromVEvent(VEvent $vevent):Property\ICalendar\DateTime {
if (isset($vevent->DTEND)) {
return $vevent->DTEND;
if (isset($vevent->DURATION)) {
$isFloating = $vevent->DTSTART->isFloating();
/** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $end */
$end = clone $vevent->DTSTART;
$endDateTime = $end->getDateTime();
$endDateTime = $endDateTime->add(DateTimeParser::parse($vevent->DURATION->getValue()));
$end->setDateTime($endDateTime, $isFloating);
return $end;
if (!$vevent->DTSTART->hasTime()) {
$isFloating = $vevent->DTSTART->isFloating();
/** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $end */
$end = clone $vevent->DTSTART;
$endDateTime = $end->getDateTime();
$endDateTime = $endDateTime->modify('+1 day');
$end->setDateTime($endDateTime, $isFloating);
return $end;
return clone $vevent->DTSTART;
* @param string $email
* @param \DateTimeInterface $start
* @param \DateTimeInterface $end
* @param string $ignoreUID
* @return bool
private function isAvailableAtTime(string $email, \DateTimeInterface $start, \DateTimeInterface $end, string $ignoreUID):bool {
// This method is heavily inspired by Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin::scheduleLocalDelivery
// and Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin::getFreeBusyForEmail
$aclPlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
$this->server->removeListener('propFind', [$aclPlugin, 'propFind']);
$result = $aclPlugin->principalSearch(
['{}email-address' => $this->stripOffMailTo($email)],
'{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-home-set',
'{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-inbox-URL',
$this->server->on('propFind', [$aclPlugin, 'propFind'], 20);
// Grabbing the calendar list
$objects = [];
$calendarTimeZone = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$homePath = $result[0][200]['{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-home-set']->getHref();
foreach ($this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($homePath)->getChildren() as $node) {
if (!$node instanceof ICalendar) {
// Getting the list of object uris within the time-range
$urls = $node->calendarQuery([
'name' => 'VCALENDAR',
'comp-filters' => [
'name' => 'VEVENT',
'is-not-defined' => false,
'time-range' => [
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end,
'comp-filters' => [],
'prop-filters' => [],
'name' => 'VEVENT',
'is-not-defined' => false,
'time-range' => null,
'comp-filters' => [],
'prop-filters' => [
'name' => 'UID',
'is-not-defined' => false,
'time-range' => null,
'text-match' => [
'value' => $ignoreUID,
'negate-condition' => true,
'collation' => 'i;octet',
'param-filters' => [],
'prop-filters' => [],
'is-not-defined' => false,
'time-range' => null,
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$objects[] = $node->getChild($url)->get();
$inboxProps = $this->server->getProperties(
$result[0][200]['{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-inbox-URL']->getHref(),
['{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-availability']
$vcalendar = new VCalendar();
$vcalendar->METHOD = 'REPLY';
$generator = new FreeBusyGenerator();
$generator->setTimeRange($start, $end);
if (isset($inboxProps['{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-availability'])) {
$inboxProps['{' . self::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-availability']
$result = $generator->getResult();
if (!isset($result->VFREEBUSY)) {
return false;
/** @var Component $freeBusyComponent */
$freeBusyComponent = $result->VFREEBUSY;
$freeBusyProperties = $freeBusyComponent->select('FREEBUSY');
// If there is no Free-busy property at all, the time-range is empty and available
if (count($freeBusyProperties) === 0) {
return true;
// If more than one Free-Busy property was returned, it means that an event
// starts or ends inside this time-range, so it's not available and we return false
if (count($freeBusyProperties) > 1) {
return false;
/** @var Property $freeBusyProperty */
$freeBusyProperty = $freeBusyProperties[0];
if (!$freeBusyProperty->offsetExists('FBTYPE')) {
// If there is no FBTYPE, it means it's busy
return false;
$fbTypeParameter = $freeBusyProperty->offsetGet('FBTYPE');
if (!($fbTypeParameter instanceof Parameter)) {
return false;
return (strcasecmp($fbTypeParameter->getValue(), 'FREE') === 0);
* @param string $email
* @return string
private function stripOffMailTo(string $email): string {
if (stripos($email, 'mailto:') === 0) {
return substr($email, 7);
return $email;
private function getCalendar(CalendarHome $calendarHome, string $uri): INode {
return $calendarHome->getChild($uri);
private function isCalendarDeleted(CalendarHome $calendarHome, string $uri): bool {
$calendar = $this->getCalendar($calendarHome, $uri);
return $calendar instanceof Calendar && $calendar->isDeleted();
private function createCalendar(CalendarHome $calendarHome, string $principalUri, string $uri, string $displayName): void {
$calendarHome->getCalDAVBackend()->createCalendar($principalUri, $uri, [
'{DAV:}displayname' => $displayName,
* Try to handle the given exception gracefully or throw it if necessary.
* @throws SameOrganizerForAllComponentsException If the exception should not be ignored
private function handleSameOrganizerException(
SameOrganizerForAllComponentsException $e,
VCalendar $vCal,
string $calendarPath,
): void {
// This is very hacky! However, we want to allow saving events with multiple
// organizers. Those events are not RFC compliant, but sometimes imported from major
// external calendar services (e.g. Google). If the current user is not an organizer of
// the event we ignore the exception as no scheduling messages will be sent anyway.
// It would be cleaner to patch Sabre to validate organizers *after* checking if
// scheduling messages are necessary. Currently, organizers are validated first and
// afterwards the broker checks if messages should be scheduled. So the code will throw
// even if the organizers are not relevant. This is to ensure compliance with RFCs but
// a bit too strict for real world usage.
if (!isset($vCal->VEVENT)) {
throw $e;
$calendarNode = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($calendarPath);
if (!($calendarNode instanceof IACL)) {
// Should always be an instance of IACL but just to be sure
throw $e;
$addresses = $this->getAddressesForPrincipal($calendarNode->getOwner());
foreach ($vCal->VEVENT as $vevent) {
if (in_array($vevent->ORGANIZER->getNormalizedValue(), $addresses, true)) {
// User is an organizer => throw the exception
throw $e;