You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

378 lines
15 KiB

- @copyright 2023 Ferdinand Thiessen <>
- @author Ferdinand Thiessen <>
- @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
<form class="sharing">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch aria-controls="settings-sharing-api settings-sharing-api-settings settings-sharing-default-permissions settings-sharing-privary-related"
{{ t('settings', 'Allow apps to use the Share API') }}
<div v-show="settings.enabled" id="settings-sharing-api-settings" class="sharing__sub-section">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.allowResharing">
{{ t('settings', 'Allow resharing') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.allowGroupSharing">
{{ t('settings', 'Allow sharing with groups') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.onlyShareWithGroupMembers">
{{ t('settings', 'Restrict users to only share with users in their groups') }}
<div v-show="settings.onlyShareWithGroupMembers" id="settings-sharing-api-excluded-groups" class="sharing__labeled-entry sharing__input">
<label for="settings-sharing-only-group-members-excluded-groups">{{ t('settings', 'Ignore the following groups when checking group membership') }}</label>
<NcSettingsSelectGroup id="settings-sharing-only-group-members-excluded-groups"
:label="t('settings', 'Ignore the following groups when checking group membership')"
style="width: 100%" />
<div v-show="settings.enabled" id="settings-sharing-api" class="sharing__section">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type="switch"
{{ t('settings', 'Allow users to share via link and emails') }}
<fieldset v-show="settings.allowLinks" id="settings-sharing-api-public-link" class="sharing__sub-section">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.allowPublicUpload">
{{ t('settings', 'Allow public uploads') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.enableLinkPasswordByDefault">
{{ t('settings', 'Always ask for a password') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.enforceLinksPassword" :disabled="!settings.enableLinkPasswordByDefault">
{{ t('settings', 'Enforce password protection') }}
<label v-if="settings.passwordExcludedGroupsFeatureEnabled" class="sharing__labeled-entry sharing__input">
<span>{{ t('settings', 'Exclude groups from password requirements') }}</span>
<NcSettingsSelectGroup v-model="settings.passwordExcludedGroups"
style="width: 100%"
:disabled="!settings.enforceLinksPassword || !settings.enableLinkPasswordByDefault" />
<label class="sharing__labeled-entry sharing__input">
<span>{{ t('settings', 'Exclude groups from creating link shares') }}</span>
<NcSettingsSelectGroup v-model="settings.allowLinksExcludeGroups"
:label="t('settings', 'Exclude groups from creating link shares')"
style="width: 100%" />
<label>{{ t('settings', 'Limit sharing based on groups') }}</label>
<div class="sharing__sub-section">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.excludeGroups"
name="excludeGroups" value="no"
type="radio" @update:checked="onUpdateExcludeGroups">
{{ t('settings', 'Allow sharing for everyone (default)') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.excludeGroups"
name="excludeGroups" value="yes"
type="radio" @update:checked="onUpdateExcludeGroups">
{{ t('settings', 'Exclude some groups from sharing') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.excludeGroups"
name="excludeGroups" value="allow"
type="radio" @update:checked="onUpdateExcludeGroups">
{{ t('settings', 'Limit sharing to some groups') }}
<div v-show="settings.excludeGroups !== 'no'" class="sharing__labeled-entry sharing__input">
<NcSettingsSelectGroup id="settings-sharing-excluded-groups"
:label="settings.excludeGroups === 'allow' ? t('settings', 'Groups allowed to share') : t('settings', 'Groups excluded from sharing')"
:disabled="settings.excludeGroups === 'no'"
style="width: 100%" />
<em id="settings-sharing-excluded-groups-desc">{{ t('settings', 'Not allowed groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them.') }}</em>
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type="switch"
{{ t('settings', 'Set default expiration date for shares') }}
<fieldset v-show="settings.defaultInternalExpireDate" id="settings-sharing-api-expiration" class="sharing__sub-section">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.enforceInternalExpireDate">
{{ t('settings', 'Enforce expiration date') }}
<NcTextField type="number"
:label="t('settings', 'Default expiration time of new shares in days')"
:placeholder="t('settings', 'Expire shares after x days')"
:value.sync="settings.internalExpireAfterNDays" />
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type="switch"
{{ t('settings', 'Set default expiration date for shares to other servers') }}
<fieldset v-show="settings.defaultRemoteExpireDate" id="settings-sharing-remote-api-expiration" class="sharing__sub-section">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.enforceRemoteExpireDate">
{{ t('settings', 'Enforce expiration date for remote shares') }}
<NcTextField type="number"
:label="t('settings', 'Default expiration time of remote shares in days')"
:placeholder="t('settings', 'Expire remote shares after x days')"
:value.sync="settings.remoteExpireAfterNDays" />
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type="switch"
{{ t('settings', 'Set default expiration date for shares via link or mail') }}
<fieldset v-show="settings.allowLinks && settings.defaultExpireDate" id="settings-sharing-api-api-expiration" class="sharing__sub-section">
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.enforceExpireDate">
{{ t('settings', 'Enforce expiration date for remote shares') }}
<NcTextField type="number"
:label="t('settings', 'Default expiration time of shares in days')"
:placeholder="t('settings', 'Expire shares after x days')"
:value.sync="settings.expireAfterNDays" />
<div v-show="settings.enabled" id="settings-sharing-privary-related" class="sharing__section">
<h3>{{ t('settings', 'Privacy settings for sharing') }}</h3>
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type="switch"
{{ t('settings', 'Allow username autocompletion in share dialog and allow access to the system address book') }}
<fieldset v-show="settings.allowShareDialogUserEnumeration" id="settings-sharing-privacy-user-enumeration" class="sharing__sub-section">
{{ t('settings', 'If autocompletion "same group" and "phone number integration" are enabled a match in either is enough to show the user.') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.restrictUserEnumerationToGroup">
{{ t('settings', 'Allow username autocompletion to users within the same groups and limit system address books to users in the same groups') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch :checked.sync="settings.restrictUserEnumerationToPhone">
{{ t('settings', 'Allow username autocompletion to users based on phone number integration') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type="switch" :checked.sync="settings.restrictUserEnumerationFullMatch">
{{ t('settings', 'Allow autocompletion when entering the full name or email address (ignoring missing phonebook match and being in the same group)') }}
<NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type="switch" :checked.sync="publicShareDisclaimerEnabled">
{{ t('settings', 'Show disclaimer text on the public link upload page (only shown when the file list is hidden)') }}
<div v-if="typeof settings.publicShareDisclaimerText === 'string'"
<NcTextArea class="sharing__input"
:label="t('settings', 'Disclaimer text')"
@update:value="onUpdateDisclaimer" />
<em id="settings-sharing-privary-related-disclaimer-hint" class="sharing__input">
{{ t('settings', 'This text will be shown on the public link upload page when the file list is hidden.') }}
<div id="settings-sharing-default-permissions" class="sharing__section">
<h3>{{ t('settings', 'Default share permissions') }}</h3>
<SelectSharingPermissions :value.sync="settings.defaultPermissions" />
<script lang="ts">
import {
} from '@nextcloud/vue'
import { showError, showSuccess } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'
import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
import { loadState } from '@nextcloud/initial-state'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import SelectSharingPermissions from './SelectSharingPermissions.vue'
import { snakeCase, debounce } from 'lodash'
interface IShareSettings {
enabled: boolean
allowGroupSharing: boolean
allowLinks: boolean
allowLinksExcludeGroups: unknown
allowPublicUpload: boolean
allowResharing: boolean
allowShareDialogUserEnumeration: boolean
restrictUserEnumerationToGroup: boolean
restrictUserEnumerationToPhone: boolean
restrictUserEnumerationFullMatch: boolean
restrictUserEnumerationFullMatchUserId: boolean
restrictUserEnumerationFullMatchEmail: boolean
restrictUserEnumerationFullMatchIgnoreSecondDN: boolean
enforceLinksPassword: boolean
passwordExcludedGroups: string[]
passwordExcludedGroupsFeatureEnabled: boolean
onlyShareWithGroupMembers: boolean
onlyShareWithGroupMembersExcludeGroupList: string[]
defaultExpireDate: boolean
expireAfterNDays: string
enforceExpireDate: boolean
excludeGroups: string
excludeGroupsList: string[]
publicShareDisclaimerText?: string
enableLinkPasswordByDefault: boolean
defaultPermissions: number
defaultInternalExpireDate: boolean
internalExpireAfterNDays: string
enforceInternalExpireDate: boolean
defaultRemoteExpireDate: boolean
remoteExpireAfterNDays: string
enforceRemoteExpireDate: boolean
export default defineComponent({
name: 'AdminSettingsSharingForm',
components: {
data() {
return {
settingsData: loadState<IShareSettings>('settings', 'sharingSettings'),
computed: {
settings() {
console.warn('new proxy')
return new Proxy(this.settingsData, {
get(target, property) {
return target[property]
set(target, property: string, newValue) {
const configName = `shareapi_${snakeCase(property)}`
const value = typeof newValue === 'boolean' ? (newValue ? 'yes' : 'no') : (typeof newValue === 'string' ? newValue : JSON.stringify(newValue))
window.OCP.AppConfig.setValue('core', configName, value)
target[property] = newValue
return true
publicShareDisclaimerEnabled: {
get() {
return typeof this.settingsData.publicShareDisclaimerText === 'string'
set(value) {
if (value) {
this.settingsData.publicShareDisclaimerText = ''
} else {
methods: {
onUpdateDisclaimer: debounce(function(value?: string) {
const options = {
success() {
if (value) {
showSuccess(t('settings', 'Changed disclaimer text'))
} else {
showSuccess(t('settings', 'Deleted disclaimer text'))
error() {
showError(t('settings', 'Could not set disclaimer text'))
if (!value) {
window.OCP.AppConfig.deleteKey('core', 'shareapi_public_link_disclaimertext', options)
} else {
window.OCP.AppConfig.setValue('core', 'shareapi_public_link_disclaimertext', value, options)
this.settingsData.publicShareDisclaimerText = value
}, 500) as (v?: string) => void,
onUpdateExcludeGroups: debounce(function(value: string) {
window.OCP.AppConfig.setValue('core', 'excludeGroups', value)
this.settings.excludeGroups = value
}, 500) as (v?: string) => void
<style scoped lang="scss">
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display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 12px;
&__labeled-entry {
display: flex;
flex: 1 0;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 4px;
&__section {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 4px;
margin-block-end: 12px
&__sub-section {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 4px;
margin-inline-start: 44px;
margin-block-end: 12px
&__input {
max-width: 500px;
// align with checkboxes
margin-inline-start: 14px;
:deep( {
width: 100%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 350px) {
// ensure no overflow happens on small devices (required for WCAG)
.sharing {
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margin-inline-start: 14px;