reflector->hasAnnotation('NoTwoFactorRequired')) { // Route handler explicitly marked to work without finished 2FA are // not blocked return; } if ($controller instanceof APIController && $methodName === 'poll') { // Allow polling the twofactor nextcloud notifications state return; } if ($controller instanceof TwoFactorChallengeController && $this->userSession->getUser() !== null && !$this->reflector->hasAnnotation('TwoFactorSetUpDoneRequired')) { $providers = $this->twoFactorManager->getProviderSet($this->userSession->getUser()); if (!($providers->getPrimaryProviders() === [] && !$providers->isProviderMissing())) { throw new TwoFactorAuthRequiredException(); } } if ($controller instanceof ALoginSetupController && $this->userSession->getUser() !== null && $this->twoFactorManager->needsSecondFactor($this->userSession->getUser())) { $providers = $this->twoFactorManager->getProviderSet($this->userSession->getUser()); if ($providers->getPrimaryProviders() === [] && !$providers->isProviderMissing()) { return; } } if ($controller instanceof LoginController && $methodName === 'logout') { // Don't block the logout page, to allow canceling the 2FA return; } if ($this->userSession->isLoggedIn()) { $user = $this->userSession->getUser(); if ($this->session->exists('app_password') // authenticated using an app password || $this->session->exists('app_api') // authenticated using an AppAPI Auth || $this->twoFactorManager->isTwoFactorAuthenticated($user)) { $this->checkTwoFactor($controller, $methodName, $user); } elseif ($controller instanceof TwoFactorChallengeController) { // Allow access to the two-factor controllers only if two-factor authentication // is in progress. throw new UserAlreadyLoggedInException(); } } // TODO: dont check/enforce 2FA if a auth token is used } private function checkTwoFactor(Controller $controller, $methodName, IUser $user) { // If two-factor auth is in progress disallow access to any controllers // defined within "LoginController". $needsSecondFactor = $this->twoFactorManager->needsSecondFactor($user); $twoFactor = $controller instanceof TwoFactorChallengeController; // Disallow access to any controller if 2FA needs to be checked if ($needsSecondFactor && !$twoFactor) { throw new TwoFactorAuthRequiredException(); } // Allow access to the two-factor controllers only if two-factor authentication // is in progress. if (!$needsSecondFactor && $twoFactor) { throw new UserAlreadyLoggedInException(); } } public function afterException($controller, $methodName, Exception $exception) { if ($exception instanceof TwoFactorAuthRequiredException) { $params = [ 'redirect_url' => $this->request->getParam('redirect_url'), ]; if (!isset($params['redirect_url']) && isset($this->request->server['REQUEST_URI'])) { $params['redirect_url'] = $this->request->server['REQUEST_URI']; } return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->linkToRoute('core.TwoFactorChallenge.selectChallenge', $params)); } if ($exception instanceof UserAlreadyLoggedInException) { return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->linkToRoute('files.view.index')); } throw $exception; } }