fixup! Introduce Doctrine ORM

Carl Schwan 2 years ago
parent 0971a9ea53
commit f2e5d723d2
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ class EntityManagerAdapter implements IEntityManager {
$this->connection = $connection;
public function createQueryBuilder(): IQueryBuilder {
return new QueryBuilderAdapter($this->em->createQueryBuilder());
public function createQuery($dql = ''): IQuery
return new QueryAdapter($this->em->createQuery($dql));

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Carl Schwan <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace OC\DB\ORM;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\ORMSetup;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr;
use OC\DB\ConnectionAdapter;
use OCP\DB\ORM\Query\IExpression;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
class ExpressionAdapter implements IExpression {
private Expr $expr;
public function __construct(Expr $expr) {
$this->expr = $expr;

@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Carl Schwan <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace OC\DB\ORM;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parameter;
use OC\DB\ConnectionAdapter;
use OCP\DB\ORM\IQueryBuilder;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
class QueryBuilderAdapter implements IQueryBuilder {
private QueryBuilder $qb;
public function __construct(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder) {
$this->qb = $queryBuilder;
public function expr(): Query\IExpression {
return new ExpressionAdapter($this->qb->expr());
public function setParameter($key, $value, $type = null): self {
$this->qb->setParameter($key, $value, $type);
return $this;
public function setParameters(array $parameters): self {
$ormParameters = []
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
$ormParameters[] = new Parameter($key, $value);
$this->qb->setParameters(new ArrayCollection($ormParameters));
return $this;
public function getParameters(): array {
$ormParameters = []
foreach ($this->qb->getParameters() as $value) {
$ormParameters[] = new ParameterAdapter($value);
return $ormParameters;
* Gets a (previously set) query parameter of the query being constructed.
* @param string|int $key The key (index or name) of the bound parameter.
* @return ?IParameter The value of the bound parameter.
public function getParameter($key): ?IParameter;
* Sets the position of the first result to retrieve (the "offset").
* @param int|null $firstResult The first result to return.
* @return $this
public function setFirstResult(?int $firstResult): self
* Gets the position of the first result the query object was set to retrieve (the "offset").
* Returns NULL if {@link setFirstResult} was not applied to this QueryBuilder.
* @return int|null The position of the first result.
public function getFirstResult(): ?int;
* Sets the maximum number of results to retrieve (the "limit").
* @param int|null $maxResults The maximum number of results to retrieve.
public function setMaxResults(?int $maxResults): self;
* Gets the maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve (the "limit").
* Returns NULL if {@link setMaxResults} was not applied to this query builder.
* @return int|null Maximum number of results.
public function getMaxResults(): ?int;
* Specifies an item that is to be returned in the query result.
* Replaces any previously specified selections, if any.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u', 'p')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers', 'p');
* </code>
* @param mixed $select The selection expressions.
public function select($select = null): self;
* Adds a DISTINCT flag to this query.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->distinct()
* ->from('User', 'u');
* </code>
public function distinct(bool $flag = true): self;
* Adds an item that is to be returned in the query result.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->addSelect('p')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers', 'p');
* </code>
* @param mixed $select The selection expression.
public function addSelect($select = null): self;
* Turns the query being built into a bulk delete query that ranges over
* a certain entity type.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->delete('User', 'u')
* ->where(' = :user_id')
* ->setParameter('user_id', 1);
* </code>
* @param string|null $delete The class/type whose instances are subject to the deletion.
* @param string|null $alias The class/type alias used in the constructed query.
public function delete(?string $delete = null, ?string $alias = null): self;
* Turns the query being built into a bulk update query that ranges over
* a certain entity type.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->update('User', 'u')
* ->set('u.password', '?1')
* ->where(' = ?2');
* </code>
* @param string|null $update The class/type whose instances are subject to the update.
* @param string|null $alias The class/type alias used in the constructed query.
public function update(?string $update = null, ?string $alias = null): self;
* Creates and adds a query root corresponding to the entity identified by the given alias,
* forming a cartesian product with any existing query roots.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u');
* </code>
* @param string $from The class name.
* @param string $alias The alias of the class.
* @param string|null $indexBy The index for the from.
* @return $this
public function from(string $from, string $alias, ?string $indexBy = null);
* Updates a query root corresponding to an entity setting its index by. This method is intended to be used with
* EntityRepository->createQueryBuilder(), which creates the initial FROM clause and do not allow you to update it
* setting an index by.
* <code>
* $qb = $userRepository->createQueryBuilder('u')
* ->indexBy('u', '');
* // Is equivalent to...
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u', '');
* </code>
* @param string $alias The root alias of the class.
* @param string $indexBy The index for the from.
* @throws Query\QueryException
public function indexBy(string $alias, string $indexBy): self;
* Creates and adds a join over an entity association to the query.
* The entities in the joined association will be fetched as part of the query
* result if the alias used for the joined association is placed in the select
* expressions.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->join('u.Phonenumbers', 'p', Expr\Join::WITH, 'p.is_primary = 1');
* </code>
* @param string $join The relationship to join.
* @param string $alias The alias of the join.
* @param string|null $conditionType The condition type constant. Either ON or WITH.
* @param string|Expr\Comparison|Expr\Composite|null $condition The condition for the join.
* @param string|null $indexBy The index for the join.
* @psalm-param Expr\Join::ON|Expr\Join::WITH|null $conditionType
public function join(string $join, string $alias, ?string $conditionType = null, $condition = null, ?string $indexBy = null): self;
* Creates and adds a join over an entity association to the query.
* The entities in the joined association will be fetched as part of the query
* result if the alias used for the joined association is placed in the select
* expressions.
* [php]
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->innerJoin('u.Phonenumbers', 'p', Expr\Join::WITH, 'p.is_primary = 1');
* @param string $join The relationship to join.
* @param string $alias The alias of the join.
* @param string|null $conditionType The condition type constant. Either ON or WITH.
* @param string|Expr\Comparison|Expr\Composite|null $condition The condition for the join.
* @param string|null $indexBy The index for the join.
* @psalm-param Expr\Join::ON|Expr\Join::WITH|null $conditionType
public function innerJoin(string $join, string $alias, ?string $conditionType = null, $condition = null, ?string $indexBy = null): self;
* Creates and adds a left join over an entity association to the query.
* The entities in the joined association will be fetched as part of the query
* result if the alias used for the joined association is placed in the select
* expressions.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers', 'p', Expr\Join::WITH, 'p.is_primary = 1');
* </code>
* @param string $join The relationship to join.
* @param string $alias The alias of the join.
* @param string|null $conditionType The condition type constant. Either ON or WITH.
* @param string|Expr\Comparison|Expr\Composite|null $condition The condition for the join.
* @param string|null $indexBy The index for the join.
* @psalm-param Expr\Join::ON|Expr\Join::WITH|null $conditionType
* @return $this
public function leftJoin(string $join, string $alias, $conditionType = null, $condition = null, ?string $indexBy = null);
* Sets a new value for a field in a bulk update query.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->update('User', 'u')
* ->set('u.password', '?1')
* ->where(' = ?2');
* </code>
* @param string $key The key/field to set.
* @param mixed $value The value, expression, placeholder, etc.
public function set(string $key, $value): self;
* Specifies one or more restrictions to the query result.
* Replaces any previously specified restrictions, if any.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->where(' = ?');
* // You can optionally programmatically build and/or expressions
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
* $or = $qb->expr()->orX();
* $or->add($qb->expr()->eq('', 1));
* $or->add($qb->expr()->eq('', 2));
* $qb->update('User', 'u')
* ->set('u.password', '?')
* ->where($or);
* </code>
* @param mixed $predicates The restriction predicates.
* @return $this
public function where($predicates)
if (! (func_num_args() === 1 && $predicates instanceof Expr\Composite)) {
$predicates = new Expr\Andx(func_get_args());
return $this->add('where', $predicates);
* Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical
* conjunction with any previously specified restrictions.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->where('u.username LIKE ?')
* ->andWhere('u.is_active = 1');
* </code>
* @see where()
* @param mixed $where The query restrictions.
* @return $this
public function andWhere()
$args = func_get_args();
$where = $this->getDQLPart('where');
if ($where instanceof Expr\Andx) {
} else {
array_unshift($args, $where);
$where = new Expr\Andx($args);
return $this->add('where', $where);
* Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical
* disjunction with any previously specified restrictions.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->where(' = 1')
* ->orWhere(' = 2');
* </code>
* @see where()
* @param mixed $where The WHERE statement.
* @return $this
public function orWhere()
$args = func_get_args();
$where = $this->getDQLPart('where');
if ($where instanceof Expr\Orx) {
} else {
array_unshift($args, $where);
$where = new Expr\Orx($args);
return $this->add('where', $where);
* Specifies a grouping over the results of the query.
* Replaces any previously specified groupings, if any.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->groupBy('');
* </code>
* @param string $groupBy The grouping expression.
* @return $this
public function groupBy($groupBy)
return $this->add('groupBy', new Expr\GroupBy(func_get_args()));
* Adds a grouping expression to the query.
* <code>
* $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->groupBy('u.lastLogin')
* ->addGroupBy('u.createdAt');
* </code>
* @param string $groupBy The grouping expression.
* @return $this
public function addGroupBy($groupBy)
return $this->add('groupBy', new Expr\GroupBy(func_get_args()), true);
* Specifies a restriction over the groups of the query.
* Replaces any previous having restrictions, if any.
* @param mixed $having The restriction over the groups.
* @return $this
public function having($having)
if (! (func_num_args() === 1 && ($having instanceof Expr\Andx || $having instanceof Expr\Orx))) {
$having = new Expr\Andx(func_get_args());
return $this->add('having', $having);
* Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical
* conjunction with any existing having restrictions.
* @param mixed $having The restriction to append.
* @return $this
public function andHaving($having)
$args = func_get_args();
$having = $this->getDQLPart('having');
if ($having instanceof Expr\Andx) {
} else {
array_unshift($args, $having);
$having = new Expr\Andx($args);
return $this->add('having', $having);
* Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical
* disjunction with any existing having restrictions.
* @param mixed $having The restriction to add.
* @return $this
public function orHaving($having)
$args = func_get_args();
$having = $this->getDQLPart('having');
if ($having instanceof Expr\Orx) {
} else {
array_unshift($args, $having);
$having = new Expr\Orx($args);
return $this->add('having', $having);
* Specifies an ordering for the query results.
* Replaces any previously specified orderings, if any.
* @param string|Expr\OrderBy $sort The ordering expression.
* @param string|null $order The ordering direction.
* @return $this
public function orderBy($sort, $order = null)
$orderBy = $sort instanceof Expr\OrderBy ? $sort : new Expr\OrderBy($sort, $order);
return $this->add('orderBy', $orderBy);
* Adds an ordering to the query results.
* @param string|Expr\OrderBy $sort The ordering expression.
* @param string|null $order The ordering direction.
* @return $this
public function addOrderBy($sort, $order = null)
$orderBy = $sort instanceof Expr\OrderBy ? $sort : new Expr\OrderBy($sort, $order);
return $this->add('orderBy', $orderBy, true);

@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ interface IEntityManager {
public function createQuery(string $dql = ''): IQuery;
* Creates a new QueryBuilder object.
* @since 25.0.0
public function createQueryBuilder(): IQueryBuilder;

@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ interface IQueryBuilder {
* For more complex expression construction, consider storing the expression
* builder object in a local variable.
* @since 25.0.0
public function expr(): Query\Expr;
public function expr(): Query\IExpression;
* Sets a query parameter for the query being constructed.
@ -56,31 +58,34 @@ interface IQueryBuilder {
* ->select('u')
* ->from('User', 'u')
* ->where(' = :user_id1 OR = :user_id2')
* ->setParameters(new ArrayCollection(array(
* new Parameter('user_id1', 1),
* new Parameter('user_id2', 2)
* )));
* ->setParameters([
* 'user_id1' => 1,
* 'user_id2', 2
* ]);
* </code>
* @param ArrayCollection|mixed[] $parameters The query parameters to set.
* @psalm-param ArrayCollection<int, Parameter>|mixed[] $parameters
* @param array<string, mixed> $parameters The query parameters to set.
* @since 25.0.0
public function setParameters($parameters): self;
public function setParameters(array $parameters): self;
* Gets all defined query parameters for the query being constructed.
* @return ArrayCollection The currently defined query parameters.
* @psalm-return ArrayCollection<int, Parameter>
* @return IParameter[] The currently defined query parameters.
* @since 25.0.0
public function getParameters();
public function getParameters(): array;
* Gets a (previously set) query parameter of the query being constructed.
* @param string|int $key The key (index or name) of the bound parameter.
* @return Parameter|null The value of the bound parameter.
* @return ?Parameter The value of the bound parameter.
* @since 25.0.0
public function getParameter($key): ?IParameter;
@ -89,7 +94,7 @@ interface IQueryBuilder {
* @param int|null $firstResult The first result to return.
* @return $this
* @since 25.0.0
public function setFirstResult(?int $firstResult): self

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Carl Schwan <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace OCP\DB\ORM\Query;
interface IExpression {