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Fixing Bugs By Replacing Shell
Have you ever encountered shell like this? It arranges to conditionally execute
an ``if`` statement as root on a file server behind a bastion host:
.. code-block:: bash
ssh bastion "
if [ \"$PROD\" ];
ssh fileserver sudo su -c \"
if grep -qs /dev/sdb1 /proc/mounts;
echo \\\"sdb1 already mounted!\\\";
umount /dev/sdb1
rm -rf \\\"/media/Main Backup Volume\\\"/*;
mount /dev/sdb1 \\\"/media/Main Backup Volume\\\"
sudo touch /var/run/start_backup;
Chances are high this is familiar territory, we've all seen it, and those
working in infrastructure have almost certainly written it. At first glance,
ignoring that annoying quoting, it looks perfectly fine: well structured,
neatly indented, and the purpose of the snippet seems clear.
1. At first glance, is ``"/media/Main Backup Volume"`` quoted correctly?
2. How will the ``if`` statement behave if there is a problem with the machine,
and, say, the ``/bin/grep`` binary is absent?
3. Ignoring quoting, are there any other syntax problems?
4. If this snippet is pasted snippet from its original script into an
interactive shell, will it behave the same as before?
5. Can you think offhand of differences in how the arguments to ``sudo
...`` and ``ssh fileserver ...`` are parsed?
6. In which context will the ``*`` glob be expanded, if it is expanded at all?
7. What will the exit status of ``ssh bastion`` be if ``ssh fileserver`` fails?
Innocent But Deadly
1. The quoting used is nonsense! At best, ``mount`` will receive 3 arguments.
At worst, the snippet will not parse at all.
2. The ``if`` statement will treat a missing ``grep`` binary (exit status 127)
the same as if ``/dev/sdb1`` was not mounted at all (exit status 1). Unless
the program executing this script is parsing ``stderr`` output, the failure
won't be noticed. Consequently, since the volume was still mounted when
``rm`` was executed, it got wiped.
3. There is at least one more syntax error present: a semicolon missing after
the ``umount`` command.
4. If you paste the snippet into an interactive shell, the apparently quoted
"!" character in the ``echo`` command will be interpreted as a history
5. ``sudo`` preserves the remainder of the argument vector as-is, while
``ssh`` **concatenates** each part into a single string that is passed to
the login shell. While quotes appearing within arguments are preserved by
``sudo``, without additional effort, pairs of quotes are effectively
stripped by ``ssh``.
6. As for where the glob is expanded, the answer is I have absolutely no idea
without running the code, which might wipe out the backups!
7. If the ``ssh fileserver`` command fails, the exit status of ``ssh bastion``
will continue to indicate success.
8. Depending in which environment the ``PROD`` variable is set, either it will
always evaluate to false, because it was set by the bastion host, or it
will do the right thing, because it was set by the script host.
Golly, we've managed to hit at least 8 potentially mission-critical gotchas in
only 14 lines of code, and they are just those I can count! Welcome to the
reality of "programming" in shell.
In the end, superficial legibility counted for nothing, it's 4AM, you've been
paged, the network is down and your boss is angry.
Shell Quoting Madness
Let's assume on first approach that we really want to handle those quoting
issues. I wrote a little Python script based around the :py:func:`shlex.quote`
function to construct, to the best of my knowledge, the quoting required for
each stage:
.. code-block:: bash
ssh bastion '
if [ "$PROD" ];
ssh fileserver sudo su -c '"'"'
if grep -qs /dev/sdb1 /proc/mounts;
echo "sdb1 already mounted!";
umount /dev/sdb1
rm -rf "/media/Main Backup Volume"/*;
mount /dev/sdb1 "/media/Main Backup Volume"
sudo touch /var/run/start_backup
Even with Python handling the heavy lifting of quoting each shell layer, and
and even if we fixed the aforementioned minor disk-wiping issue, I am still not
100% confident that I know precisely the argument handling rules for all of
``su``, ``sudo``, ``ssh``, and ``bash``.
Finally, if any of the login shells involved may not be set to ``bash``, we
must introduce additional layers of quoting, in order to explicitly invoke
``bash`` at each stage, causing an explosion in quoting:
.. code-block:: bash
ssh bastion 'bash -c '"'"'if [ "$PROD" ]; then ssh fileserver bash -c '"'"'
"'"'"'"'"'"'sudo su -c '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"
'bash -c '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"
"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'if grep -qs /dev/sdb1 /proc/mounts; then echo "sdb1 alr
eady mounted!"; umount /dev/sdb1 fi; rm -rf "/media/Main Backup Volume"/*;
mount /dev/sdb1 "/media/Main Backup Volume"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"
"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"''"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'; fi; sudo touch /var/run/
There Is Hope
We could instead express the above using Mitogen:
def run(*args):
return subprocess.check_call(args)
def file_contains(s, path):
with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
return s in
device = '/dev/sdb1'
mount_point = '/media/Media Volume'
bastion = router.ssh(hostname='bastion')
bastion_sudo = router.sudo(via=bastion)
if PROD:
fileserver = router.ssh(hostname='fileserver', via=bastion)
if, device, '/proc/mounts'):
print('{} already mounted!'.format(device)), 'umount', device), mount_point), mount_point, 0777), 'mount', device, mount_point), 'touch', '/var/run/start_backup')
* In which context must the ``PROD`` variable be defined?
* On which machine is each step executed?
* Are there any escaping issues?
* What will happen if the ``grep`` binary is missing?
* What will happen if any step fails?
* What will happen if any login shell is not ``bash``?
Recursively Nested Bootstrap
This demonstrates the library's ability to use slave contexts to recursively
proxy connections to additional slave contexts, with a uniform API to any
slave, and all features (function calls, import forwarding, stdio forwarding,
log forwarding) functioning transparently.
This example uses a chain of local contexts for clarity, however SSH and sudo
contexts work identically.
.. code-block:: python
import os
import mitogen.utils
def main(router):
context = None
for x in range(1, 11):
print 'Connect local%d via %s' % (x, context)
context = router.local(via=context, name='local%d' % x), 'pstree -s python -s mitogen')
.. code-block:: shell
$ python
Connect local1 via None
Connect local2 via Context(1, 'local1')
Connect local3 via Context(2, 'local2')
Connect local4 via Context(3, 'local3')
Connect local5 via Context(4, 'local4')
Connect local6 via Context(5, 'local5')
Connect local7 via Context(6, 'local6')
Connect local8 via Context(7, 'local7')
Connect local9 via Context(8, 'local8')
Connect local10 via Context(9, 'local9')
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: -+= 00001 root /sbin/launchd
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 08126 dmw /Applications/
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 10638 dmw /Applications/ --server bash --login
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 10639 dmw bash --login
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+= 13632 dmw python
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13633 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13632
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13635 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13633
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13637 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13635
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13639 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13637
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13641 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13639
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13643 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13641
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13645 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13643
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13647 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13645
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13649 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13647
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13651 dmw mitogen:dmw@Eldil.local:13649
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \-+- 13653 dmw pstree -s python -s mitogen
18:14:07 I ctx.local10: stdout: \--- 13654 root ps -axwwo user,pid,ppid,pgid,command