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Functionality to allow establishing new slave contexts over an SSH connection.
import commands
import logging
import time
import mitogen.master
LOG = logging.getLogger('mitogen')
PASSWORD_PROMPT = 'password'
PERMDENIED_PROMPT = 'permission denied'
class PasswordError(mitogen.core.Error):
class Stream(mitogen.master.Stream):
create_child = staticmethod(mitogen.master.tty_create_child)
python_path = 'python2.7'
#: The path to the SSH binary.
ssh_path = 'ssh'
identity_file = None
password = None
port = None
def construct(self, hostname, username=None, ssh_path=None, port=None,
check_host_keys=True, password=None, identity_file=None,
super(Stream, self).construct(**kwargs)
self.hostname = hostname
self.username = username
self.port = port
self.check_host_keys = check_host_keys
self.password = password
self.identity_file = identity_file
if ssh_path:
self.ssh_path = ssh_path
def get_boot_command(self):
bits = [self.ssh_path]
#bits += ['-o', 'BatchMode yes']
if self.username:
bits += ['-l', self.username]
if self.port is not None:
bits += ['-p', str(self.port)]
if self.identity_file or self.password:
bits += ['-o', 'IdentitiesOnly yes']
if self.identity_file:
bits += ['-i', self.identity_file]
if not self.check_host_keys:
bits += [
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no',
'-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null',
base = super(Stream, self).get_boot_command()
return bits + [commands.mkarg(s).strip() for s in base]
def connect(self):
super(Stream, self).connect() = 'ssh.' + self.hostname
if self.port: += ':%s' % (self.port,)
auth_incorrect_msg = 'SSH authentication is incorrect'
password_incorrect_msg = 'SSH password is incorrect'
password_required_msg = 'SSH password was requested, but none specified'
def _connect_bootstrap(self):
password_sent = False
for buf in mitogen.master.iter_read(self.receive_side.fd,
time.time() + 10.0):
LOG.debug('%r: received %r', self, buf)
if buf.endswith('EC0\n'):
return self._ec0_received()
elif PERMDENIED_PROMPT in buf.lower():
if self.password is not None and password_sent:
raise PasswordError(self.password_incorrect_msg)
raise PasswordError(self.auth_incorrect_msg)
elif PASSWORD_PROMPT in buf.lower():
if self.password is None:
raise PasswordError(self.password_required_msg)
LOG.debug('sending password')
self.transmit_side.write(self.password + '\n')
password_sent = True
raise mitogen.core.StreamError('bootstrap failed')