You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# I am an Ansible new-style Python module. I should receive an encoding string.
# See also custom_python_new_style_module, we should be updated in tandem.
import io
import json
import select
import signal
import sys
import warnings
# Ansible 2.7 changed how new style modules are invoked. It seems that module
# parameters are *sometimes* read before the module runs. Modules that try
# to read directly from stdin, such as this, are unable to. However it doesn't
# always fail, influences seem to include Ansible & Python version. As noted
# in ansible.module_utils.basic._load_params() we should probably use that.
# I think (medium confidence) I narrowed the inflection (with git bisect) to
# This is the magic marker Ansible looks for:
# from ansible.module_utils.
# These timeouts should prevent hard-to-attribute, 2+ hour CI job timeouts.
# Previously this module has waited on stdin forever (timeoutInMinutes=120).
SELECT_TIMEOUT = 5.0 # seconds
SIGNAL_TIMEOUT = 10 # seconds
def fail_json(msg, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(failed=True, msg=msg)
print(json.dumps(kwargs, sys.stdout, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
def sigalrm_handler(signum, frame):
fail_json("Still executing after SIGNAL_TIMEOUT=%ds" % (SIGNAL_TIMEOUT,))
def usage():
sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s <input.json>\n' % (sys.argv[0],))
# Wait SIGNAL_TIMEOUT seconds, exit with failure if still running.
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler)
# Wait SELECT_TIMEOUT seconds, exit with failure if no data appears on stdin.
# TODO Combine select() & read() in a loop, to handle slow trickle of data.
# Consider buffering, line buffering, `` vs `f.read1()`.
# TODO Document that sys.stdin may be a StringIO under Ansible + Mitogen.
inputs_ready, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], SELECT_TIMEOUT)
except (AttributeError, TypeError, io.UnsupportedOperation) as exc:
# sys.stdin.fileno() doesn't exist or can't return a real file descriptor.
warnings.warn("Could not wait on sys.stdin=%r: %r" % (sys.stdin, exc))
if not inputs_ready:
fail_json("Gave up waiting on sys.stdin after SELECT_TIMEOUT=%ds"
# Read all data on stdin. May block forever, if EOF is not reached.
input_json =
print(" \"changed\": false,")
# v2.5.1. started depending on this.
print(" \"__file__\": \"%s\"," % (__file__,))
# Python sets this during a regular import.
print(" \"__package__\": \"%s\"," % (__package__,))
print(" \"msg\": \"Here is my input\",")
print(" \"input\": [%s]" % (input_json,))
# Ansible since 2.7.0/52449cc01a7 broke __file__ and *requires* the module
# process to exit itself. So needless.