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Internal API Reference
Latch Class
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.core
.. class:: Latch ()
A latch is a :py:class:`Queue.Queue`-like object that supports mutation and
waiting from multiple threads, however unlike :py:class:`Queue.Queue`,
waiting threads always remain interruptible, so CTRL+C always succeeds, and
waits where a timeout is set experience no wake up latency. These
properties are not possible in combination using the built-in threading
primitives available in Python 2.x.
Latches implement queues using the UNIX self-pipe trick, and a per-thread
:py:func:`socket.socketpair` that is lazily created the first time any
latch attempts to sleep on a thread, and dynamically associated with the
waiting Latch only for duration of the wait.
See :ref:`waking-sleeping-threads` for further discussion.
.. method:: empty ()
Return :py:data:`True` if calling :py:meth:`get` would block.
As with :py:class:`Queue.Queue`, :py:data:`True` may be returned even
though a subsequent call to :py:meth:`get` will succeed, since a
message may be posted at any moment between :py:meth:`empty` and
As with :py:class:`Queue.Queue`, :py:data:`False` may be returned even
though a subsequent call to :py:meth:`get` will block, since another
waiting thread may be woken at any moment between :py:meth:`empty` and
.. method:: get (timeout=None, block=True)
Return the next object enqueued on this latch, or sleep waiting for
:param float timeout:
If not :py:data:`None`, specifies a timeout in seconds.
:param bool block:
If :py:data:`False`, immediately raise
:py:class:`mitogen.core.TimeoutError` if the latch is empty.
:raises mitogen.core.LatchError:
:py:meth:`close` has been called, and the object is no longer valid.
:raises mitogen.core.TimeoutError:
Timeout was reached.
The de-queued object.
.. method:: put (obj)
Enqueue an object on this latch, waking the first thread that is asleep
waiting for a result, if one exists.
:raises mitogen.core.LatchError:
:py:meth:`close` has been called, and the object is no longer valid.
.. method:: close ()
Mark the latch as closed, and cause every sleeping thread to be woken,
with :py:class:`mitogen.core.LatchError` raised in each thread.
Side Class
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.core
.. class:: Side (stream, fd, keep_alive=True)
Represent a single side of a :py:class:`BasicStream`. This exists to allow
streams implemented using unidirectional (e.g. UNIX pipe) and bidirectional
(e.g. UNIX socket) file descriptors to operate identically.
:param mitogen.core.Stream stream:
The stream this side is associated with.
:param int fd:
Underlying file descriptor.
:param bool keep_alive:
Value for :py:attr:`keep_alive`
During construction, the file descriptor has its :py:data:`os.O_NONBLOCK`
flag enabled using :py:func:`fcntl.fcntl`.
.. attribute:: stream
The :py:class:`Stream` for which this is a read or write side.
.. attribute:: fd
Integer file descriptor to perform IO on, or ``None`` if
:py:meth:`close` has been called.
.. attribute:: keep_alive
If ``True``, causes presence of this side in :py:class:`Broker`'s
active reader set to defer shutdown until the side is disconnected.
.. method:: fileno
Return :py:attr:`fd` if it is not ``None``, otherwise raise
:py:class:`StreamError`. This method is implemented so that
:py:class:`Side` can be used directly by :py:func:``.
.. method:: close
Call :py:func:`os.close` on :py:attr:`fd` if it is not ``None``, then
set it to ``None``.
.. method:: read (n=CHUNK_SIZE)
Read up to `n` bytes from the file descriptor, wrapping the underlying
:py:func:`` call with :py:func:`io_op` to trap common
disconnection conditions.
:py:meth:`read` always behaves as if it is reading from a regular UNIX
file; socket, pipe, and TTY disconnection errors are masked and result
in a 0-sized read just like a regular file.
Bytes read, or the empty to string to indicate disconnection was
.. method:: write (s)
Write as much of the bytes from `s` as possible to the file descriptor,
wrapping the underlying :py:func:`os.write` call with :py:func:`io_op`
to trap common disconnection connditions.
:py:meth:`read` always behaves as if it is writing to a regular UNIX
file; socket, pipe, and TTY disconnection errors are masked and result
in a 0-sized write.
Number of bytes written, or ``None`` if disconnection was detected.
Stream Classes
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.core
.. class:: BasicStream
.. attribute:: receive_side
A :py:class:`Side` representing the stream's receive file descriptor.
.. attribute:: transmit_side
A :py:class:`Side` representing the stream's transmit file descriptor.
.. method:: on_disconnect (broker)
Called by :py:class:`Broker` to force disconnect the stream. The base
implementation simply closes :py:attr:`receive_side` and
:py:attr:`transmit_side` and unregisters the stream from the broker.
.. method:: on_receive (broker)
Called by :py:class:`Broker` when the stream's :py:attr:`receive_side` has
been marked readable using :py:meth:`Broker.start_receive` and the
broker has detected the associated file descriptor is ready for
Subclasses must implement this method if
:py:meth:`Broker.start_receive` is ever called on them, and the method
must call :py:meth:`on_disconect` if reading produces an empty string.
.. method:: on_transmit (broker)
Called by :py:class:`Broker` when the stream's :py:attr:`transmit_side`
has been marked writeable using :py:meth:`Broker._start_transmit` and
the broker has detected the associated file descriptor is ready for
Subclasses must implement this method if
:py:meth:`Broker._start_transmit` is ever called on them.
.. method:: on_shutdown (broker)
Called by :py:meth:`Broker.shutdown` to allow the stream time to
gracefully shutdown. The base implementation simply called
.. autoclass:: Stream
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.fork
.. autoclass:: Stream
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent
.. autoclass:: Stream
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.ssh
.. autoclass:: Stream
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.sudo
.. autoclass:: Stream
Other Stream Subclasses
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.core
.. autoclass:: IoLogger
.. autoclass:: Waker
Importer Class
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.core
.. autoclass:: Importer
Responder Class
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.master
.. autoclass:: ModuleResponder
Forwarder Class
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent
.. autoclass:: ModuleForwarder
ExternalContext Class
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.core
.. class:: ExternalContext
External context implementation.
.. attribute:: broker
The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Broker` instance.
.. attribute:: context
The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Context` instance.
.. attribute:: channel
The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Channel` over which
:py:data:`CALL_FUNCTION` requests are received.
.. attribute:: stdout_log
The :py:class:`mitogen.core.IoLogger` connected to ``stdout``.
.. attribute:: importer
The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Importer` instance.
.. attribute:: stdout_log
The :py:class:`IoLogger` connected to ``stdout``.
.. attribute:: stderr_log
The :py:class:`IoLogger` connected to ``stderr``.
.. method:: _dispatch_calls
Implementation for the main thread in every child context.
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.master
.. class:: ProcessMonitor
Install a :py:data:`signal.SIGCHLD` handler that generates callbacks when a
specific child process has exitted.
.. method:: add (pid, callback)
Add a callback function to be notified of the exit status of a process.
:param int pid:
Process ID to be notified of.
:param callback:
Function invoked as `callback(status)`, where `status` is the raw
exit status of the child process.
Blocking I/O Functions
These functions exist to support the blocking phase of setting up a new
context. They will eventually be replaced with asynchronous equivalents.
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.master
.. function:: iter_read(fd, deadline=None)
Return a generator that arranges for up to 4096-byte chunks to be read at a
time from the file descriptor `fd` until the generator is destroyed.
:param fd:
File descriptor to read from.
:param deadline:
If not ``None``, an absolute UNIX timestamp after which timeout should
:raises mitogen.core.TimeoutError:
Attempt to read beyond deadline.
:raises mitogen.core.StreamError:
Attempt to read past end of file.
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.master
.. function:: write_all (fd, s, deadline=None)
Arrange for all of bytestring `s` to be written to the file descriptor
:param int fd:
File descriptor to write to.
:param bytes s:
Bytestring to write to file descriptor.
:param float deadline:
If not ``None``, an absolute UNIX timestamp after which timeout should
:raises mitogen.core.TimeoutError:
Bytestring could not be written entirely before deadline was exceeded.
:raises mitogen.core.StreamError:
File descriptor was disconnected before write could complete.
Helper Functions
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.core
.. function:: io_op (func, \*args)
Wrap a function that may raise :py:class:`OSError`, trapping common error
codes relating to disconnection events in various subsystems:
* When performing IO against a TTY, disconnection of the remote end is
signalled by :py:data:`errno.EIO`.
* When performing IO against a socket, disconnection of the remote end is
signalled by :py:data:`errno.ECONNRESET`.
* When performing IO against a pipe, disconnection of the remote end is
signalled by :py:data:`errno.EPIPE`.
Tuple of `(return_value, disconnected)`, where `return_value` is the
return value of `func(\*args)`, and `disconnected` is ``True`` if
disconnection was detected, otherwise ``False``.
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.master
.. autofunction:: create_child
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.master
.. autofunction:: tty_create_child
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.master
.. function:: get_child_modules (path)
Return the suffixes of submodules directly neated beneath of the package
directory at `path`.
:param str path:
Path to the module's source code on disk, or some PEP-302-recognized
equivalent. Usually this is the module's ``__file__`` attribute, but
is specified explicitly to avoid loading the module.
List of submodule name suffixes.
.. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent
.. autofunction:: minimize_source (source)
Remove comments and docstrings from Python `source`, preserving line
numbers and syntax of empty blocks.
:param str source:
The source to minimize.
:returns str:
The minimized source.