# Copyright 2019, David Wilson # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # !mitogen: minify_safe import grp import logging import os import os.path import pprint import pwd import stat import sys import threading import mitogen.core import mitogen.select from mitogen.core import b from mitogen.core import str_rpartition try: all except NameError: def all(it): for elem in it: if not elem: return False return True LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _pool = None _pool_pid = None #: Serialize pool construction. _pool_lock = threading.Lock() if mitogen.core.PY3: def func_code(func): return func.__code__ def func_name(func): return func.__name__ else: def func_code(func): return func.func_code def func_name(func): return func.func_name @mitogen.core.takes_router def get_or_create_pool(size=None, router=None, context=None): global _pool global _pool_pid my_pid = os.getpid() if _pool is None or _pool.closed or my_pid != _pool_pid: # Avoid acquiring heavily contended lock if possible. _pool_lock.acquire() try: if _pool_pid != my_pid: if router is None: # fallback to trying to get router from context if that exists if context is not None: router = context.router else: raise ValueError("Unable to create Pool! Missing router.") _pool = Pool( router, services=[], size=size or 2, overwrite=True, recv=mitogen.core.Dispatcher._service_recv, ) # In case of Broker shutdown crash, Pool can cause 'zombie' # processes. mitogen.core.listen(router.broker, 'shutdown', lambda: _pool.stop(join=True)) _pool_pid = os.getpid() finally: _pool_lock.release() return _pool def get_thread_name(): return threading.currentThread().getName() def call(service_name, method_name, call_context=None, **kwargs): """ Call a service registered with this pool, using the calling thread as a host. """ if isinstance(service_name, mitogen.core.BytesType): service_name = service_name.encode('utf-8') elif not isinstance(service_name, mitogen.core.UnicodeType): service_name = service_name.name() # Service.name() if call_context: return call_context.call_service(service_name, method_name, **kwargs) else: pool = get_or_create_pool(context=kwargs.get('context')) invoker = pool.get_invoker(service_name, msg=None) return getattr(invoker.service, method_name)(**kwargs) def validate_arg_spec(spec, args): for name in spec: try: obj = args[name] except KeyError: raise mitogen.core.CallError( 'Required argument %r missing.' % (name,) ) if not isinstance(obj, spec[name]): raise mitogen.core.CallError( 'Argument %r type incorrect, got %r, expected %r' % ( name, type(obj), spec[name] ) ) def arg_spec(spec): """ Annotate a method as requiring arguments with a specific type. This only validates required arguments. For optional arguments, write a manual check within the function. :: @mitogen.service.arg_spec({ 'path': str }) def fetch_path(self, path, optional=None): ... :param dict spec: Mapping from argument name to expected type. """ def wrapper(func): func.mitogen_service__arg_spec = spec return func return wrapper def expose(policy): """ Annotate a method to permit access to contexts matching an authorization policy. The annotation may be specified multiple times. Methods lacking any authorization policy are not accessible. :: @mitogen.service.expose(policy=mitogen.service.AllowParents()) def unsafe_operation(self): ... :param mitogen.service.Policy policy: The policy to require. """ def wrapper(func): func.mitogen_service__policies = ( [policy] + getattr(func, 'mitogen_service__policies', []) ) return func return wrapper def no_reply(): """ Annotate a method as one that does not generate a response. Messages sent by the method are done so explicitly. This can be used for fire-and-forget endpoints where the requestee never receives a reply. """ def wrapper(func): func.mitogen_service__no_reply = True return func return wrapper class Error(Exception): """ Raised when an error occurs configuring a service or pool. """ pass # cope with minify_source() bug. class Policy(object): """ Base security policy. """ def is_authorized(self, service, msg): raise NotImplementedError() class AllowAny(Policy): def is_authorized(self, service, msg): return True class AllowParents(Policy): def is_authorized(self, service, msg): return (msg.auth_id in mitogen.parent_ids or msg.auth_id == mitogen.context_id) class Activator(object): """ """ def is_permitted(self, mod_name, class_name, msg): return mitogen.core.has_parent_authority(msg) not_active_msg = ( 'Service %r is not yet activated in this context, and the ' 'caller is not privileged, therefore autoactivation is disabled.' ) def activate(self, pool, service_name, msg): mod_name, _, class_name = str_rpartition(service_name, '.') if msg and not self.is_permitted(mod_name, class_name, msg): raise mitogen.core.CallError(self.not_active_msg, service_name) module = mitogen.core.import_module(mod_name) klass = getattr(module, class_name) service = klass(router=pool.router) pool.add(service) return service class Invoker(object): def __init__(self, service): self.service = service def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, self.service) unauthorized_msg = ( 'Caller is not authorized to invoke %r of service %r' ) def _validate(self, method_name, kwargs, msg): method = getattr(self.service, method_name, None) if method is None: raise mitogen.core.CallError('No such method: %r', method_name) policies = getattr(method, 'mitogen_service__policies', None) if not policies: raise mitogen.core.CallError('Method has no policies set.') if msg is not None: if not all(p.is_authorized(self.service, msg) for p in policies): raise mitogen.core.CallError( self.unauthorized_msg, method_name, self.service.name() ) required = getattr(method, 'mitogen_service__arg_spec', {}) validate_arg_spec(required, kwargs) def _invoke(self, method_name, kwargs, msg): method = getattr(self.service, method_name) if 'msg' in func_code(method).co_varnames: kwargs['msg'] = msg # TODO: hack no_reply = getattr(method, 'mitogen_service__no_reply', False) ret = None try: ret = method(**kwargs) if no_reply: return Service.NO_REPLY return ret except Exception: if no_reply: LOG.exception('While calling no-reply method %s.%s', self.service.name(), func_name(method)) else: raise def invoke(self, method_name, kwargs, msg): self._validate(method_name, kwargs, msg) response = self._invoke(method_name, kwargs, msg) if response is not Service.NO_REPLY: msg.reply(response) class SerializedInvoker(Invoker): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SerializedInvoker, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._lock = threading.Lock() self._queue = [] self._running = False def _pop(self): self._lock.acquire() try: try: return self._queue.pop(0) except IndexError: self._running = False finally: self._lock.release() def _run(self): while True: tup = self._pop() if tup is None: return method_name, kwargs, msg = tup try: super(SerializedInvoker, self).invoke(method_name, kwargs, msg) except mitogen.core.CallError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOG.warning('%r: call error: %s: %s', self, msg, e) msg.reply(e) except Exception: LOG.exception('%r: while invoking %s()', self, method_name) msg.reply(mitogen.core.Message.dead()) def invoke(self, method_name, kwargs, msg): self._lock.acquire() try: self._queue.append((method_name, kwargs, msg)) first = not self._running self._running = True finally: self._lock.release() if first: self._run() return Service.NO_REPLY class DeduplicatingInvoker(Invoker): """ A service that deduplicates and caches expensive responses. Requests are deduplicated according to a customizable key, and the single expensive response is broadcast to all requestors. A side effect of this class is that processing of the single response is always serialized according to the result of :py:meth:`key_from_request`. Only one pool thread is blocked during generation of the response, regardless of the number of requestors. """ def __init__(self, service): super(DeduplicatingInvoker, self).__init__(service) self._responses = {} self._waiters = {} self._lock = threading.Lock() def key_from_request(self, method_name, kwargs): """ Generate a deduplication key from the request. The default implementation returns a string based on a stable representation of the input dictionary generated by :py:func:`pprint.pformat`. """ return pprint.pformat((method_name, kwargs)) def get_response(self, args): raise NotImplementedError() def _produce_response(self, key, response): self._lock.acquire() try: assert key not in self._responses assert key in self._waiters self._responses[key] = response for msg in self._waiters.pop(key): msg.reply(response) finally: self._lock.release() def _invoke(self, method_name, kwargs, msg): key = self.key_from_request(method_name, kwargs) self._lock.acquire() try: if key in self._responses: return self._responses[key] if key in self._waiters: self._waiters[key].append(msg) return Service.NO_REPLY self._waiters[key] = [msg] finally: self._lock.release() # I'm the unlucky thread that must generate the response. try: response = getattr(self, method_name)(**kwargs) self._produce_response(key, response) except mitogen.core.CallError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self._produce_response(key, e) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self._produce_response(key, mitogen.core.CallError(e)) return Service.NO_REPLY class Service(object): #: Sentinel object to suppress reply generation, since returning #: :data:`None` will trigger a response message containing the pickled #: :data:`None`. NO_REPLY = object() invoker_class = Invoker @classmethod def name(cls): return u'%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) def __init__(self, router): self.router = router self.select = mitogen.select.Select() def __repr__(self): return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,) def on_message(self, event): """ Called when a message arrives on any of :attr:`select`'s registered receivers. :param mitogen.select.Event event: """ pass def on_shutdown(self): """ Called by Pool.shutdown() once the last worker thread has exitted. """ pass class Pool(object): """ Manage a pool of at least one thread that will be used to process messages for a collection of services. Internally this is implemented by subscribing every :py:class:`Service`'s :py:class:`mitogen.core.Receiver` using a single :py:class:`mitogen.select.Select`, then arranging for every thread to consume messages delivered to that select. In this way the threads are fairly shared by all available services, and no resources are dedicated to a single idle service. There is no penalty for exposing large numbers of services; the list of exposed services could even be generated dynamically in response to your program's configuration or its input data. :param mitogen.core.Router router: :class:`mitogen.core.Router` to listen for :data:`mitogen.core.CALL_SERVICE` messages. :param list services: Initial list of services to register. :param mitogen.core.Receiver recv: :data:`mitogen.core.CALL_SERVICE` receiver to reuse. This is used by :func:`get_or_create_pool` to hand off a queue of messages from the Dispatcher stub handler while avoiding a race. """ activator_class = Activator def __init__(self, router, services=(), size=1, overwrite=False, recv=None): self.router = router self._activator = self.activator_class() self._ipc_latch = mitogen.core.Latch() self._receiver = mitogen.core.Receiver( router=router, handle=mitogen.core.CALL_SERVICE, overwrite=overwrite, ) self._select = mitogen.select.Select(oneshot=False) self._select.add(self._receiver) self._select.add(self._ipc_latch) #: Serialize service construction. self._lock = threading.Lock() self._func_by_source = { self._receiver: self._on_service_call, self._ipc_latch: self._on_ipc_latch, } self._invoker_by_name = {} if recv is not None: # When inheriting from mitogen.core.Dispatcher, we must remove its # stub notification function before adding it to our Select. We # always overwrite this receiver since the standard service.Pool # handler policy differs from the one inherited from # core.Dispatcher. recv.notify = None self._select.add(recv) self._func_by_source[recv] = self._on_service_call for service in services: self.add(service) self._py_24_25_compat() self._threads = [] for x in range(size): name = 'mitogen.Pool.%04x.%d' % (id(self) & 0xffff, x,) thread = threading.Thread( name=name, target=mitogen.core._profile_hook, args=('mitogen.service.pool', self._worker_main), ) thread.start() self._threads.append(thread) LOG.debug('%r: initialized', self) def _py_24_25_compat(self): if sys.version_info < (2, 6): # import_module() is used to avoid dep scanner sending mitogen.fork # to all mitogen.service importers. os_fork = mitogen.core.import_module('mitogen.os_fork') os_fork._notice_broker_or_pool(self) @property def size(self): return len(self._threads) def add(self, service): name = service.name() if name in self._invoker_by_name: raise Error('service named %r already registered' % (name,)) assert service.select not in self._func_by_source invoker = service.invoker_class(service=service) self._invoker_by_name[name] = invoker self._func_by_source[service.select] = service.on_message closed = False def stop(self, join=True): self.closed = True self._receiver.close() self._select.close() if join: self.join() def join(self): for th in self._threads: th.join() for invoker in self._invoker_by_name.values(): invoker.service.on_shutdown() def get_invoker(self, name, msg): invoker = self._invoker_by_name.get(name) if invoker is None: # Avoid acquiring lock if possible. self._lock.acquire() try: invoker = self._invoker_by_name.get(name) if not invoker: service = self._activator.activate(self, name, msg) invoker = service.invoker_class(service=service) self._invoker_by_name[name] = invoker finally: self._lock.release() return invoker def get_service(self, name): invoker = self.get_invoker(name, None) return invoker.service def _validate(self, msg): tup = msg.unpickle(throw=False) if not (isinstance(tup, tuple) and len(tup) == 3 and isinstance(tup[0], mitogen.core.AnyTextType) and isinstance(tup[1], mitogen.core.AnyTextType) and isinstance(tup[2], dict)): raise mitogen.core.CallError('Invalid message format.') def defer(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Arrange for `func(*args, **kwargs)` to be invoked in the context of a service pool thread. """ self._ipc_latch.put(lambda: func(*args, **kwargs)) def _on_ipc_latch(self, event): event.data() def _on_service_call(self, event): msg = event.data service_name = None method_name = None try: self._validate(msg) service_name, method_name, kwargs = msg.unpickle() invoker = self.get_invoker(service_name, msg) return invoker.invoke(method_name, kwargs, msg) except mitogen.core.CallError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOG.warning('%r: call error: %s: %s', self, msg, e) msg.reply(e) except Exception: LOG.exception('%r: while invoking %r of %r', self, method_name, service_name) e = sys.exc_info()[1] msg.reply(mitogen.core.CallError(e)) def _worker_run(self): while not self.closed: try: event = self._select.get_event() except mitogen.core.LatchError: LOG.debug('thread %s exiting gracefully', get_thread_name()) return except mitogen.core.ChannelError: LOG.debug('thread %s exiting with error: %s', get_thread_name(), sys.exc_info()[1]) return func = self._func_by_source[event.source] try: func(event) except Exception: LOG.exception('While handling %r using %r', event.data, func) def _worker_main(self): try: self._worker_run() except Exception: LOG.exception('%r: worker %r crashed', self, get_thread_name()) raise def __repr__(self): return 'Pool(%04x, size=%d, th=%r)' % ( id(self) & 0xffff, len(self._threads), get_thread_name(), ) class FileStreamState(object): def __init__(self): #: List of [(Sender, file object)] self.jobs = [] self.completing = {} #: In-flight byte count. self.unacked = 0 #: Lock. self.lock = threading.Lock() class PushFileService(Service): """ Push-based file service. Files are delivered and cached in RAM, sent recursively from parent to child. A child that requests a file via :meth:`get` will block until it has been delivered by a parent. This service will eventually be merged into FileService. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PushFileService, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._lock = threading.Lock() self._cache = {} self._extra_sys_paths = set() self._waiters = {} self._sent_by_stream = {} def get(self, path): """ Fetch a file from the cache. """ assert isinstance(path, mitogen.core.UnicodeType) self._lock.acquire() try: if path in self._cache: return self._cache[path] latch = mitogen.core.Latch() waiters = self._waiters.setdefault(path, []) waiters.append(lambda: latch.put(None)) finally: self._lock.release() LOG.debug('%r.get(%r) waiting for uncached file to arrive', self, path) latch.get() LOG.debug('%r.get(%r) -> %r', self, path, self._cache[path]) return self._cache[path] def _forward(self, context, path): stream = self.router.stream_by_id(context.context_id) child = self.router.context_by_id(stream.protocol.remote_id) sent = self._sent_by_stream.setdefault(stream, set()) if path in sent: if child.context_id != context.context_id: LOG.debug('requesting %s forward small file to %s: %s', child, context, path) child.call_service_async( service_name=self.name(), method_name='forward', path=path, context=context ).close() else: LOG.debug('requesting %s cache and forward small file to %s: %s', child, context, path) child.call_service_async( service_name=self.name(), method_name='store_and_forward', path=path, data=self._cache[path], context=context ).close() sent.add(path) @expose(policy=AllowParents()) @arg_spec({ 'context': mitogen.core.Context, 'paths': list, # 'modules': list, TODO, modules was passed into this func but it's not used yet }) def propagate_paths_and_modules(self, context, paths, overridden_sources=None, extra_sys_paths=None): """ One size fits all method to ensure a target context has been preloaded with a set of small files and Python modules. overridden_sources: optional dict containing source code to override path's source code extra_sys_paths: loads additional sys paths for use in finding modules; beneficial in situations like loading Ansible Collections because source code dependencies come from different file paths than where the source lives """ for path in paths: overridden_source = None if overridden_sources is not None and path in overridden_sources: overridden_source = overridden_sources[path] self.propagate_to(context, mitogen.core.to_text(path), overridden_source) # self.router.responder.forward_modules(context, modules) TODO # NOTE: could possibly be handled by the above TODO, but not sure how forward_modules works enough # to know for sure, so for now going to pass the sys paths themselves and have `propagate_to` # load them up in sys.path for later import # ensure we don't add to sys.path the same path we've already seen for extra_path in extra_sys_paths: # store extra paths in cached set for O(1) lookup if extra_path not in self._extra_sys_paths: # not sure if it matters but we could prepend to sys.path instead if we need to sys.path.append(extra_path) self._extra_sys_paths.add(extra_path) @expose(policy=AllowParents()) @arg_spec({ 'context': mitogen.core.Context, 'path': mitogen.core.FsPathTypes, }) def propagate_to(self, context, path, overridden_source=None): """ If the optional parameter 'overridden_source' is passed, use that instead of the path's code as source code. This works around some bugs of source modules such as relative imports on unsupported Python versions """ if path not in self._cache: LOG.debug('caching small file %s', path) if overridden_source is None: fp = open(path, 'rb') try: self._cache[path] = mitogen.core.Blob(fp.read()) finally: fp.close() else: self._cache[path] = mitogen.core.Blob(overridden_source) self._forward(context, path) @expose(policy=AllowParents()) @no_reply() @arg_spec({ 'path': mitogen.core.UnicodeType, 'data': mitogen.core.Blob, 'context': mitogen.core.Context, }) def store_and_forward(self, path, data, context): LOG.debug('%r.store_and_forward(%r, %r, %r) %r', self, path, data, context, get_thread_name()) self._lock.acquire() try: self._cache[path] = data waiters = self._waiters.pop(path, []) finally: self._lock.release() if context.context_id != mitogen.context_id: self._forward(context, path) for callback in waiters: callback() @expose(policy=AllowParents()) @no_reply() @arg_spec({ 'path': mitogen.core.FsPathTypes, 'context': mitogen.core.Context, }) def forward(self, path, context): LOG.debug('%r.forward(%r, %r)', self, path, context) func = lambda: self._forward(context, path) self._lock.acquire() try: if path in self._cache: func() else: LOG.debug('%r: %r not cached yet, queueing', self, path) self._waiters.setdefault(path, []).append(func) finally: self._lock.release() class FileService(Service): """ Streaming file server, used to serve small and huge files alike. Paths must be registered by a trusted context before they will be served to a child. Transfers are divided among the physical streams that connect external contexts, ensuring each stream never has excessive data buffered in RAM, while still maintaining enough to fully utilize available bandwidth. This is achieved by making an initial bandwidth assumption, enqueueing enough chunks to fill that assumed pipe, then responding to delivery acknowledgements from the receiver by scheduling new chunks. Transfers proceed one-at-a-time per stream. When multiple contexts exist on a stream (e.g. one is the SSH account, another is a sudo account, and a third is a proxied SSH connection), each request is satisfied in turn before subsequent requests start flowing. This ensures when a stream is contended, priority is given to completing individual transfers rather than potentially aborting many partial transfers, causing the bandwidth to be wasted. Theory of operation: 1. Trusted context (i.e. WorkerProcess) calls register(), making a file available to any untrusted context. 2. Requestee context creates a mitogen.core.Receiver() to receive chunks, then calls fetch(path, recv.to_sender()), to set up the transfer. 3. fetch() replies to the call with the file's metadata, then schedules an initial burst up to the window size limit (1MiB). 4. Chunks begin to arrive in the requestee, which calls acknowledge() for each 128KiB received. 5. The acknowledge() call arrives at FileService, which scheduled a new chunk to refill the drained window back to the size limit. 6. When the last chunk has been pumped for a single transfer, Sender.close() is called causing the receive loop in target.py::_get_file() to exit, allowing that code to compare the transferred size with the total file size from the metadata. 7. If the sizes mismatch, _get_file()'s caller is informed which will discard the result and log/raise an error. Shutdown: 1. process.py calls service.Pool.shutdown(), which arranges for the service pool threads to exit and be joined, guranteeing no new requests can arrive, before calling Service.on_shutdown() for each registered service. 2. FileService.on_shutdown() walks every in-progress transfer and calls Sender.close(), causing Receiver loops in the requestees to exit early. The size check fails and any partially downloaded file is discarded. 3. Control exits _get_file() in every target, and graceful shutdown can proceed normally, without the associated thread needing to be forcefully killed. """ unregistered_msg = 'Path %r is not registered with FileService.' context_mismatch_msg = 'sender= kwarg context must match requestee context' #: Burst size. With 1MiB and 10ms RTT max throughput is 100MiB/sec, which #: is 5x what SSH can handle on a 2011 era 2.4Ghz Core i5. window_size_bytes = 1048576 def __init__(self, router): super(FileService, self).__init__(router) #: Set of registered paths. self._paths = set() #: Set of registered directory prefixes. self._prefixes = set() #: Mapping of Stream->FileStreamState. self._state_by_stream = {} def _name_or_none(self, func, n, attr): try: return getattr(func(n), attr) except KeyError: return None @expose(policy=AllowParents()) @arg_spec({ 'path': mitogen.core.FsPathTypes, }) def register(self, path): """ Authorize a path for access by children. Repeat calls with the same path has no effect. :param str path: File path. """ if path not in self._paths: LOG.debug('%r: registering %r', self, path) self._paths.add(path) @expose(policy=AllowParents()) @arg_spec({ 'path': mitogen.core.FsPathTypes, }) def register_prefix(self, path): """ Authorize a path and any subpaths for access by children. Repeat calls with the same path has no effect. :param str path: File path. """ if path not in self._prefixes: LOG.debug('%r: registering prefix %r', self, path) self._prefixes.add(path) def _generate_stat(self, path): st = os.stat(path) if not stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): raise IOError('%r is not a regular file.' % (path,)) return { u'size': st.st_size, u'mode': st.st_mode, u'owner': self._name_or_none(pwd.getpwuid, 0, 'pw_name'), u'group': self._name_or_none(grp.getgrgid, 0, 'gr_name'), u'mtime': float(st.st_mtime), # Python 2.4 uses int. u'atime': float(st.st_atime), # Python 2.4 uses int. } def on_shutdown(self): """ Respond to shutdown by sending close() to every target, allowing their receive loop to exit and clean up gracefully. """ LOG.debug('%r.on_shutdown()', self) for stream, state in self._state_by_stream.items(): state.lock.acquire() try: for sender, fp in reversed(state.jobs): sender.close() fp.close() state.jobs.pop() finally: state.lock.release() # The IO loop pumps 128KiB chunks. An ideal message is a multiple of this, # odd-sized messages waste one tiny write() per message on the trailer. # Therefore subtract 10 bytes pickle overhead + 24 bytes header. IO_SIZE = mitogen.core.CHUNK_SIZE - (mitogen.core.Message.HEADER_LEN + ( len( mitogen.core.Message.pickled( mitogen.core.Blob(b(' ') * mitogen.core.CHUNK_SIZE) ).data ) - mitogen.core.CHUNK_SIZE )) def _schedule_pending_unlocked(self, state): """ Consider the pending transfers for a stream, pumping new chunks while the unacknowledged byte count is below :attr:`window_size_bytes`. Must be called with the FileStreamState lock held. :param FileStreamState state: Stream to schedule chunks for. """ while state.jobs and state.unacked < self.window_size_bytes: sender, fp = state.jobs[0] s = fp.read(self.IO_SIZE) if s: state.unacked += len(s) sender.send(mitogen.core.Blob(s)) else: # File is done. Cause the target's receive loop to exit by # closing the sender, close the file, and remove the job entry. sender.close() fp.close() state.jobs.pop(0) def _prefix_is_authorized(self, path): """ Return the set of all possible directory prefixes for `path`. :func:`os.path.abspath` is used to ensure the path is absolute. :param str path: The path. :returns: Set of prefixes. """ path = os.path.abspath(path) while True: if path in self._prefixes: return True if path == '/': break path = os.path.dirname(path) return False @expose(policy=AllowAny()) @no_reply() @arg_spec({ 'path': mitogen.core.FsPathTypes, 'sender': mitogen.core.Sender, }) def fetch(self, path, sender, msg): """ Start a transfer for a registered path. :param str path: File path. :param mitogen.core.Sender sender: Sender to receive file data. :returns: Dict containing the file metadata: * ``size``: File size in bytes. * ``mode``: Integer file mode. * ``owner``: Owner account name on host machine. * ``group``: Owner group name on host machine. * ``mtime``: Floating point modification time. * ``ctime``: Floating point change time. :raises Error: Unregistered path, or Sender did not match requestee context. """ if ( (path not in self._paths) and (not self._prefix_is_authorized(path)) and (not mitogen.core._has_parent_authority(msg.auth_id)) ): msg.reply(mitogen.core.CallError( Error(self.unregistered_msg % (path,)) )) return if msg.src_id != sender.context.context_id: msg.reply(mitogen.core.CallError( Error(self.context_mismatch_msg) )) return LOG.debug('Serving %r', path) # Response must arrive first so requestee can begin receive loop, # otherwise first ack won't arrive until all pending chunks were # delivered. In that case max BDP would always be 128KiB, aka. max # ~10Mbit/sec over a 100ms link. try: fp = open(path, 'rb', self.IO_SIZE) msg.reply(self._generate_stat(path)) except IOError: msg.reply(mitogen.core.CallError( sys.exc_info()[1] )) return stream = self.router.stream_by_id(sender.context.context_id) state = self._state_by_stream.setdefault(stream, FileStreamState()) state.lock.acquire() try: state.jobs.append((sender, fp)) self._schedule_pending_unlocked(state) finally: state.lock.release() @expose(policy=AllowAny()) @no_reply() @arg_spec({ 'size': int, }) @no_reply() def acknowledge(self, size, msg): """ Acknowledge bytes received by a transfer target, scheduling new chunks to keep the window full. This should be called for every chunk received by the target. """ stream = self.router.stream_by_id(msg.src_id) state = self._state_by_stream[stream] state.lock.acquire() try: if state.unacked < size: LOG.error('%r.acknowledge(src_id %d): unacked=%d < size %d', self, msg.src_id, state.unacked, size) state.unacked -= min(state.unacked, size) self._schedule_pending_unlocked(state) finally: state.lock.release() @classmethod def get(cls, context, path, out_fp): """ Streamily download a file from the connection multiplexer process in the controller. :param mitogen.core.Context context: Reference to the context hosting the FileService that will be used to fetch the file. :param bytes path: FileService registered name of the input file. :param bytes out_path: Name of the output path on the local disk. :returns: Tuple of (`ok`, `metadata`), where `ok` is :data:`True` on success, or :data:`False` if the transfer was interrupted and the output should be discarded. `metadata` is a dictionary of file metadata as documented in :meth:`fetch`. """ LOG.debug('get_file(): fetching %r from %r', path, context) t0 = mitogen.core.now() recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(router=context.router) metadata = context.call_service( service_name=cls.name(), method_name='fetch', path=path, sender=recv.to_sender(), ) received_bytes = 0 for chunk in recv: s = chunk.unpickle() LOG.debug('get_file(%r): received %d bytes', path, len(s)) context.call_service_async( service_name=cls.name(), method_name='acknowledge', size=len(s), ).close() out_fp.write(s) received_bytes += len(s) ok = received_bytes == metadata['size'] if received_bytes < metadata['size']: LOG.error('get_file(%r): receiver was closed early, controller ' 'may be shutting down, or the file was truncated ' 'during transfer. Expected %d bytes, received %d.', path, metadata['size'], received_bytes) elif received_bytes > metadata['size']: LOG.error('get_file(%r): the file appears to have grown ' 'while transfer was in progress. Expected %d ' 'bytes, received %d.', path, metadata['size'], received_bytes) LOG.debug('target.get_file(): fetched %d bytes of %r from %r in %dms', metadata['size'], path, context, 1000 * (mitogen.core.now() - t0)) return ok, metadata