.. currentmodule:: mitogen.service Service Framework ================= Mitogen includes a simple framework for implementing services exposed to other contexts, with built-in subclasses that capture some common service models. This is a work in progress, and new functionality will be added as a common use for it is is found. Overview -------- Example ------- .. code-block:: python import mitogen import mitogen.service class FileService(mitogen.service.Service): """ Simple file server, for demonstration purposes only! Use of this in real code would be a security vulnerability as it would permit children to read arbitrary files from the master's disk. """ handle = 500 required_args = { 'path': str } def dispatch(self, args, msg): with open(args['path'], 'r') as fp: return fp.read() def download_file(context, path): s = mitogen.service.call(context, FileService.handle, { 'path': path }) with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(s) @mitogen.core.takes_econtext def download_some_files(paths, econtext): for path in paths: download_file(econtext.master, path) @mitogen.main() def main(router): pool = mitogen.service.Pool(router, size=1, services=[ FileService(router), ]) remote = router.ssh(hostname='k3') remote.call(download_some_files, [ '/etc/passwd', '/etc/hosts', ]) pool.stop() Reference --------- .. autofunction:: mitogen.service.Service .. autoclass:: mitogen.service.Service :members: .. autoclass:: mitogen.service.DeduplicatingService :members: .. autoclass:: mitogen.service.Pool :members: