# coding=UTF-8 # Generate the fragment used to make email release announcements # usage: release-notes.py 0.2.6 import os import sys import urllib import lxml.html import subprocess response = urllib.urlopen('https://mitogen.networkgenomics.com/changelog.html') tree = lxml.html.parse(response) prefix = 'v' + sys.argv[1].replace('.', '-') for elem in tree.getroot().cssselect('div.section[id]'): if elem.attrib['id'].startswith(prefix): break else: print('cant find') for child in tree.getroot().cssselect('body > *'): child.getparent().remove(child) body, = tree.getroot().cssselect('body') body.append(elem) proc = subprocess.Popen( args=['w3m', '-T', 'text/html', '-dump', '-cols', '72'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, _ = proc.communicate(input=(lxml.html.tostring(tree))) stdout = stdout.decode('UTF-8') stdout = stdout.translate({ ord(u'¶'): None, ord(u'•'): ord(u'*'), ord(u'’'): ord(u"'"), ord(u'“'): ord(u'"'), ord(u'”'): ord(u'"'), }) print(stdout)