# issue #409. # setns is hard -- it wants to do superuser syscalls, so we must run it in a # child Ansible via sudo. But that only works if sudo works. - name: integration/stub_connections/setns_lxc.yml hosts: test-targets gather_facts: false any_errors_fatal: false connection: local tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - include: _end_play_if_not_sudo_linux.yml - name: Run stub-lxc-info.py command: | sudo -nE "{{lookup('env', 'VIRTUAL_ENV')}}/bin/ansible" -i localhost, -c setns -e mitogen_kind=lxc -e ansible_python_interpreter=python -e mitogen_lxc_info_path={{git_basedir}}/tests/data/stubs/stub-lxc-info.py -m shell -a "echo hi" -u root localhost args: chdir: ../.. warn: "{{ False if ansible_version.full is version('2.10', '<=', strict=True) else omit }}" register: result - assert: that: result.rc == 0 fail_msg: result={{result}} tags: - stns_lxc