#!/usr/bin/env python import json import os import subprocess import sys import time # #363: old input loop would fail to spot auth failure because of scheduling # vs. su calling write() twice. if 'DO_SLOW_AUTH_FAILURE' in os.environ: os.write(2, u'su: '.encode()) time.sleep(0.5) os.write(2, u'incorrect password\n'.encode()) os._exit(1) os.environ['ORIGINAL_ARGV'] = json.dumps(sys.argv) os.environ['THIS_IS_STUB_SU'] = '1' # This must be a child process and not exec() since Mitogen replaces its stderr # descriptor, causing the last user of the slave PTY to close it, resulting in # the master side indicating EIO. os.execlp('sh', 'sh', '-c', sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-c') + 1])