from __future__ import unicode_literals import io import os import sys from ansible import constants as C from ansible.module_utils import six try: from ansible.plugins import callback_loader except ImportError: from ansible.plugins.loader import callback_loader try: pprint = __import__(os.environ['NICE_STDOUT_PPRINT']) except KeyError: pprint = None DefaultModule = callback_loader.get('default', class_only=True) DOCUMENTATION = ''' callback: nice_stdout type: stdout extends_documentation_fragment: - default_callback options: check_mode_markers: name: Show markers when running in check mode description: - "Toggle to control displaying markers when running in check mode. The markers are C(DRY RUN) at the beggining and ending of playbook execution (when calling C(ansible-playbook --check)) and C(CHECK MODE) as a suffix at every play and task that is run in check mode." type: bool default: no version_added: 2.9 env: - name: ANSIBLE_CHECK_MODE_MARKERS ini: - key: check_mode_markers section: defaults ''' def printi(tio, obj, key=None, indent=0): def write(s, *args): if args: s %= args tio.write(' ' * indent) if key is not None: tio.write('%s: ' % (key,)) tio.write(s) tio.write('\n') if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): write('[') for i, obj2 in enumerate(obj): printi(tio, obj2, key=i, indent=indent+1) key = None write(']') elif isinstance(obj, dict): write('{') for key2, obj2 in sorted(six.iteritems(obj)): if not (key2.startswith('_ansible_') or key2.endswith('_lines')): printi(tio, obj2, key=key2, indent=indent+1) key = None write('}') elif isinstance(obj, six.text_type): for line in obj.splitlines(): write('%s', line.rstrip('\r\n')) elif isinstance(obj, six.binary_type): obj = obj.decode('utf-8', 'replace') for line in obj.splitlines(): write('%s', line.rstrip('\r\n')) else: write('%r', obj) class CallbackModule(DefaultModule): CALLBACK_VERSION = 2.0 CALLBACK_TYPE = 'stdout' CALLBACK_NAME = 'nice_stdout' def _dump_results(self, result, *args, **kwargs): try: tio = io.StringIO() if pprint: pprint.pprint(result, stream=tio) else: printi(tio, result) return tio.getvalue() #.encode('ascii', 'replace') except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False): delegated_vars = result._result.get('_ansible_delegated_vars') self._clean_results(result._result, result._task.action) if self._play.strategy == 'free' and self._last_task_banner != result._task._uuid: self._print_task_banner(result._task) self._handle_exception(result._result) self._handle_warnings(result._result) if result._task.loop and 'results' in result._result: return if delegated_vars: msg = "[%s -> %s]: FAILED! => %s" % ( result._host.get_name(), delegated_vars['ansible_host'], self._dump_results(result._result), ) else: msg = "[%s]: FAILED! => %s" % ( result._host.get_name(), self._dump_results(result._result), ) s = "fatal: %s: %s" % ( result._task.get_path() or '(dynamic task)', msg, ) self._display.display(s, color=C.COLOR_ERROR)