from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import atexit import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile try: import urlparse except ImportError: import urllib.parse as urlparse os.chdir( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..' ) ) # # check_output() monkeypatch cutpasted from # def subprocess__check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): # Missing from 2.6. process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) output, _ = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get("args") if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0] raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) return output if not hasattr(subprocess, 'check_output'): subprocess.check_output = subprocess__check_output # ------------------ def have_apt(): proc = subprocess.Popen('apt --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) return proc.wait() == 0 def have_brew(): proc = subprocess.Popen('brew help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) return proc.wait() == 0 def have_docker(): proc = subprocess.Popen('docker info >/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) return proc.wait() == 0 # ----------------- # Force line buffering on stdout. sys.stdout = os.fdopen(1, 'w', 1) # Force stdout FD 1 to be a pipe, so tools like pip don't spam progress bars. if 'TRAVIS_HOME' in os.environ: proc = subprocess.Popen( args=['stdbuf', '-oL', 'cat'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) os.dup2(proc.stdin.fileno(), 1) os.dup2(proc.stdin.fileno(), 2) def cleanup_travis_junk(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, proc=proc): stdout.close() stderr.close() proc.terminate() atexit.register(cleanup_travis_junk) # ----------------- def _argv(s, *args): if args: s %= args return shlex.split(s) def run(s, *args, **kwargs): argv = ['/usr/bin/time', '--'] + _argv(s, *args) print('Running: %s' % (argv,)) try: ret = subprocess.check_call(argv, **kwargs) print('Finished running: %s' % (argv,)) except Exception: print('Exception occurred while running: %s' % (argv,)) raise return ret def run_batches(batches): combine = lambda batch: 'set -x; ' + (' && '.join( '( %s; )' % (cmd,) for cmd in batch )) procs = [ subprocess.Popen(combine(batch), shell=True) for batch in batches ] assert [proc.wait() for proc in procs] == [0] * len(procs) def get_output(s, *args, **kwargs): argv = _argv(s, *args) print('Running: %s' % (argv,)) return subprocess.check_output(argv, **kwargs) def exists_in_path(progname): return any(os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, progname)) for dirname in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)) class TempDir(object): def __init__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='mitogen_ci_lib') atexit.register(self.destroy) def destroy(self, rmtree=shutil.rmtree): rmtree(self.path) class Fold(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __enter__(self): print('travis_fold:start:%s' % ( def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3): print('') print('travis_fold:end:%s' % ( os.environ.setdefault('ANSIBLE_STRATEGY', os.environ.get('STRATEGY', 'mitogen_linear')) ANSIBLE_VERSION = os.environ.get('VER', '2.6.2') GIT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) DISTRO = os.environ.get('DISTRO', 'debian') DISTROS = os.environ.get('DISTROS', 'debian centos6 centos7').split() TARGET_COUNT = int(os.environ.get('TARGET_COUNT', '2')) BASE_PORT = 2200 TMP = TempDir().path # We copy this out of the way to avoid random stuff modifying perms in the Git # tree (like git pull). src_key_file = os.path.join(GIT_ROOT, 'tests/data/docker/mitogen__has_sudo_pubkey.key') key_file = os.path.join(TMP, 'mitogen__has_sudo_pubkey.key') shutil.copyfile(src_key_file, key_file) os.chmod(key_file, int('0600', 8)) os.environ['PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE'] = 'x' os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '%s:%s' % ( os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', ''), GIT_ROOT ) def get_docker_hostname(): url = os.environ.get('DOCKER_HOST') if url in (None, 'http+docker://localunixsocket'): return 'localhost' parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) return parsed.netloc.partition(':')[0] def image_for_distro(distro): return 'mitogen/%s-test' % (distro.partition('-')[0],) def make_containers(name_prefix='', port_offset=0): docker_hostname = get_docker_hostname() firstbit = lambda s: (s+'-').split('-')[0] secondbit = lambda s: (s+'-').split('-')[1] i = 1 lst = [] for distro in DISTROS: distro, star, count = distro.partition('*') if star: count = int(count) else: count = 1 for x in range(count): lst.append({ "distro": firstbit(distro), "name": name_prefix + ("target-%s-%s" % (distro, i)), "hostname": docker_hostname, "port": BASE_PORT + i + port_offset, "python_path": ( '/usr/bin/python3' if secondbit(distro) == 'py3' else '/usr/bin/python' ) }) i += 1 return lst # ssh removed from here because 'linear' strategy relies on processes that hang # around after the Ansible run completes INTERESTING_COMMS = ('python', 'sudo', 'su', 'doas') def proc_is_docker(pid): try: fp = open('/proc/%s/cgroup' % (pid,), 'r') except IOError: return False try: return 'docker' in finally: fp.close() def get_interesting_procs(container_name=None): args = ['ps', 'ax', '-oppid=', '-opid=', '-ocomm=', '-ocommand='] if container_name is not None: args = ['docker', 'exec', container_name] + args out = [] for line in subprocess__check_output(args).decode().splitlines(): ppid, pid, comm, rest = line.split(None, 3) if ( ( any(comm.startswith(s) for s in INTERESTING_COMMS) or 'mitogen:' in rest ) and ( container_name is not None or (not proc_is_docker(pid)) ) ): out.append((int(pid), line)) return sorted(out) def start_containers(containers): if os.environ.get('KEEP'): return run_batches([ [ "docker rm -f %(name)s || true" % container, "docker run " "--rm " # "--cpuset-cpus 0,1 " "--detach " "--privileged " "--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE " "--publish " "--hostname=%(name)s " "--name=%(name)s " "mitogen/%(distro)s-test " % container ] for container in containers ]) for container in containers: container['interesting'] = get_interesting_procs(container['name']) return containers def verify_procs(hostname, old, new): oldpids = set(pid for pid, _ in old) if any(pid not in oldpids for pid, _ in new): print('%r had stray processes running:' % (hostname,)) for pid, line in new: if pid not in oldpids: print('New process:', line) print() return False return True def check_stray_processes(old, containers=None): ok = True new = get_interesting_procs() if old is not None: ok &= verify_procs('test host machine', old, new) for container in containers or (): ok &= verify_procs( container['name'], container['interesting'], get_interesting_procs(container['name']) ) assert ok, 'stray processes were found' def dump_file(path): print() print('--- %s ---' % (path,)) print() with open(path, 'r') as fp: print( print('---') print() # SSH passes these through to the container when run interactively, causing # stdout to get messed up with libc warnings. os.environ.pop('LANG', None) os.environ.pop('LC_ALL', None)