History And Future ================== History ####### The first version of Mitogen was written in late 2006 for use in an infrastructure management program, however at the time I lacked the pragmatism necessary for pushing my little design from concept to finished implementation. I tired of it when no way could be found to unify every communication style (*blocking execute function, asynchronous execute function, proxy slave-of-slave context*) into one neat abstraction. That unification never happened, but I'm no longer worried by it. Every few years I would pick through the source code, especially after periods of commercial work involving some contemporary infrastructure management systems, none of which had nearly as neat an approach to running Python code remotely, and suffered from shockingly beginner-level bugs such as failing to report SSH diagnostic messages. And every few years I'd put that code down again, especially since moving to an OS X laptop where :py:func:`select.poll` was not available, the struggle to get back on top seemed more hassle than it was worth. That changed in 2016 during a quiet evening at home with a clear head and nothing better to do, after a full day of exposure to Ansible's intensely unbearable tendency to make running a 50 line Python script across a 1Gbit/sec LAN feel like I were configuring a host on Mars. Poking through Ansible, I was shocked to discover it writing temporary files everywhere, and uploading a 56KiB zip file apparently for every playbook step. .. figure:: _static/wtf.gif All contemporary Devops tooling Searching around for something to play with, I came across my forgotten project directory and somehow in a few hours managed to squash most of the race conditions and logic bugs that were preventing reliable operation, write the IO and log forwarders, rewrite the module importer, move from :py:func:`select.poll` to :py:func:`select.select`, and even refactor the special cases out of the main loop. So there you have it. As of writing :py:mod:`mitogen.core` consists of 681 source lines, and those 681 lines have taken over a decade to write. I have long had a preference for avoiding infrastructure work commercially, not least for the inescapable depression induced by considering the wasted effort across the world caused by universally horrific tooling. This is my small contribution to a solution, I hope you find it useful. Future ###### `View the issue list on GitHub`_ .. _View the issue list on GitHub: https://github.com/dw/mitogen/issues?q=is%3Aopen%20is%3Aissue%20-label%3Abug