# Connection Delegation issue #340 reproduction. # Path to jails is SSH to H -> mitogen_sudo to root -> jail to J [issue340] # 'target' plays the role of the normal host machine H. # 'mitogen__sudo1' plays the role of root@H via mitogen_sudo. # 'mitogen__user1' plays the role of root@J via mitogen__user1. # 'mitogen__user2' plays the role of E, the delgate_to target for certs. i340-root ansible_user=mitogen__sudo1 ansible_connection=mitogen_sudo mitogen_via=target i340-jail ansible_user=mitogen__user1 ansible_connection=mitogen_sudo mitogen_via=i340-root i340-certs ansible_user=mitogen__user2 ansible_connection=mitogen_sudo mitogen_via=target