# issue #109: ensure that any 'ansible' module or package on the remote machine # does not conflict with operation. - name: regression/issue_109__target_has_old_ansible_installed.yml hosts: test-targets any_errors_fatal: true gather_facts: true tasks: - meta: end_play when: ansible_version.full < '2.6' # Copy the naughty 'ansible' into place. - copy: dest: "{{ansible_user_dir}}/ansible.py" src: ansible.py # Restart the connection. - meta: reset_connection - custom_python_detect_environment: register: env # Verify interpreter config would actually trigger the bug. - assert: that: - env.cwd == ansible_user_dir - (not env.mitogen_loaded) or (env.python_path.count("") == 1) fail_msg: env={{env}} # Run some new-style modules that 'from ansible.module_utils...' - stat: path: / tags: - issue_109