#!/usr/bin/env python import ci_lib # Naturally DebOps only supports Debian. ci_lib.DISTROS = ['debian'] ci_lib.run_batches([ [ # Must be installed separately, as PyNACL indirect requirement causes # newer version to be installed if done in a single pip run. 'pip install "pycparser<2.19"', # 'pip install -qqqU debops==0.7.2 ansible==%s' % ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION, # ansible v2.10 isn't out yet so we're installing from github for now 'pip install -qqqU debops==2.1.2 {}'.format(ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION) ], [ 'docker pull %s' % (ci_lib.image_for_distro('debian'),), ], ]) # after ansible is installed, install common collections until ansible==2.10 comes out ci_lib.run('ansible-galaxy collection install community.general')