# Copyright 2019, David Wilson # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # !mitogen: minify_safe """ Construct new children via the OpenSSH client. """ import logging import re try: from shlex import quote as shlex_quote except ImportError: from pipes import quote as shlex_quote import mitogen.parent from mitogen.core import b from mitogen.core import bytes_partition try: any except NameError: from mitogen.core import any LOG = logging.getLogger('mitogen') auth_incorrect_msg = 'SSH authentication is incorrect' password_incorrect_msg = 'SSH password is incorrect' password_required_msg = 'SSH password was requested, but none specified' hostkey_config_msg = ( 'SSH requested permission to accept unknown host key, but ' 'check_host_keys=ignore. This is likely due to ssh_args= ' 'conflicting with check_host_keys=. Please correct your ' 'configuration.' ) hostkey_failed_msg = ( 'Host key checking is enabled, and SSH reported an unrecognized or ' 'mismatching host key.' ) # sshpass uses 'assword' because it doesn't lowercase the input. PASSWORD_PROMPT_PATTERN = re.compile( b('password'), re.I ) HOSTKEY_REQ_PATTERN = re.compile( b(r'are you sure you want to continue connecting \(yes/no\)\?'), re.I ) HOSTKEY_FAIL_PATTERN = re.compile( b(r'host key verification failed\.'), re.I ) # [user@host: ] permission denied PERMDENIED_PATTERN = re.compile( b('(?:[^@]+@[^:]+: )?' # Absent in OpenSSH <7.5 'Permission denied'), re.I ) DEBUG_PATTERN = re.compile(b'^debug[123]:') class PasswordError(mitogen.core.StreamError): pass class HostKeyError(mitogen.core.StreamError): pass class SetupProtocol(mitogen.parent.RegexProtocol): """ This protocol is attached to stderr of the SSH client. It responds to various interactive prompts as required. """ password_sent = False def _on_host_key_request(self, line, match): if self.stream.conn.options.check_host_keys == 'accept': LOG.debug('%s: accepting host key', self.stream.name) self.stream.transmit_side.write(b('yes\n')) return # _host_key_prompt() should never be reached with ignore or enforce # mode, SSH should have handled that. User's ssh_args= is conflicting # with ours. self.stream.conn._fail_connection(HostKeyError(hostkey_config_msg)) def _on_host_key_failed(self, line, match): self.stream.conn._fail_connection(HostKeyError(hostkey_failed_msg)) def _on_permission_denied(self, line, match): # issue #271: work around conflict with user shell reporting # 'permission denied' e.g. during chdir($HOME) by only matching it at # the start of the line. if self.stream.conn.options.password is not None and \ self.password_sent: self.stream.conn._fail_connection( PasswordError(password_incorrect_msg) ) elif PASSWORD_PROMPT_PATTERN.search(line) and \ self.stream.conn.options.password is None: # Permission denied (password,pubkey) self.stream.conn._fail_connection( PasswordError(password_required_msg) ) else: self.stream.conn._fail_connection( PasswordError(auth_incorrect_msg) ) def _on_password_prompt(self, line, match): LOG.debug('%s: (password prompt): %s', self.stream.name, line) if self.stream.conn.options.password is None: self.stream.conn._fail(PasswordError(password_required_msg)) self.stream.transmit_side.write( (self.stream.conn.options.password + '\n').encode('utf-8') ) self.password_sent = True def _on_debug_line(self, line, match): text = mitogen.core.to_text(line.rstrip()) LOG.debug('%s: %s', self.stream.name, text) PATTERNS = [ (DEBUG_PATTERN, _on_debug_line), (HOSTKEY_FAIL_PATTERN, _on_host_key_failed), (PERMDENIED_PATTERN, _on_permission_denied), ] PARTIAL_PATTERNS = [ (PASSWORD_PROMPT_PATTERN, _on_password_prompt), (HOSTKEY_REQ_PATTERN, _on_host_key_request), ] class Options(mitogen.parent.Options): #: Default to whatever is available as 'python' on the remote machine, #: overriding sys.executable use. python_path = 'python' #: Number of -v invocations to pass on command line. ssh_debug_level = 0 #: The path to the SSH binary. ssh_path = 'ssh' hostname = None username = None port = None identity_file = None password = None ssh_args = None check_host_keys_msg = 'check_host_keys= must be set to accept, enforce or ignore' def __init__(self, hostname, username=None, ssh_path=None, port=None, check_host_keys='enforce', password=None, identity_file=None, compression=True, ssh_args=None, keepalive_enabled=True, keepalive_count=3, keepalive_interval=15, identities_only=True, ssh_debug_level=None, **kwargs): super(Options, self).__init__(**kwargs) if check_host_keys not in ('accept', 'enforce', 'ignore'): raise ValueError(self.check_host_keys_msg) self.hostname = hostname self.username = username self.port = port self.check_host_keys = check_host_keys self.password = password self.identity_file = identity_file self.identities_only = identities_only self.compression = compression self.keepalive_enabled = keepalive_enabled self.keepalive_count = keepalive_count self.keepalive_interval = keepalive_interval if ssh_path: self.ssh_path = ssh_path if ssh_args: self.ssh_args = ssh_args if ssh_debug_level: self.ssh_debug_level = ssh_debug_level class Connection(mitogen.parent.Connection): options_class = Options diag_protocol_class = SetupProtocol child_is_immediate_subprocess = False def _get_name(self): s = u'ssh.' + mitogen.core.to_text(self.options.hostname) if self.options.port and self.options.port != 22: s += u':%s' % (self.options.port,) return s def _requires_pty(self): """ Return :data:`True` if a PTY to is required for this configuration, because it must interactively accept host keys or type a password. """ return ( self.options.check_host_keys == 'accept' or self.options.password is not None ) def create_child(self, **kwargs): """ Avoid PTY use when possible to avoid a scaling limitation. """ if self._requires_pty(): return mitogen.parent.hybrid_tty_create_child(**kwargs) else: return mitogen.parent.create_child(stderr_pipe=True, **kwargs) def get_boot_command(self): bits = [self.options.ssh_path] if self.options.ssh_debug_level: bits += ['-' + ('v' * min(3, self.options.ssh_debug_level))] else: # issue #307: suppress any login banner, as it may contain the # password prompt, and there is no robust way to tell the # difference. bits += ['-o', 'LogLevel ERROR'] if self.options.username: bits += ['-l', self.options.username] if self.options.port is not None: bits += ['-p', str(self.options.port)] if self.options.identities_only and (self.options.identity_file or self.options.password): bits += ['-o', 'IdentitiesOnly yes'] if self.options.identity_file: bits += ['-i', self.options.identity_file] if self.options.compression: bits += ['-o', 'Compression yes'] if self.options.keepalive_enabled: bits += [ '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval %s' % ( self.options.keepalive_interval, ), '-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax %s' % ( self.options.keepalive_count, ), ] if not self._requires_pty(): bits += ['-o', 'BatchMode yes'] if self.options.check_host_keys == 'enforce': bits += ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking yes'] if self.options.check_host_keys == 'accept': bits += ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking ask'] elif self.options.check_host_keys == 'ignore': bits += [ '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null', '-o', 'GlobalKnownHostsFile /dev/null', ] if self.options.ssh_args: bits += self.options.ssh_args bits.append(self.options.hostname) base = super(Connection, self).get_boot_command() return bits + [shlex_quote(s).strip() for s in base]