#!/usr/bin/env python # Run tests/ansible/all.yml under Ansible and Ansible-Mitogen import glob import os import sys import ci_lib from ci_lib import run TESTS_DIR = os.path.join(ci_lib.GIT_ROOT, 'tests/ansible') HOSTS_DIR = os.path.join(ci_lib.TMP, 'hosts') with ci_lib.Fold('unit_tests'): os.environ['SKIP_MITOGEN'] = '1' ci_lib.run('./run_tests -v') with ci_lib.Fold('docker_setup'): containers = ci_lib.make_containers() ci_lib.start_containers(containers) with ci_lib.Fold('job_setup'): # Don't set -U as that will upgrade Paramiko to a non-2.6 compatible version. run("pip install -q ansible==%s", ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION) os.chdir(TESTS_DIR) os.chmod('../data/docker/mitogen__has_sudo_pubkey.key', int('0600', 7)) run("mkdir %s", HOSTS_DIR) for path in glob.glob(TESTS_DIR + '/hosts/*'): if not path.endswith('default.hosts'): run("ln -s %s %s", path, HOSTS_DIR) inventory_path = os.path.join(HOSTS_DIR, 'target') with open(inventory_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write('[test-targets]\n') fp.writelines( "%(name)s " "ansible_host=%(hostname)s " "ansible_port=%(port)s " "ansible_python_interpreter=%(python_path)s " "ansible_user=mitogen__has_sudo_nopw " "ansible_password=has_sudo_nopw_password" "\n" % container for container in containers ) ci_lib.dump_file(inventory_path) if not ci_lib.exists_in_path('sshpass'): run("sudo apt-get update") run("sudo apt-get install -y sshpass") with ci_lib.Fold('ansible'): playbook = os.environ.get('PLAYBOOK', 'all.yml') run('./run_ansible_playbook.py %s -i "%s" %s', playbook, HOSTS_DIR, ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))