import logging import os import pty import termios import time import econtext.core import econtext.master LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) PASSWORD_PROMPT = 'password' class PasswordError(econtext.core.Error): pass def flags(names): """Return the result of ORing a set of (space separated) :py:mod:`termios` module constants together.""" return sum(getattr(termios, name) for name in names.split()) def cfmakeraw((iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc)): """Given a list returned by :py:func:`termios.tcgetattr`, return a list that has been modified in the same manner as the `cfmakeraw()` C library function.""" iflag &= ~flags('IGNBRK BRKINT PARMRK ISTRIP INLCR IGNCR ICRNL IXON') oflag &= ~flags('OPOST IXOFF') lflag &= ~flags('ECHO ECHOE ECHONL ICANON ISIG IEXTEN') cflag &= ~flags('CSIZE PARENB') cflag |= flags('CS8') iflag = 0 oflag = 0 lflag = 0 return [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc] def disable_echo(fd): old = termios.tcgetattr(fd) new = cfmakeraw(old) #new = old[:] #new[3] &= ~flags('ECHO') tcsetattr_flags = termios.TCSAFLUSH if hasattr(termios, 'TCSASOFT'): tcsetattr_flags |= termios.TCSASOFT termios.tcsetattr(fd, tcsetattr_flags, new) def close_nonstandard_fds(): for fd in xrange(3, 1024): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass def tty_create_child(*args): """ Return a file descriptor connected to the master end of a pseudo-terminal, whose slave end is connected to stdin/stdout/stderr of a new child process. The child is created such that the pseudo-terminal becomes its controlling TTY, ensuring access to /dev/tty returns a new file descriptor open on the slave end. :param args: execl() arguments. """ master_fd, slave_fd = os.openpty() import econtext.core #econtext.core.set_nonblocking(master_fd) disable_echo(master_fd) disable_echo(slave_fd) pid = os.fork() if not pid: os.dup2(slave_fd, 0) os.dup2(slave_fd, 1) os.dup2(slave_fd, 2) close_nonstandard_fds() os.setsid() os.close(, os.O_RDWR)) os.execvp(args[0], args) raise SystemExit os.close(slave_fd) LOG.debug('tty_create_child() child %d fd %d, parent %d, args %r', pid, master_fd, os.getpid(), args) return pid, master_fd class Stream(econtext.master.Stream): create_child = staticmethod(tty_create_child) sudo_path = 'sudo' password = None def get_boot_command(self): bits = [self.sudo_path, '-u', self._context.username] return bits + super(Stream, self).get_boot_command() password_incorrect_msg = 'sudo password is incorrect' password_required_msg = 'sudo password is required' def _connect_bootstrap(self): password_sent = False for buf in econtext.master.iter_read(self.receive_side.fd, time.time() + 10.0): LOG.debug('%r: received %r', self, buf) if buf.endswith('EC0\n'): return self._ec0_received() elif PASSWORD_PROMPT in buf.lower(): if self.password is None: raise PasswordError(self.password_required_msg) if password_sent: raise PasswordError(self.password_incorrect_msg) LOG.debug('sending password') os.write(self.transmit_side.fd, self.password + '\n') password_sent = True else: raise econtext.core.StreamError('bootstrap failed') def connect(broker, username=None, sudo_path=None, python_path=None, password=None): """ Get the named sudo context, creating it if it does not exist. :param econtext.core.Broker broker: The broker that will own the context. :param str username: Username to pass to sudo as the ``-u`` parameter, defaults to ``root``. :param str sudo_path: Filename or complete path to the sudo binary. ``PATH`` will be searched if given as a filename. Defaults to ``sudo``. :param str python_path: Filename or complete path to the Python binary. ``PATH`` will be searched if given as a filename. Defaults to :py:data:`sys.executable`. :param str password: The password to use when authenticating to sudo. Depending on the sudo configuration, this is either the current account password or the target account password. :py:class:`econtext.sudo.PasswordError` will be raised if sudo requests a password but none is provided. """ if username is None: username = 'root' context = econtext.master.Context( broker=broker, name='sudo:' + username, username=username) = Stream(context) if sudo_path: = sudo_path if password: = password if python_path: = python_path return broker.register(context)