Internal API Reference ********************** .. toctree:: :hidden: signals Constants ========= .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. autodata:: CHUNK_SIZE Latch Class =========== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. autoclass:: Latch :members: PidfulStreamHandler Class ========================= .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. autoclass:: PidfulStreamHandler :members: Side Class ========== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. class:: Side (stream, fd, keep_alive=True) Represent a single side of a :py:class:`BasicStream`. This exists to allow streams implemented using unidirectional (e.g. UNIX pipe) and bidirectional (e.g. UNIX socket) file descriptors to operate identically. :param mitogen.core.Stream stream: The stream this side is associated with. :param int fd: Underlying file descriptor. :param bool keep_alive: Value for :py:attr:`keep_alive` During construction, the file descriptor has its :py:data:`os.O_NONBLOCK` flag enabled using :py:func:`fcntl.fcntl`. .. attribute:: stream The :py:class:`Stream` for which this is a read or write side. .. attribute:: fd Integer file descriptor to perform IO on, or :data:`None` if :py:meth:`close` has been called. .. attribute:: keep_alive If :data:`True`, causes presence of this side in :py:class:`Broker`'s active reader set to defer shutdown until the side is disconnected. .. method:: fileno Return :py:attr:`fd` if it is not :data:`None`, otherwise raise :py:class:`StreamError`. This method is implemented so that :py:class:`Side` can be used directly by :py:func:``. .. method:: close Call :py:func:`os.close` on :py:attr:`fd` if it is not :data:`None`, then set it to :data:`None`. .. method:: read (n=CHUNK_SIZE) Read up to `n` bytes from the file descriptor, wrapping the underlying :py:func:`` call with :py:func:`io_op` to trap common disconnection conditions. :py:meth:`read` always behaves as if it is reading from a regular UNIX file; socket, pipe, and TTY disconnection errors are masked and result in a 0-sized read just like a regular file. :returns: Bytes read, or the empty to string to indicate disconnection was detected. .. method:: write (s) Write as much of the bytes from `s` as possible to the file descriptor, wrapping the underlying :py:func:`os.write` call with :py:func:`io_op` to trap common disconnection connditions. :returns: Number of bytes written, or :data:`None` if disconnection was detected. Stream Classes ============== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. class:: BasicStream .. attribute:: receive_side A :py:class:`Side` representing the stream's receive file descriptor. .. attribute:: transmit_side A :py:class:`Side` representing the stream's transmit file descriptor. .. method:: on_disconnect (broker) Called by :py:class:`Broker` to force disconnect the stream. The base implementation simply closes :py:attr:`receive_side` and :py:attr:`transmit_side` and unregisters the stream from the broker. .. method:: on_receive (broker) Called by :py:class:`Broker` when the stream's :py:attr:`receive_side` has been marked readable using :py:meth:`Broker.start_receive` and the broker has detected the associated file descriptor is ready for reading. Subclasses must implement this method if :py:meth:`Broker.start_receive` is ever called on them, and the method must call :py:meth:`on_disconect` if reading produces an empty string. .. method:: on_transmit (broker) Called by :py:class:`Broker` when the stream's :py:attr:`transmit_side` has been marked writeable using :py:meth:`Broker._start_transmit` and the broker has detected the associated file descriptor is ready for writing. Subclasses must implement this method if :py:meth:`Broker._start_transmit` is ever called on them. .. method:: on_shutdown (broker) Called by :py:meth:`Broker.shutdown` to allow the stream time to gracefully shutdown. The base implementation simply called :py:meth:`on_disconnect`. .. autoclass:: Stream :members: .. method:: pending_bytes () Returns the number of bytes queued for transmission on this stream. This can be used to limit the amount of data buffered in RAM by an otherwise unlimited consumer. For an accurate result, this method should be called from the Broker thread, using a wrapper like: :: def get_pending_bytes(self, stream): latch = mitogen.core.Latch() lambda: latch.put(stream.pending_bytes()) ) return latch.get() .. currentmodule:: mitogen.fork .. autoclass:: Stream :members: .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autoclass:: Stream :members: .. currentmodule:: mitogen.ssh .. autoclass:: Stream :members: .. currentmodule:: mitogen.sudo .. autoclass:: Stream :members: Other Stream Subclasses ======================= .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. autoclass:: IoLogger :members: .. autoclass:: Waker :members: Poller Class ============ .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. autoclass:: Poller .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autoclass:: KqueuePoller .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autoclass:: EpollPoller Importer Class ============== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. autoclass:: Importer :members: Responder Class =============== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.master .. autoclass:: ModuleResponder :members: RouteMonitor Class ================== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autoclass:: RouteMonitor :members: Forwarder Class =============== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autoclass:: ModuleForwarder :members: ExternalContext Class ===================== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. class:: ExternalContext External context implementation. .. attribute:: broker The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Broker` instance. .. attribute:: context The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Context` instance. .. attribute:: channel The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Channel` over which :py:data:`CALL_FUNCTION` requests are received. .. attribute:: stdout_log The :py:class:`mitogen.core.IoLogger` connected to ``stdout``. .. attribute:: importer The :py:class:`mitogen.core.Importer` instance. .. attribute:: stdout_log The :py:class:`IoLogger` connected to ``stdout``. .. attribute:: stderr_log The :py:class:`IoLogger` connected to ``stderr``. .. method:: _dispatch_calls Implementation for the main thread in every child context. mitogen.master ============== .. currentmodule:: mitogen.master .. class:: ProcessMonitor Install a :py:data:`signal.SIGCHLD` handler that generates callbacks when a specific child process has exitted. .. method:: add (pid, callback) Add a callback function to be notified of the exit status of a process. :param int pid: Process ID to be notified of. :param callback: Function invoked as `callback(status)`, where `status` is the raw exit status of the child process. Blocking I/O Functions ====================== These functions exist to support the blocking phase of setting up a new context. They will eventually be replaced with asynchronous equivalents. .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autofunction:: discard_until .. autofunction:: iter_read .. autofunction:: write_all Subprocess Creation Functions ============================= .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autofunction:: create_child .. autofunction:: hybrid_tty_create_child .. autofunction:: tty_create_child Helper Functions ================ .. currentmodule:: mitogen.core .. autofunction:: to_text .. autofunction:: has_parent_authority .. autofunction:: set_cloexec .. autofunction:: set_nonblock .. autofunction:: set_block .. autofunction:: io_op .. currentmodule:: mitogen.parent .. autofunction:: close_nonstandard_fds .. autofunction:: create_socketpair .. currentmodule:: mitogen.master .. autofunction:: get_child_modules .. currentmodule:: mitogen.minify .. autofunction:: minimize_source Signals ======= :ref:`Please refer to Signals `.