# https://github.com/dw/mitogen/issues/251 # ansible_mitogen.connection internally reinterprets Ansible state into a # 'connection stack' -- this is just a list of dictionaries specifying a # sequence of proxied Router connection methods and their kwargs used to # establish the connection. That list is passed to ContextService, which loops # over the stack specifying via=(null or previous entry) for each connection # method. # mitogen_get_stack is a magic action that returns the stack, so we can test # all kinds of scenarios without actually needing a real environmnt. # Updating this file? Install 'pprintpp' and hack lib/callbacks/nice_stdout.py # to use it instead of the built-in function, then simply s/'/'/ to get the # cutpasteable formatted dicts below. WARNING: remove the trailing comma from # the result list element, it seems to cause assert to silently succeed! - name: integration/connection_delegation/stack_construction.yml hosts: cd-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen # used later for local_action test. - local_action: custom_python_detect_environment register: local_env tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { "kwargs": { "connect_timeout": 10, "doas_path": null, "password": null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, "username": "normal-user", }, "method": "doas", } ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: delegate_to: cd-alias register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { 'check_host_keys': 'ignore', 'compression': True, 'connect_timeout': 10, 'hostname': 'alias-host', 'identities_only': False, 'identity_file': null, 'keepalive_interval': 30, 'keepalive_count': 10, 'password': null, 'port': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'ssh_args': [ '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ForwardAgent=yes', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s', ], 'ssh_debug_level': null, 'ssh_path': 'ssh', 'username': 'alias-user', }, 'method': 'ssh', }, ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-alias tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { 'check_host_keys': 'ignore', 'compression': True, 'connect_timeout': 10, 'hostname': 'alias-host', 'identities_only': False, 'identity_file': null, 'keepalive_interval': 30, 'keepalive_count': 10, 'password': null, 'port': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'ssh_args': [ '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ForwardAgent=yes', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s', ], 'ssh_debug_level': null, 'ssh_path': 'ssh', 'username': 'alias-user', }, 'method': 'ssh', }, ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-normal-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { 'connect_timeout': 10, 'doas_path': null, 'password': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'username': 'normal-user', }, 'method': 'doas', }, { 'kwargs': { 'check_host_keys': 'ignore', 'compression': True, 'connect_timeout': 10, 'hostname': 'cd-normal-normal', 'identities_only': False, 'identity_file': null, 'keepalive_interval': 30, 'keepalive_count': 10, 'password': null, 'port': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'ssh_args': [ '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ForwardAgent=yes', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s', ], 'ssh_debug_level': null, 'ssh_path': 'ssh', 'username': 'ansible-cfg-remote-user', }, 'method': 'ssh', }, ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-normal-alias tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { 'check_host_keys': 'ignore', 'compression': True, 'connect_timeout': 10, 'hostname': 'alias-host', 'identities_only': False, 'identity_file': null, 'keepalive_interval': 30, 'keepalive_count': 10, 'password': null, 'port': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'ssh_args': [ '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ForwardAgent=yes', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s', ], 'ssh_debug_level': null, 'ssh_path': 'ssh', 'username': 'alias-user', }, 'method': 'ssh', }, { 'kwargs': { 'check_host_keys': 'ignore', 'compression': True, 'connect_timeout': 10, 'hostname': 'cd-normal-alias', 'identities_only': False, 'identity_file': null, 'keepalive_interval': 30, 'keepalive_count': 10, 'password': null, 'port': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'ssh_args': [ '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ForwardAgent=yes', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s', ], 'ssh_debug_level': null, 'ssh_path': 'ssh', 'username': 'ansible-cfg-remote-user', }, 'method': 'ssh', }, ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-newuser-normal-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { 'connect_timeout': 10, 'doas_path': null, 'password': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'username': 'normal-user', }, 'method': 'doas', }, { 'kwargs': { 'check_host_keys': 'ignore', 'compression': True, 'connect_timeout': 10, 'hostname': 'cd-newuser-normal-normal', 'identities_only': False, 'identity_file': null, 'keepalive_interval': 30, 'keepalive_count': 10, 'password': null, 'port': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'ssh_args': [ '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ForwardAgent=yes', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s', ], 'ssh_debug_level': null, 'ssh_path': 'ssh', 'username': 'newuser-normal-normal-user', }, 'method': 'ssh', }, ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-newuser-normal-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: delegate_to: cd-alias register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { 'check_host_keys': 'ignore', 'compression': True, 'connect_timeout': 10, 'hostname': 'alias-host', 'identities_only': False, 'identity_file': null, 'keepalive_interval': 30, 'keepalive_count': 10, 'password': null, 'port': null, "python_path": ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'ssh_args': [ '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ForwardAgent=yes', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s', ], 'ssh_debug_level': null, 'ssh_path': 'ssh', 'username': 'alias-user', }, 'method': 'ssh', }, ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-newuser-normal-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - local_action: mitogen_get_stack register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { "python_path": ["{{ansible_playbook_python}}"], }, 'method': 'local', }, ] tags: - stack_construction - hosts: cd-newuser-doas-normal tasks: - meta: end_play when: not is_mitogen - mitogen_get_stack: register: out - assert_equal: left: out.result right: [ { 'kwargs': { 'connect_timeout': 10, 'doas_path': null, 'password': null, 'python_path': ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'username': 'normal-user', }, 'method': 'doas', }, { 'kwargs': { 'connect_timeout': 10, 'doas_path': null, 'password': null, 'python_path': ["/usr/bin/python"], 'remote_name': null, 'username': 'newuser-doas-normal-user', }, 'method': 'doas', }, ] tags: - stack_construction