import curses import subprocess import sys import time import mitogen.core import mitogen.master import mitogen.utils class Host(object): name = None context = None recv = None def __init__(self): self.procs = {} #: pid -> Process() class Process(object): host = None user = None pid = None ppid = None pgid = None command = None rss = None pcpu = None rss = None def send_once(sender): args = ['ps', '-axwwo', 'user,pid,ppid,pgid,%cpu,rss,command'] output = subprocess.check_output(args) sender.put(output) @mitogen.core.takes_router def remote_main(context_id, handle, delay, router): context = mitogen.core.Context(router, context_id) sender = mitogen.core.Sender(context, handle) while True: send_once(sender) time.sleep(delay) def parse_output(host, s): prev_pids = set(host.procs) for line in s.splitlines()[1:]: bits = line.split(None, 6) pid = int(bits[1]) prev_pids.discard(pid) try: proc = host.procs[pid] except KeyError: host.procs[pid] = proc = Process() proc.hostname = proc.user = bits[0] = pid proc.ppid = int(bits[2]) proc.pgid = int(bits[3]) proc.pcpu = float(bits[4]) proc.rss = int(bits[5]) / 1024 proc.command = bits[6] # These PIDs had no update, so probably they are dead now. for pid in prev_pids: del host.procs[pid] class Painter(object): def __init__(self, hosts): self.stdscr = curses.initscr() self.height, self.width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() curses.cbreak() curses.noecho() self.stdscr.keypad(1) self.hosts = hosts self.format = ( '%(hostname)10.10s ' '%(pid)7.7s ' '%(ppid)7.7s ' '%(pcpu)6.6s ' '%(rss)5.5s ' '%(command)20s' ) def close(self): curses.endwin() def paint(self): self.stdscr.clear() self.stdscr.addstr(0, 0, time.ctime()) all_procs = [] for host in self.hosts: all_procs.extend(host.procs.itervalues()) all_procs.sort(key=(lambda proc: -proc.pcpu)) self.stdscr.addstr(1, 0, self.format % { 'hostname': 'HOST', 'pid': 'PID', 'ppid': 'PPID', 'pcpu': '%CPU', 'rss': 'RSS', 'command': 'COMMAND', }) for i, proc in enumerate(all_procs): if (i+3) >= self.height: break self.stdscr.addstr(2+i, 0, self.format % vars(proc)) self.stdscr.refresh() def local_main(painter, router, select, delay): next_paint = 0 while True: recv, (msg, data) = select.get() parse_output(, data) if next_paint < time.time(): next_paint = time.time() + delay painter.paint() def main(router, argv): #mitogen.utils.log_to_file(level='DEBUG') mitogen.utils.log_to_file() if not len(argv): print 'mitop: Need a list of SSH hosts to connect to.' sys.exit(1) delay = 1.0 select = mitogen.master.Select(oneshot=False) hosts = [] for hostname in argv: print 'Starting on', hostname host = Host() = hostname if == 'localhost': host.context = router.local() else: host.context = router.ssh( host.recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(router) = host host.recv.host_main = False host.tasks = [] select.add(host.recv) call_recv = host.context.call_async(remote_main, mitogen.context_id, host.recv.handle, delay, ) = host call_recv.host_main = True select.add(call_recv) hosts.append(host) painter = Painter(hosts) try: try: local_main(painter, router, select, delay) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: painter.close() if __name__ == '__main__': mitogen.utils.run_with_router(main, sys.argv[1:])