# issue #581: ensure mitogen_mask_remote_name is respected. - name: integration/context_service/remote_name.yml hosts: test-targets[0] tasks: - include_tasks: ../_mitogen_only.yml # Too much hassle to make this work for OSX - meta: end_play when: ansible_system != 'Linux' - name: Get cmdline shell: 'cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline | tr \\0 \\n' register: out - debug: var=out - assert: that: - out.stdout is match('.*python([0-9.]+)?\(mitogen:[a-z]+@[^:]+:[0-9]+\)') fail_msg: out={{out}} - name: Get cmdline, with mitogen_mask_remote_name shell: 'cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline | tr \\0 \\n' register: out vars: mitogen_mask_remote_name: true - debug: var=out - assert: that: - out.stdout is match('.*python([0-9.]+)?\(mitogen:ansible\)') fail_msg: out={{out}} tags: - mitogen_only - remote_name