#!/bin/bash -ex # Run some invocations of DebOps. TMPDIR="/tmp/debops-$$" TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:-`pwd`}" TARGET_COUNT="${TARGET_COUNT:-2}" ANSIBLE_VERSION="${VER:-2.6.1}" DISTRO=debian # Naturally DebOps only supports Debian. export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}" function on_exit() { echo travis_fold:start:cleanup [ "$KEEP" ] || { rm -rf "$TMPDIR" || true for i in $(seq $TARGET_COUNT) do docker kill target$i || true done } echo travis_fold:end:cleanup } trap on_exit EXIT mkdir "$TMPDIR" echo travis_fold:start:job_setup pip install -qqqU debops==0.7.2 ansible==${ANSIBLE_VERSION} debops-init "$TMPDIR/project" cd "$TMPDIR/project" cat > .debops.cfg <<-EOF [ansible defaults] strategy_plugins = ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ansible_mitogen/plugins/strategy strategy = mitogen_linear EOF chmod go= ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/tests/data/docker/mitogen__has_sudo_pubkey.key cat > ansible/inventory/group_vars/debops_all_hosts.yml <<-EOF ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python2.7 ansible_user: mitogen__has_sudo_pubkey ansible_become_pass: has_sudo_pubkey_password ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/tests/data/docker/mitogen__has_sudo_pubkey.key # Speed up slow DH generation. dhparam__bits: ["128", "64"] EOF DOCKER_HOSTNAME="$(python ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/tests/show_docker_hostname.py)" for i in $(seq $TARGET_COUNT) do port=$((2200 + $i)) docker run \ --rm \ --detach \ --publish$port:22/tcp \ --name=target$i \ mitogen/${DISTRO}-test echo \ target$i \ ansible_host=$DOCKER_HOSTNAME \ ansible_port=$port \ >> ansible/inventory/hosts done echo echo --- ansible/inventory/hosts: ---- cat ansible/inventory/hosts echo --- # Now we have real host key checking, we need to turn it off. :) export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False echo travis_fold:end:job_setup echo travis_fold:start:first_run /usr/bin/time debops common "$@" echo travis_fold:end:first_run echo travis_fold:start:second_run /usr/bin/time debops common "$@" echo travis_fold:end:second_run