psutil==5.4.8 coverage==4.5.1 Django==1.6.11 # Last version supporting 2.6. mock==2.0.0 pytz==2018.5 cffi==1.14.3 # Random pin to try and fix pyparser==2.18 not having effect pycparser==2.18 # Last version supporting 2.6. faulthandler==3.1; python_version < '3.3' # used by testlib pytest-catchlog==1.2.2 pytest==3.1.2 timeoutcontext==1.2.0 unittest2==1.1.0 # Fix InsecurePlatformWarning while creating py26 tox environment # urllib3[secure]==1.23; python_version < '2.7' urllib3[secure]==1.26; python_version > '2.6' and python_version < '2.7.9' # Last idna compatible with Python 2.6 was idna 2.7. idna==2.7; python_version < '2.7'