# Verify behaviour of a single asynchronous task, and presence of all output # fields. - name: integration/async/runner_one_job.yml hosts: test-targets tasks: # Verify output of a single async job. - name: start 2 second op # Sleep after writing; see https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/51393 shell: | echo alldone; sleep 1; async: 1000 poll: 0 register: job1 - assert: that: | job1.ansible_job_id and (job1.changed == True) and (job1.started == 1) and (job1.changed == True) and (job1.finished == 0) fail_msg: job1={{job1}} - name: busy-poll up to 100000 times async_status: jid: "{{job1.ansible_job_id}}" register: result1 until: result1.finished retries: 100000 delay: 0 - assert: that: - result1.ansible_job_id == job1.ansible_job_id - result1.attempts <= 100000 - result1.changed == True # ansible/b72e989e1837ccad8dcdc926c43ccbc4d8cdfe44 - | (ansible_version.full is version('2.8', ">=", strict=True) and result1.cmd == "echo alldone;\nsleep 1;\n") or (ansible_version.full is version('2.8', '<', strict=True) and result1.cmd == "echo alldone;\n sleep 1;") - result1.delta|length == 14 - result1.start|length == 26 - result1.finished == 1 - result1.rc == 0 fail_msg: result1={{result1}} - assert: that: - result1.stderr == "" - result1.stderr_lines == [] - result1.stdout == "alldone" - result1.stdout_lines == ["alldone"] fail_msg: result1={{result1}} when: - ansible_version.full is version('2.8', '>', strict=True) # ansible#51393 - assert: that: - result1.failed == False fail_msg: result1={{result1}} when: - ansible_version.full is version('2.4', '>', strict=True) tags: - runner_one_job