# Ansible removed its default SSH port in May 2021, defering to the SSH # implementation. # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/45618a6f3856f7332df8afe4adc40d85649a70da # Careful templating is needed to preseve the type(s) of expected_ssh_port, # particularly in combination with the assert_equal action plugin. # Do: {{ expected_ssh_port }} # Don't: {{ expected_ssh_port | any_filter }} # Don't: {% if ...%}{{ expected_ssh_port }}{% else %}...{% endif %} # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66102524/ansible-set-fact-type-cast/66104814#66104814 - set_fact: expected_ssh_port: null when: ansible_version.full is version('2.11.1', '>=', strict=True) - set_fact: expected_ssh_port: 22 when: ansible_version.full is version('2.11.1', '<', strict=True)