# Copyright 2017, David Wilson # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import fcntl import getpass import inspect import logging import os import select import signal import socket import sys import termios import textwrap import threading import time import types import zlib try: from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 11): from mitogen.compat import tokenize else: import tokenize try: from functools import lru_cache except ImportError: from mitogen.compat.functools import lru_cache import mitogen.core from mitogen.core import LOG from mitogen.core import IOLOG try: SC_OPEN_MAX = os.sysconf('SC_OPEN_MAX') except: SC_OPEN_MAX = 1024 class Argv(object): def __init__(self, argv): self.argv = argv def escape(self, x): s = '"' for c in x: if c in '\\$"`': s += '\\' s += c s += '"' return s def __str__(self): return ' '.join(map(self.escape, self.argv)) def get_log_level(): return (LOG.level or logging.getLogger().level or logging.INFO) def is_immediate_child(msg, stream): """ Handler policy that requires messages to arrive only from immediately connected children. """ return msg.src_id == stream.remote_id @lru_cache() def minimize_source(source): """Remove most comments and docstrings from Python source code. """ tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(BytesIO(source).readline) tokens = strip_comments(tokens) tokens = strip_docstrings(tokens) tokens = reindent(tokens) return tokenize.untokenize(tokens) def strip_comments(tokens): """Drop comment tokens from a `tokenize` stream. Comments on lines 1-2 are kept, to preserve hashbang and encoding. Trailing whitespace is remove from all lines. """ prev_typ = None prev_end_col = 0 for typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line in tokens: if typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE): if prev_typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE): start_col = 0 else: start_col = prev_end_col end_col = start_col + 1 elif typ == tokenize.COMMENT and start_row > 2: continue prev_typ = typ prev_end_col = end_col yield typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line def strip_docstrings(tokens): """Replace docstring tokens with NL tokens in a `tokenize` stream. Any STRING token not part of an expression is deemed a docstring. Indented docstrings are not yet recognised. """ stack = [] state = 'wait_string' for t in tokens: typ = t[0] if state == 'wait_string': if typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT): yield t elif typ in (tokenize.DEDENT, tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.STRING): stack.append(t) elif typ == tokenize.NEWLINE: stack.append(t) start_line, end_line = stack[0][2][0], stack[-1][3][0]+1 for i in range(start_line, end_line): yield tokenize.NL, '\n', (i, 0), (i,1), '\n' for t in stack: if t[0] in (tokenize.DEDENT, tokenize.INDENT): yield t[0], t[1], (i+1, t[2][1]), (i+1, t[3][1]), t[4] del stack[:] else: stack.append(t) for t in stack: yield t del stack[:] state = 'wait_newline' elif state == 'wait_newline': if typ == tokenize.NEWLINE: state = 'wait_string' yield t def reindent(tokens, indent=' '): """Replace existing indentation in a token steam, with `indent`. """ old_levels = [] old_level = 0 new_level = 0 for typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line in tokens: if typ == tokenize.INDENT: old_levels.append(old_level) old_level = len(tok) new_level += 1 tok = indent * new_level elif typ == tokenize.DEDENT: old_level = old_levels.pop() new_level -= 1 start_col = max(0, start_col - old_level + new_level) if start_row == end_row: end_col = start_col + len(tok) yield typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line def flags(names): """Return the result of ORing a set of (space separated) :py:mod:`termios` module constants together.""" return sum(getattr(termios, name) for name in names.split()) def cfmakeraw(tflags): """Given a list returned by :py:func:`termios.tcgetattr`, return a list that has been modified in the same manner as the `cfmakeraw()` C library function.""" iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc = tflags iflag &= ~flags('IGNBRK BRKINT PARMRK ISTRIP INLCR IGNCR ICRNL IXON') oflag &= ~flags('OPOST IXOFF') lflag &= ~flags('ECHO ECHOE ECHONL ICANON ISIG IEXTEN') cflag &= ~flags('CSIZE PARENB') cflag |= flags('CS8') # TODO: one or more of the above bit twiddles sets or omits a necessary # flag. Forcing these fields to zero, as shown below, gets us what we want # on Linux/OS X, but it is possibly broken on some other OS. iflag = 0 oflag = 0 lflag = 0 return [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc] def disable_echo(fd): old = termios.tcgetattr(fd) new = cfmakeraw(old) flags = ( termios.TCSAFLUSH | getattr(termios, 'TCSASOFT', 0) ) termios.tcsetattr(fd, flags, new) def close_nonstandard_fds(): for fd in xrange(3, SC_OPEN_MAX): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass def create_socketpair(): parentfp, childfp = socket.socketpair() parentfp.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, mitogen.core.CHUNK_SIZE) childfp.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, mitogen.core.CHUNK_SIZE) return parentfp, childfp def create_child(*args): parentfp, childfp = create_socketpair() pid = os.fork() if not pid: # When running under a monkey patches-enabled gevent, the socket module # yields file descriptors who already have O_NONBLOCK, which is # persisted across fork, totally breaking Python. Therefore, drop # O_NONBLOCK from Python's future stdin fd. mitogen.core.set_block(childfp.fileno()) os.dup2(childfp.fileno(), 0) os.dup2(childfp.fileno(), 1) childfp.close() parentfp.close() os.execvp(args[0], args) childfp.close() # Decouple the socket from the lifetime of the Python socket object. fd = os.dup(parentfp.fileno()) parentfp.close() LOG.debug('create_child() child %d fd %d, parent %d, cmd: %s', pid, fd, os.getpid(), Argv(args)) return pid, fd def tty_create_child(*args): master_fd, slave_fd = os.openpty() disable_echo(master_fd) disable_echo(slave_fd) pid = os.fork() if not pid: mitogen.core.set_block(slave_fd) os.dup2(slave_fd, 0) os.dup2(slave_fd, 1) os.dup2(slave_fd, 2) close_nonstandard_fds() os.setsid() if sys.platform == 'linux2': # On Linux, the controlling tty becomes the first tty opened by a # process lacking any prior tty. os.close(os.open(os.ttyname(1), os.O_RDWR)) if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd') or sys.platform == 'darwin': # On BSD an explicit ioctl is required. fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCSCTTY) os.execvp(args[0], args) os._exit(1) os.close(slave_fd) LOG.debug('tty_create_child() child %d fd %d, parent %d, cmd: %s', pid, master_fd, os.getpid(), Argv(args)) return pid, master_fd def write_all(fd, s, deadline=None): timeout = None written = 0 while written < len(s): if deadline is not None: timeout = max(0, deadline - time.time()) if timeout == 0: raise mitogen.core.TimeoutError('write timed out') _, wfds, _ = select.select([], [fd], [], timeout) if not wfds: continue n, disconnected = mitogen.core.io_op(os.write, fd, buffer(s, written)) if disconnected: raise mitogen.core.StreamError('EOF on stream during write') written += n def iter_read(fd, deadline=None): bits = [] timeout = None while True: if deadline is not None: timeout = max(0, deadline - time.time()) if timeout == 0: break rfds, _, _ = select.select([fd], [], [], timeout) if not rfds: continue s, disconnected = mitogen.core.io_op(os.read, fd, 4096) IOLOG.debug('iter_read(%r) -> %r', fd, s) if disconnected or not s: raise mitogen.core.StreamError( 'EOF on stream; last 300 bytes received: %r' % (''.join(bits)[-300:],) ) bits.append(s) yield s raise mitogen.core.TimeoutError('read timed out') def discard_until(fd, s, deadline): for buf in iter_read(fd, deadline): if IOLOG.level == logging.DEBUG: for line in buf.splitlines(): IOLOG.debug('discard_until: discarding %r', line) if buf.endswith(s): return def upgrade_router(econtext): if not isinstance(econtext.router, Router): # TODO econtext.router.__class__ = Router # TODO econtext.router.upgrade( importer=econtext.importer, parent=econtext.parent, ) def make_call_msg(fn, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(fn, types.MethodType) and \ isinstance(fn.im_self, (type, types.ClassType)): klass = fn.im_self.__name__ else: klass = None return mitogen.core.Message.pickled( (fn.__module__, klass, fn.__name__, args, kwargs), handle=mitogen.core.CALL_FUNCTION, ) def stream_by_method_name(name): """ Given the name of a Mitogen connection method, import its implementation module and return its Stream subclass. """ if name == 'local': name = 'parent' Stream = None exec('from mitogen.%s import Stream' % (name,)) return Stream @mitogen.core.takes_econtext def _proxy_connect(name, method_name, kwargs, econtext): mitogen.parent.upgrade_router(econtext) try: context = econtext.router._connect( klass=stream_by_method_name(method_name), name=name, **kwargs ) except mitogen.core.StreamError: return { 'id': None, 'name': None, 'msg': str(sys.exc_info()[1]), } return { 'id': context.context_id, 'name': context.name, 'msg': None, } class Stream(mitogen.core.Stream): """ Base for streams capable of starting new slaves. """ #: The path to the remote Python interpreter. python_path = 'python2.7' #: Maximum time to wait for a connection attempt. connect_timeout = 30.0 #: Derived from :py:attr:`connect_timeout`; absolute floating point #: UNIX timestamp after which the connection attempt should be abandoned. connect_deadline = None #: True to cause context to write verbose /tmp/mitogen..log. debug = False #: True to cause context to write /tmp/mitogen.stats...log. profiling = False #: Set to the child's PID by connect(). pid = None #: Passed via Router wrapper methods, must eventually be passed to #: ExternalContext.main(). max_message_size = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Stream, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sent_modules = set(['mitogen', 'mitogen.core']) #: List of contexts reachable via this stream; used to cleanup routes #: during disconnection. self.routes = set([self.remote_id]) def construct(self, max_message_size, remote_name=None, python_path=None, debug=False, connect_timeout=None, profiling=False, old_router=None, **kwargs): """Get the named context running on the local machine, creating it if it does not exist.""" super(Stream, self).construct(**kwargs) self.max_message_size = max_message_size if python_path: self.python_path = python_path if sys.platform == 'darwin' and self.python_path == '/usr/bin/python': # OS X installs a craptacular argv0-introspecting Python version # switcher as /usr/bin/python. Override attempts to call it with an # explicit call to python2.7 self.python_path = '/usr/bin/python2.7' if connect_timeout: self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout if remote_name is None: remote_name = '%s@%s:%d' remote_name %= (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname(), os.getpid()) if '/' in remote_name or '\\' in remote_name: raise ValueError('remote_name= cannot contain slashes') self.remote_name = remote_name self.debug = debug self.profiling = profiling self.max_message_size = max_message_size self.connect_deadline = time.time() + self.connect_timeout def on_shutdown(self, broker): """Request the slave gracefully shut itself down.""" LOG.debug('%r closing CALL_FUNCTION channel', self) self.send( mitogen.core.Message( src_id=mitogen.context_id, dst_id=self.remote_id, handle=mitogen.core.SHUTDOWN, ) ) def on_disconnect(self, broker): pid, status = os.waitpid(self.pid, os.WNOHANG) if pid: LOG.debug('%r: child process exit status was %d', self, status) else: LOG.debug('%r: child process still alive, sending SIGTERM', self) os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) pid, status = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0) super(Stream, self).on_disconnect(broker) # Minimised, gzipped, base64'd and passed to 'python -c'. It forks, dups # file descriptor 0 as 100, creates a pipe, then execs a new interpreter # with a custom argv. # * Optimized for minimum byte count after minification & compression. # * 'CONTEXT_NAME', 'PREAMBLE_COMPRESSED_LEN', and 'PREAMBLE_LEN' are # substituted with their respective values. # * CONTEXT_NAME must be prefixed with the name of the Python binary in # order to allow virtualenvs to detect their install prefix. @staticmethod def _first_stage(): R,W=os.pipe() r,w=os.pipe() if os.fork(): os.dup2(0,100) os.dup2(R,0) os.dup2(r,101) os.close(R) os.close(r) os.close(W) os.close(w) os.environ['ARGV0']=sys.executable os.execl(sys.executable,sys.executable+'(mitogen:CONTEXT_NAME)') os.write(1,'EC0\n') C=_(os.fdopen(0,'rb').read(PREAMBLE_COMPRESSED_LEN),'zip') os.fdopen(W,'w',0).write(C) os.fdopen(w,'w',0).write('PREAMBLE_LEN\n'+C) os.write(1,'EC1\n') def get_boot_command(self): source = inspect.getsource(self._first_stage) source = textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(source.strip().split('\n')[2:])) source = source.replace(' ', '\t') source = source.replace('CONTEXT_NAME', self.remote_name) preamble_compressed = self.get_preamble() source = source.replace('PREAMBLE_COMPRESSED_LEN', str(len(preamble_compressed))) source = source.replace('PREAMBLE_LEN', str(len(zlib.decompress(preamble_compressed)))) encoded = zlib.compress(source, 9).encode('base64').replace('\n', '') # We can't use bytes.decode() in 3.x since it was restricted to always # return unicode, so codecs.decode() is used instead. In 3.x # codecs.decode() requires a bytes object. Since we must be compatible # with 2.4 (no bytes literal), an extra .encode() either returns the # same str (2.x) or an equivalent bytes (3.x). return [ self.python_path, '-c', 'import codecs,os,sys;_=codecs.decode;' 'exec(_(_("%s".encode(),"base64"),"zip"))' % (encoded,) ] def get_main_kwargs(self): assert self.max_message_size is not None parent_ids = mitogen.parent_ids[:] parent_ids.insert(0, mitogen.context_id) return { 'parent_ids': parent_ids, 'context_id': self.remote_id, 'debug': self.debug, 'profiling': self.profiling, 'log_level': get_log_level(), 'whitelist': self._router.get_module_whitelist(), 'blacklist': self._router.get_module_blacklist(), 'max_message_size': self.max_message_size, } def get_preamble(self): source = inspect.getsource(mitogen.core) source += '\nExternalContext().main(**%r)\n' % ( self.get_main_kwargs(), ) return zlib.compress(minimize_source(source), 9) create_child = staticmethod(create_child) name_prefix = 'local' def start_child(self): return self.create_child(*self.get_boot_command()) def connect(self): LOG.debug('%r.connect()', self) self.pid, fd = self.start_child() self.name = '%s.%s' % (self.name_prefix, self.pid) self.receive_side = mitogen.core.Side(self, fd) self.transmit_side = mitogen.core.Side(self, os.dup(fd)) LOG.debug('%r.connect(): child process stdin/stdout=%r', self, self.receive_side.fd) self._connect_bootstrap() def _ec0_received(self): LOG.debug('%r._ec0_received()', self) write_all(self.transmit_side.fd, self.get_preamble()) discard_until(self.receive_side.fd, 'EC1\n', time.time() + 10.0) def _connect_bootstrap(self): deadline = time.time() + self.connect_timeout discard_until(self.receive_side.fd, 'EC0\n', deadline) self._ec0_received() class ChildIdAllocator(object): def __init__(self, router): self.router = router self.lock = threading.Lock() self.it = iter(xrange(0)) def allocate(self): self.lock.acquire() try: for id_ in self.it: return id_ master = mitogen.core.Context(self.router, 0) start, end = master.send_await( mitogen.core.Message(dst_id=0, handle=mitogen.core.ALLOCATE_ID) ) self.it = iter(xrange(start, end)) finally: self.lock.release() return self.allocate() class Context(mitogen.core.Context): via = None def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, mitogen.core.Context) and (other.context_id == self.context_id) and (other.router == self.router)) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.router, self.context_id)) def call_async(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): LOG.debug('%r.call_async(%r, *%r, **%r)', self, fn, args, kwargs) return self.send_async(make_call_msg(fn, *args, **kwargs)) def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): receiver = self.call_async(fn, *args, **kwargs) return receiver.get().unpickle(throw_dead=False) def shutdown(self, wait=False): LOG.debug('%r.shutdown() sending SHUTDOWN', self) latch = mitogen.core.Latch() mitogen.core.listen(self, 'disconnect', lambda: latch.put(None)) self.send( mitogen.core.Message( handle=mitogen.core.SHUTDOWN, ) ) if wait: latch.get() class RouteMonitor(object): def __init__(self, router, parent=None): self.router = router self.parent = parent self.router.add_handler( fn=self._on_add_route, handle=mitogen.core.ADD_ROUTE, persist=True, policy=is_immediate_child, ) self.router.add_handler( fn=self._on_del_route, handle=mitogen.core.DEL_ROUTE, persist=True, policy=is_immediate_child, ) def propagate(self, handle, target_id, name=None): # self.parent is None in the master. if not self.parent: return data = str(target_id) if name: data = '%s:%s' % (target_id, mitogen.core.b(name)) self.parent.send( mitogen.core.Message( handle=handle, data=data, ) ) def notice_stream(self, stream): """ When this parent is responsible for a new directly connected child stream, we're also responsible for broadcasting DEL_ROUTE upstream if/when that child disconnects. """ self.propagate(mitogen.core.ADD_ROUTE, stream.remote_id, stream.name) mitogen.core.listen( obj=stream, name='disconnect', func=lambda: self._on_stream_disconnect(stream), ) def _on_stream_disconnect(self, stream): """ Respond to disconnection of a local stream by """ LOG.debug('%r is gone; propagating DEL_ROUTE for %r', stream, stream.routes) for target_id in stream.routes: self.router.del_route(target_id) self.propagate(mitogen.core.DEL_ROUTE, target_id) context = self.router.context_by_id(target_id, create=False) if context: mitogen.core.fire(context, 'disconnect') def _on_add_route(self, msg): if msg == mitogen.core._DEAD: return target_id_s, _, target_name = msg.data.partition(':') target_id = int(target_id_s) self.router.context_by_id(target_id).name = target_name stream = self.router.stream_by_id(msg.auth_id) current = self.router.stream_by_id(target_id) if current and current.remote_id != mitogen.parent_id: LOG.error('Cannot add duplicate route to %r via %r, ' 'already have existing route via %r', target_id, stream, current) return LOG.debug('Adding route to %d via %r', target_id, stream) stream.routes.add(target_id) self.router.add_route(target_id, stream) self.propagate(mitogen.core.ADD_ROUTE, target_id, target_name) def _on_del_route(self, msg): if msg == mitogen.core._DEAD: return target_id = int(msg.data) registered_stream = self.router.stream_by_id(target_id) stream = self.router.stream_by_id(msg.auth_id) if registered_stream != stream: LOG.error('Received DEL_ROUTE for %d from %r, expected %r', target_id, stream, registered_stream) return LOG.debug('Deleting route to %d via %r', target_id, stream) stream.routes.discard(target_id) self.router.del_route(target_id) self.propagate(mitogen.core.DEL_ROUTE, target_id) context = self.router.context_by_id(target_id, create=False) if context: mitogen.core.fire(context, 'disconnect') class Router(mitogen.core.Router): context_class = Context debug = False profiling = False id_allocator = None responder = None log_forwarder = None route_monitor = None def upgrade(self, importer, parent): LOG.debug('%r.upgrade()', self) self.id_allocator = ChildIdAllocator(router=self) self.responder = ModuleForwarder( router=self, parent_context=parent, importer=importer, ) self.route_monitor = RouteMonitor(self, parent) def stream_by_id(self, dst_id): return self._stream_by_id.get(dst_id, self._stream_by_id.get(mitogen.parent_id)) def add_route(self, target_id, stream): LOG.debug('%r.add_route(%r, %r)', self, target_id, stream) assert isinstance(target_id, int) assert isinstance(stream, Stream) try: self._stream_by_id[target_id] = stream except KeyError: LOG.error('%r: cant add route to %r via %r: no such stream', self, target_id, stream) def del_route(self, target_id): LOG.debug('%r.del_route(%r)', self, target_id) try: del self._stream_by_id[target_id] except KeyError: LOG.error('%r: cant delete route to %r: no such stream', self, target_id) def get_module_blacklist(self): if mitogen.context_id == 0: return self.responder.blacklist return self.importer.blacklist def get_module_whitelist(self): if mitogen.context_id == 0: return self.responder.whitelist return self.importer.whitelist def allocate_id(self): return self.id_allocator.allocate() def context_by_id(self, context_id, via_id=None, create=True): context = self._context_by_id.get(context_id) if create and not context: context = self.context_class(self, context_id) if via_id is not None: context.via = self.context_by_id(via_id) self._context_by_id[context_id] = context return context def _connect(self, klass, name=None, **kwargs): context_id = self.allocate_id() context = self.context_class(self, context_id) kwargs['old_router'] = self kwargs['max_message_size'] = self.max_message_size stream = klass(self, context_id, **kwargs) if name is not None: stream.name = name stream.connect() context.name = stream.name self.route_monitor.notice_stream(stream) self.register(context, stream) return context def connect(self, method_name, name=None, **kwargs): klass = stream_by_method_name(method_name) kwargs.setdefault('debug', self.debug) kwargs.setdefault('profiling', self.profiling) via = kwargs.pop('via', None) if via is not None: return self.proxy_connect(via, method_name, name=name, **kwargs) return self._connect(klass, name=name, **kwargs) def proxy_connect(self, via_context, method_name, name=None, **kwargs): resp = via_context.call(_proxy_connect, name=name, method_name=method_name, kwargs=kwargs ) if resp['msg'] is not None: raise mitogen.core.StreamError(resp['msg']) name = '%s.%s' % (via_context.name, resp['name']) context = self.context_class(self, resp['id'], name=name) context.via = via_context self._context_by_id[context.context_id] = context return context def docker(self, **kwargs): return self.connect('docker', **kwargs) def local(self, **kwargs): return self.connect('local', **kwargs) def fork(self, **kwargs): return self.connect('fork', **kwargs) def sudo(self, **kwargs): return self.connect('sudo', **kwargs) def ssh(self, **kwargs): return self.connect('ssh', **kwargs) class ProcessMonitor(object): def __init__(self): # pid -> callback() self.callback_by_pid = {} signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._on_sigchld) def _on_sigchld(self, _signum, _frame): for pid, callback in self.callback_by_pid.items(): pid, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) if pid: callback(status) del self.callback_by_pid[pid] def add(self, pid, callback): self.callback_by_pid[pid] = callback _instance = None @classmethod def instance(cls): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = cls() return cls._instance class ModuleForwarder(object): """ Respond to GET_MODULE requests in a slave by forwarding the request to our parent context, or satisfying the request from our local Importer cache. """ def __init__(self, router, parent_context, importer): self.router = router self.parent_context = parent_context self.importer = importer router.add_handler( fn=self._on_get_module, handle=mitogen.core.GET_MODULE, persist=True, policy=is_immediate_child, ) def __repr__(self): return 'ModuleForwarder(%r)' % (self.router,) def _on_get_module(self, msg): LOG.debug('%r._on_get_module(%r)', self, msg) if msg == mitogen.core._DEAD: return fullname = msg.data callback = lambda: self._on_cache_callback(msg, fullname) self.importer._request_module(fullname, callback) def _send_one_module(self, msg, tup): self.router._async_route( mitogen.core.Message.pickled( tup, dst_id=msg.src_id, handle=mitogen.core.LOAD_MODULE, ) ) def _on_cache_callback(self, msg, fullname): LOG.debug('%r._on_get_module(): sending %r', self, fullname) tup = self.importer._cache[fullname] if tup is not None: for related in tup[4]: rtup = self.importer._cache.get(related) if not rtup: LOG.debug('%r._on_get_module(): skipping absent %r', self, related) continue self._send_one_module(msg, rtup) self._send_one_module(msg, tup)