API Reference ************* Package Layout ============== mitogen Package --------------- .. automodule:: mitogen .. autodata:: mitogen.is_master .. autodata:: mitogen.context_id .. autodata:: mitogen.parent_id mitogen.core ------------ .. module:: mitogen.core This module implements most package functionality, but remains separate from non-essential code in order to reduce its size, since it is also serves as the bootstrap implementation sent to every new slave context. .. function:: mitogen.core.takes_econtext Decorator that marks a function or class method to automatically receive a kwarg named `econtext`, referencing the :py:class:`econtext.core.ExternalContext` active in the context in which the function is being invoked in. The decorator is only meaningful when the function is invoked via :py:data:`econtext.core.CALL_FUNCTION`. When the function is invoked directly, `econtext` must still be passed to it explicitly. .. function:: mitogen.core.takes_router Decorator that marks a function or class method to automatically receive a kwarg named `router`, referencing the :py:class:`econtext.core.Router` active in the context in which the function is being invoked in. The decorator is only meaningful when the function is invoked via :py:data:`econtext.core.CALL_FUNCTION`. When the function is invoked directly, `router` must still be passed to it explicitly. mitogen.master -------------- .. module:: mitogen.master This module implements functionality required by master processes, such as starting new contexts via SSH. Its size is also restricted, since it must be sent to any context that will be used to establish additional child contexts. .. class:: mitogen.master.Select (receivers=(), oneshot=True) Support scatter/gather asynchronous calls and waiting on multiple receivers, channels, and sub-Selects. Accepts a sequence of :py:class:`mitogen.core.Receiver` or :py:class:`mitogen.master.Select` instances and returns the first value posted to any receiver or select. If `oneshot` is ``True``, then remove each receiver as it yields a result; since :py:meth:`__iter__` terminates once the final receiver is removed from the select, this makes it convenient to respond to several call results with minimal effort: .. code-block:: python total = 0 recvs = [c.call_async(long_running_operation) for c in contexts] with mitogen.master.Select(recvs) as select: for recv, msg in select: value = msg.unpickle() print 'Got %s from %s' % (value, recv) total += value # Iteration ends when last Receiver yields a result. print 'Received total %s from %s receivers' % (total, len(recvs)) :py:class:`Select` may also be used to drive a long-running scheduler: .. code-block:: python with mitogen.master.Select() as select: while running(): for recv, msg in select: process_result(recv.context, msg.unpickle()) for context, workfunc in get_new_work(): select.add(context.call_async(workfunc)) :py:class:`Select` may be arbitrarily nested: .. code-block:: python subselects = [ mitogen.master.Select(get_some_work()), mitogen.master.Select(get_some_work()), mitogen.master.Select([ mitogen.master.Select(get_some_work()), mitogen.master.Select(get_some_work()) ]) ] with mitogen.master.Select(selects, oneshot=False) as select: while subselects and any(subselects): # Calls __bool__() print select.get() .. py:method:: get (timeout=None) Fetch the next available value from any receiver, or raise :py:class:`mitogen.core.TimeoutError` if no value is available within `timeout` seconds. :param float timeout: Timeout in seconds. :return: `(receiver, msg)` .. py:method:: __bool__ () Return ``True`` if any receivers are registered with this select. .. py:method:: close () Remove the select's notifier function from each registered receiver. Necessary to prevent memory leaks in long-running receivers. This is called automatically when the Python ``with:`` statement is used. .. py:method:: empty () Return ``True`` if no items appear to be queued on this receiver. As with :py:class:`Queue.Queue`, this function may return ``False`` even though a subsequent call to :py:meth:`get` will succeed, since a message may be posted at any moment between the call to :py:meth:`empty` and :py:meth:`get`. :py:meth:`empty` may additionally return ``True`` when :py:meth:`get` would block if another thread has drained a receiver added to this select. This can be avoided by only consuming each receiver from a single thread. .. py:method:: __iter__ (self) Yield the result of :py:meth:`get` until no receivers remain in the select, either because `oneshot` is ``True``, or each receiver was explicitly removed via :py:meth:`remove`. .. py:method:: add (recv) Add the :py:class:`mitogen.core.Receiver` or :py:class:`mitogen.core.Channel` `recv` to the select. .. py:method:: remove (recv) Remove the :py:class:`mitogen.core.Receiver` or :py:class:`mitogen.core.Channel` `recv` from the select. Note that if the receiver has notified prior to :py:meth:`remove`, then it will still be returned by a subsequent :py:meth:`get`. This may change in a future version. mitogen.fakessh --------------- .. automodule:: mitogen.fakessh .. autofunction:: mitogen.fakessh.run Router Class ============ .. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Router :members: :inherited-members: Broker Class ============ .. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Broker :members: :inherited-members: Context Class ============= .. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Context :members: :inherited-members: Channel Class ------------- .. autoclass:: mitogen.core.Channel :members: Context Class ------------- .. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Context :members: Utility Functions ================= .. automodule:: mitogen.utils :members: Exceptions ========== .. class:: mitogen.core.Error (fmt, \*args) Base for all exceptions raised by Mitogen. .. class:: mitogen.core.CallError (e) Raised when :py:meth:`Context.call() ` fails. A copy of the traceback from the external context is appended to the exception message. .. class:: mitogen.core.ChannelError (fmt, \*args) Raised when a channel dies or has been closed. .. class:: mitogen.core.StreamError (fmt, \*args) Raised when a stream cannot be established. .. autoclass:: mitogen.core.TimeoutError (fmt, \*args) Raised when a timeout occurs on a stream.