import errno import os import sys import time import zlib import unittest2 import testlib import mitogen.core import mitogen.master import mitogen.parent import mitogen.utils try: import Queue except ImportError: import queue as Queue def ping(): return True @mitogen.core.takes_router def ping_context(other, router): other = mitogen.parent.Context(router, other.context_id) @mitogen.core.takes_router def return_router_max_message_size(router): return router.max_message_size def send_n_sized_reply(sender, n): sender.send(' ' * n) return 123 class SourceVerifyTest(testlib.RouterMixin, testlib.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(SourceVerifyTest, self).setUp() # Create some children, ping them, and store what their messages look # like so we can mess with them later. self.child1 = self.router.local() self.child1_msg = self.child1.call_async(ping).get() self.child1_stream = self.router._stream_by_id[self.child1.context_id] self.child2 = self.router.local() self.child2_msg = self.child2.call_async(ping).get() self.child2_stream = self.router._stream_by_id[self.child2.context_id] def test_bad_auth_id(self): # Deliver a message locally from child2, but using child1's stream. log = testlib.LogCapturer() log.start() # Used to ensure the message was dropped rather than routed after the # error is logged. recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(self.router) self.child2_msg.handle = recv.handle, self.child2_msg, in_stream=self.child1_stream) # Wait for IO loop to finish everything above. self.sync_with_broker() # Ensure message wasn't forwarded. self.assertTrue(recv.empty()) # Ensure error was logged. expect = 'bad auth_id: got %r via' % (self.child2_msg.auth_id,) self.assertTrue(expect in log.stop()) def test_bad_src_id(self): # Deliver a message locally from child2 with the correct auth_id, but # the wrong src_id. log = testlib.LogCapturer() log.start() # Used to ensure the message was dropped rather than routed after the # error is logged. recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(self.router) self.child2_msg.handle = recv.handle self.child2_msg.src_id = self.child1.context_id, self.child2_msg, self.child2_stream) # Wait for IO loop to finish everything above. self.sync_with_broker() # Ensure message wasn't forwarded. self.assertTrue(recv.empty()) # Ensure error was lgoged. expect = 'bad src_id: got %d via' % (self.child1_msg.src_id,) self.assertTrue(expect in log.stop()) class PolicyTest(testlib.RouterMixin, testlib.TestCase): def test_allow_any(self): # This guy gets everything. recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(self.router) recv.to_sender().send(123) self.sync_with_broker() self.assertFalse(recv.empty()) self.assertEquals(123, recv.get().unpickle()) def test_refuse_all(self): # Deliver a message locally from child2 with the correct auth_id, but # the wrong src_id. log = testlib.LogCapturer() log.start() # This guy never gets anything. recv = mitogen.core.Receiver( router=self.router, policy=(lambda msg, stream: False), ) # This guy becomes the reply_to of our refused message. reply_target = mitogen.core.Receiver(self.router) # Send the message. self.router.route( mitogen.core.Message( dst_id=mitogen.context_id, handle=recv.handle, reply_to=reply_target.handle, ) ) # Wait for IO loop. self.sync_with_broker() # Verify log. self.assertTrue(self.router.refused_msg in log.stop()) # Verify message was not delivered. self.assertTrue(recv.empty()) # Verify CallError received by reply_to target. e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: reply_target.get().unpickle()) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], self.router.refused_msg) class CrashTest(testlib.BrokerMixin, testlib.TestCase): # This is testing both Broker's ability to crash nicely, and Router's # ability to respond to the crash event. klass = mitogen.master.Router def _naughty(self): raise ValueError('eek') def test_shutdown(self): router = self.klass( sem = mitogen.core.Latch() router.add_handler(sem.put) log = testlib.LogCapturer('mitogen') log.start() # Force a crash and ensure it wakes up. = self._naughty None) # sem should have received dead message. self.assertTrue(sem.get().is_dead) # Ensure it was logged. expect = 'broker crashed' self.assertTrue(expect in log.stop()) class AddHandlerTest(testlib.TestCase): klass = mitogen.master.Router def test_dead_message_sent_at_shutdown(self): router = self.klass() queue = Queue.Queue() handle = router.add_handler(queue.put) self.assertTrue(queue.get(timeout=5).is_dead) def test_cannot_double_register(self): router = self.klass() try: router.add_handler((lambda: None), handle=1234) e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.Error, lambda: router.add_handler((lambda: None), handle=1234)) self.assertEquals(router.duplicate_handle_msg, e.args[0]) router.del_handler(1234) finally: def test_can_reregister(self): router = self.klass() try: router.add_handler((lambda: None), handle=1234) router.del_handler(1234) router.add_handler((lambda: None), handle=1234) router.del_handler(1234) finally: class MyselfTest(testlib.RouterMixin, testlib.TestCase): def test_myself(self): myself = self.router.myself() self.assertEquals(myself.context_id, mitogen.context_id) # TODO: context should know its own name too. self.assertEquals(, 'self') class MessageSizeTest(testlib.BrokerMixin, testlib.TestCase): klass = mitogen.master.Router def test_local_exceeded(self): router = self.klass(, max_message_size=4096) logs = testlib.LogCapturer() logs.start() # Send message and block for one IO loop, so _async_route can run. router.route(mitogen.core.Message.pickled(' '*8192)) None) expect = 'message too large (max 4096 bytes)' self.assertTrue(expect in logs.stop()) def test_local_dead_message(self): # Local router should generate dead message when reply_to is set. router = self.klass(, max_message_size=4096) logs = testlib.LogCapturer() logs.start() expect = router.too_large_msg % (4096,) # Try function call. Receiver should be woken by a dead message sent by # router due to message size exceeded. child = router.local() e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda:, ' '*8192)) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], expect) self.assertTrue(expect in logs.stop()) def test_remote_configured(self): router = self.klass(, max_message_size=64*1024) remote = router.local() size = self.assertEquals(size, 64*1024) def test_remote_of_remote_configured(self): router = self.klass(, max_message_size=64*1024) remote = router.local() remote2 = router.local(via=remote) size = self.assertEquals(size, 64*1024) def test_remote_exceeded(self): # Ensure new contexts receive a router with the same value. router = self.klass(, max_message_size=64*1024) recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(router) logs = testlib.LogCapturer() logs.start() remote = router.local(), recv.to_sender(), 128*1024) expect = 'message too large (max %d bytes)' % (64*1024,) self.assertTrue(expect in logs.stop()) class NoRouteTest(testlib.RouterMixin, testlib.TestCase): def test_invalid_handle_returns_dead(self): # Verify sending a message to an invalid handle yields a dead message # from the target context. l1 = self.router.local() recv = l1.send_async(mitogen.core.Message(handle=999)) msg = recv.get(throw_dead=False) self.assertEquals(msg.is_dead, True) self.assertEquals(msg.src_id, l1.context_id) self.assertEquals(, self.router.invalid_handle_msg.encode()) recv = l1.send_async(mitogen.core.Message(handle=999)) e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: recv.get()) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], self.router.invalid_handle_msg) def test_totally_invalid_context_returns_dead(self): recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(self.router) msg = mitogen.core.Message( dst_id=1234, handle=1234, reply_to=recv.handle, ) self.router.route(msg) rmsg = recv.get(throw_dead=False) self.assertEquals(rmsg.is_dead, True) self.assertEquals(rmsg.src_id, mitogen.context_id) self.assertEquals(, (self.router.no_route_msg % ( 1234, mitogen.context_id, )).encode()) self.router.route(msg) e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: recv.get()) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], (self.router.no_route_msg % ( 1234, mitogen.context_id, ))) def test_previously_alive_context_returns_dead(self): l1 = self.router.local() l1.shutdown(wait=True) recv = mitogen.core.Receiver(self.router) msg = mitogen.core.Message( dst_id=l1.context_id, handle=mitogen.core.CALL_FUNCTION, reply_to=recv.handle, ) self.router.route(msg) rmsg = recv.get(throw_dead=False) self.assertEquals(rmsg.is_dead, True) self.assertEquals(rmsg.src_id, mitogen.context_id) self.assertEquals(, (self.router.no_route_msg % ( l1.context_id, mitogen.context_id, )).encode()) self.router.route(msg) e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: recv.get()) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], self.router.no_route_msg % ( l1.context_id, mitogen.context_id, )) def test_siblings_cant_talk(router): l1 = router.local() l2 = router.local() logs = testlib.LogCapturer() logs.start() try:, l1) except mitogen.core.CallError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] msg = mitogen.core.Router.unidirectional_msg % ( l2.context_id, l1.context_id, mitogen.context_id, ) assert msg in str(e) assert 'routing mode prevents forward of ' in logs.stop() @mitogen.core.takes_econtext def test_siblings_cant_talk_remote(econtext): mitogen.parent.upgrade_router(econtext) test_siblings_cant_talk(econtext.router) class UnidirectionalTest(testlib.RouterMixin, testlib.TestCase): def test_siblings_cant_talk_master(self): self.router.unidirectional = True test_siblings_cant_talk(self.router) def test_siblings_cant_talk_parent(self): # ensure 'unidirectional' attribute is respected for contexts started # by children. self.router.unidirectional = True parent = self.router.local() def test_auth_id_can_talk(self): self.router.unidirectional = True # One stream has auth_id stamped to that of the master, so it should be # treated like a parent. l1 = self.router.local() l1s = self.router.stream_by_id(l1.context_id) l1s.protocol.auth_id = mitogen.context_id l1s.protocol.is_privileged = True l2 = self.router.local() e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.CallError, lambda:, l1)) msg = 'mitogen.core.ChannelError: %s' % (self.router.refused_msg,) self.assertTrue(str(e).startswith(msg)) class EgressIdsTest(testlib.RouterMixin, testlib.TestCase): def test_egress_ids_populated(self): # Ensure Stream.egress_ids is populated on message reception. c1 = self.router.local(name='c1') c2 = self.router.local(name='c2') c1s = self.router.stream_by_id(c1.context_id) try:, c2) except mitogen.core.CallError: # Fails because siblings cant call funcs in each other, but this # causes messages to be sent. pass self.assertEquals(c1s.protocol.egress_ids, set([ mitogen.context_id, c2.context_id, ])) class ShutdownTest(testlib.RouterMixin, testlib.TestCase): # 613: tests for all the weird shutdown() variants we ended up with. def test_shutdown_wait_false(self): l1 = self.router.local() pid = strm = self.router.stream_by_id(l1.context_id) exitted = mitogen.core.Latch() # It is possible for Process 'exit' signal to fire immediately during # processing of Stream 'disconnect' signal, so we must wait for both, # otherwise ChannelError below will return 'respondent context has # disconnected' rather than 'no route', because RouteMonitor hasn't run # yet and the Receiver caught Context 'disconnect' signal instead of a # dead message. mitogen.core.listen(strm.conn.proc, 'exit', exitted.put) mitogen.core.listen(strm, 'disconnect', exitted.put) l1.shutdown(wait=False) exitted.get() exitted.get() e = self.assertRaises(OSError, lambda: os.waitpid(pid, 0)) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], errno.ECHILD) e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: self.assertEquals(e.args[0], mitogen.core.Router.no_route_msg % ( l1.context_id, mitogen.context_id, )) def test_shutdown_wait_true(self): l1 = self.router.local() pid = conn = self.router.stream_by_id(l1.context_id).conn exitted = mitogen.core.Latch() mitogen.core.listen(conn.proc, 'exit', exitted.put) l1.shutdown(wait=True) exitted.get() e = self.assertRaises(OSError, lambda: os.waitpid(pid, 0)) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], errno.ECHILD) e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: self.assertEquals(e.args[0], mitogen.core.Router.no_route_msg % ( l1.context_id, mitogen.context_id, )) def test_disconnect_invalid_context(self): self.router.disconnect( mitogen.core.Context(self.router, 1234) ) def test_disconnect_valid_context(self): l1 = self.router.local() pid = strm = self.router.stream_by_id(l1.context_id) exitted = mitogen.core.Latch() mitogen.core.listen(strm.conn.proc, 'exit', exitted.put) self.router.disconnect_stream(strm) exitted.get() e = self.assertRaises(OSError, lambda: os.waitpid(pid, 0)) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], errno.ECHILD) e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: self.assertEquals(e.args[0], mitogen.core.Router.no_route_msg % ( l1.context_id, mitogen.context_id, )) def test_disconnet_all(self): l1 = self.router.local() l2 = self.router.local() pids = [,] exitted = mitogen.core.Latch() for ctx in l1, l2: strm = self.router.stream_by_id(ctx.context_id) mitogen.core.listen(strm.conn.proc, 'exit', exitted.put) self.router.disconnect_all() exitted.get() exitted.get() for pid in pids: e = self.assertRaises(OSError, lambda: os.waitpid(pid, 0)) self.assertEquals(e.args[0], errno.ECHILD) for ctx in l1, l2: e = self.assertRaises(mitogen.core.ChannelError, lambda: self.assertEquals(e.args[0], mitogen.core.Router.no_route_msg % ( ctx.context_id, mitogen.context_id, )) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest2.main()