""" Used for stressing Latch.get/put. Swap the number of producer/consumer threads below to try both -- there are many conditions in the Latch code that require testing of both. """ import logging import random import threading import time import mitogen.core import mitogen.utils mitogen.utils.log_to_file() mitogen.core.IOLOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) mitogen.core._v = True mitogen.core._vv = True l = mitogen.core.Latch() consumed = 0 produced = 0 crash = 0 def cons(): global consumed, crash try: while 1: g = l.get() print 'got=%s consumed=%s produced=%s crash=%s' % (g, consumed, produced, crash) consumed += 1 time.sleep(g) for x in xrange(int(g * 1000)): pass except: crash += 1 def prod(): global produced while 1: l.put(random.random()/10) produced += 1 time.sleep(random.random()/10) allc = [threading.Thread(target=cons) for x in range(64)] allp = [threading.Thread(target=prod) for x in range(8)] for th in allc+allp: th.setDaemon(True) th.start() raw_input() exit()