[defaults] any_errors_fatal = true # callbacks_enabled was added in Ansible 4 (ansible-core 2.11). # profile_tasks: Displays timing for each task and summary table of top N tasks # timer: Displays "Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, ..." callbacks_enabled = profile_tasks, timer # callback_whitelist was deprecated in Ansible >= 8 (ansible-core >= 2.15). callback_whitelist = profile_tasks, timer inventory = hosts gathering = explicit strategy_plugins = ../../ansible_mitogen/plugins/strategy inventory_plugins = lib/inventory action_plugins = lib/action callback_plugins = lib/callback stdout_callback = yaml vars_plugins = lib/vars library = lib/modules filter_plugins = lib/filters module_utils = lib/module_utils retry_files_enabled = False show_task_path_on_failure = true # Added in ansible-core 2.11 display_args_to_stdout = True forks = 100 # We use lots of deprecated functionality to support older versions. deprecation_warnings = False # issue #434; hosts/delegate_to; integration/delegate_to remote_user = ansible-cfg-remote-user # On MacOS, "smart" with a password set causes Ansible to use paramiko. transport = ssh no_target_syslog = True # Required by integration/ssh/timeouts.yml timeout = 30 # Ideally this would be true here and and overridden for hosts/groups. However # ansible_host_key_checking don't work on Vanilla Ansible 2.10, even for # static inventory hosts (ansible/ansible#49254, ansible/ansible#73708) host_key_checking = False [inventory] any_unparsed_is_failed = true host_pattern_mismatch = error [callback_profile_tasks] task_output_limit = 10 [ssh_connection] # https://www.openssh.com/legacy.html # ssh-rsa uses SHA1. Least worst available with CentOS 7 sshd. # Rejected by default in newer ssh clients (e.g. Ubuntu 22.04). # Duplicated cases in # - tests/ansible/ansible.cfg # - tests/ansible/integration/connection_delegation/delegate_to_template.yml # - tests/ansible/integration/connection_delegation/stack_construction.yml # - tests/ansible/integration/process/unix_socket_cleanup.yml # - tests/ansible/integration/ssh/variables.yml # - tests/testlib.py ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o ForwardAgent=yes -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null pipelining = True