# # Bash helpers for debugging. # # Tell Ansible to write PID files for the mux and top-level process to CWD. export MITOGEN_SAVE_PIDS=1 # strace -ff -p $(muxpid) muxpid() { cat .ansible-mux.pid } # gdb -p $(anspid) anspid() { cat .ansible-controller.pid } # perf top -git $(muxtids) # perf top -git $(muxtids) muxtids() { ls /proc/$(muxpid)/task | tr \\n , } # perf top -git $(anstids) anstids() { ls /proc/$(anspid)/task | tr \\n , } # ttrace $(muxpid) [.. options ..] # strace only threads of PID, not children ttrace() { local pid=$1; shift; local s="" for i in $(ls /proc/$pid/task) ; do s="-p $i $s" done strace $s "$@" }