* ansible: use unicode_literals everywhere since it only needs to be
compatible back to 2.6.
* compat/collections.py: delete this entirely and rip out the parts of
functools that require it.
* Introduce serializable Kwargs dict subclass that translates keys to
Unicode on instantiation.
* enable_debug_logging() must set _v/_vv globals.
* cStringIO does not exist in 3.x.
* Treat IOLogger and LogForwarder input as latin-1.
* Avoid ResourceWarnings in first stage by explicitly closing fps.
* Fix preamble_size.py syntax errors.
- namespace & document test accounts in README.md
- standardize the password format everywhere, and ensure the passwords
differ everywhere.
- Add MITOGEN_TEST_DISTRO environment variable.
Ubuntu 17.04 provides Docker 1.12.6, which has API version 1.24.
`dev_requirements.txt` specifies the docker-py 2.5.1, which by default
requests API version 1.30.
Hence when the SSH unit tests try to run the container specified in
`DockerizedSshDaemon` an error occurs
APIError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request ("client is newer than server
(client API version: 1.30, server API version: 1.24)")
On Ubuntu 17.10 something (probably Docker) appears to be accepting
connections, before sshd is fully ready. This results in a race
condition, and hence connection errors for the first few tests (2-3 on
my laptop).
testlib.wait_for_port() checks not only that the port can be connected
to, but also something resembling the sshd banner is sent.