@ -29,72 +29,49 @@ script:
# newest->oldest in various configuartions.
# Python 2.4 tests are still unreliable
- language: c
env: MODE=mitogen_py24 DISTRO=centos5
# Debops tests.
# 2.9.6; 3.6 -> 2.7
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=debops_common VER=2.9.6
# ~2.10; 3.6 -> 2.7
# 2.10; 3.6 -> 2.7
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=debops_common VER: git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.8.3; 3.6 -> 2.7
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=debops_common VER=2.8.3
#; 2.7 -> 2.7
env: MODE=debops_common VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.10; 2.7 -> 2.7
- python: "2.7"
env: MODE=debops_common VER=
env: MODE=debops_common VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# Sanity check against vanilla Ansible. One job suffices.
- python: "2.7"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.8.3 DISTROS=debian STRATEGY=linear
env: MODE=ansible VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0 DISTROS=debian STRATEGY=linear
# ansible_mitogen tests.
# ~2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER: git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.9.6 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.9.6
# 2.8.3 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.8.3
# 2.8.3 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
env: MODE=ansible VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "2.7"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.8.3
# -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER=
# -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
env: MODE=ansible VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "2.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER=
env: MODE=ansible VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.3 -> {centos5}
# 2.10 -> {centos5}
- python: "2.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER= DISTROS=centos5
env: MODE=ansible DISTROS=centos5 VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# Mitogen tests.
# 2.4 -> 2.4
- language: c
env: MODE=mitogen_py24 DISTRO=centos5
env: MODE=mitogen_py24 DISTROS=centos5 VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.7 -> 2.7 -- moved to Azure
# 2.7 -> 2.6
#- python: "2.7"
#env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos6
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7 VER: git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
env: MODE=mitogen DISTROS=centos7 VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.6 -> 2.7
- python: "2.6"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
env: MODE=mitogen DISTROS=centos7 VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 2.6 -> 3.5
- python: "2.6"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=debian-py3
env: MODE=mitogen DISTROS=debian-py3 VER=git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.10.0
# 3.6 -> 2.6 -- moved to Azure