test cleanup and trying to replicate synchronize fails

Steven Robertson 4 years ago
parent 8d95172821
commit f91cbf4d00

@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ batches = [
# Must be installed separately, as PyNACL indirect requirement causes
# newer version to be installed if done in a single pip run.
# Separately install ansible based on version passed in from azure-pipelines.yml or .travis.yml
'pip install "pycparser<2.19" "idna<2.7"',
'pip install "pycparser<2.19" "idna<2.7" virtualenv',
'pip install '
'-r tests/requirements.txt '
'-r tests/ansible/requirements.txt',
# 'pip install -q ansible=={}'.format(ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION)
# ansible v2.10 isn't out yet so we're installing from github for now
'pip install -q {}'.format(ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION)
# Don't set -U as that will upgrade Paramiko to a non-2.6 compatible version.
'pip install -q virtualenv {}'.format(ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION)

@ -20,14 +20,6 @@ with ci_lib.Fold('unit_tests'):
with ci_lib.Fold('job_setup'):
# Don't set -U as that will upgrade Paramiko to a non-2.6 compatible version.
# run("pip install -q virtualenv ansible==%s", ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION)
# ansible v2.10 isn't out yet so we're installing from github for now
run('pip install -q virtualenv {}'.format(ci_lib.ANSIBLE_VERSION))
# after ansible is installed, install common collections until ansible==2.10 comes out
run('ansible-galaxy collection install community.general')
os.chmod(KEY_PATH, int('0600', 8))
if not ci_lib.exists_in_path('sshpass'):
run("brew install http://git.io/sshpass.rb")

@ -398,6 +398,13 @@ class ActionModuleMixin(ansible.plugins.action.ActionBase):
# on _execute_module().
# self._remove_tmp_path(self._connection._shell.tmpdir)
# jjjj
# if module_name == 'ansible.posix.synchronize':
# # import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
# from ansible.plugins.action import get_with_context_result
# self._remove_tmp_path(self._connection._shell.tmpdir)
# prevents things like discovered_interpreter_* or ansible_discovered_interpreter_* from being set
# handle ansible 2.3.3 that has remove_internal_keys in a different place
check = remove_internal_keys(result)
