issue #633: various task_vars fixes

- take host_vars from task_vars too
- make missing task_vars a hard error
- update tests to provide stub task_vars
David Wilson 5 years ago
parent fc09b81949
commit efd82dd35a

@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ import ansible_mitogen.transport_config
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
task_vars_msg = (
'could not recover task_vars. This means some connection '
'settings may erroneously be reset to their defaults. '
'Please report a bug if you encounter this message.'
def get_remote_name(spec):
@ -489,9 +495,6 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
#: Set to task_vars by on_action_run().
_task_vars = None
#: Set to 'hostvars' by on_action_run()
host_vars = None
#: Set by on_action_run()
delegate_to_hostname = None
@ -525,7 +528,6 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
Loader base directory; see :attr:`loader_basedir`.
self._task_vars = task_vars
self.host_vars = task_vars['hostvars']
self.delegate_to_hostname = delegate_to_hostname
self.loader_basedir = loader_basedir
@ -548,8 +550,10 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
for new connections to be constructed in addition to the preconstructed
connection passed into any running action.
f = sys._getframe()
if self._task_vars is not None:
return self._task_vars
f = sys._getframe()
while f:
if f.f_code.co_name == 'run':
f_locals = f.f_locals
@ -567,9 +571,23 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
f = f.f_back
LOG.warning('could not recover task_vars. This means some connection '
'settings may erroneously be reset to their defaults. '
'Please report a bug if you encounter this message.')
raise ansible.errors.AnsibleConnectionFailure(task_vars_msg)
def get_host_vars(self, inventory_hostname):
Fetch the HostVars for a host.
Variables dictionary or :data:`None`.
:raises ansible.errors.AnsibleConnectionFailure:
Task vars unavailable.
task_vars = self._get_task_vars()
hostvars = task_vars.get('hostvars')
if hostvars:
return hostvars.get(inventory_hostname)
raise ansible.errors.AnsibleConnectionFailure(task_vars_msg)
def get_task_var(self, key, default=None):
@ -582,17 +600,16 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
does not make sense to extract connection-related configuration for the
delegated-to machine from them.
task_vars = self._task_vars or self._get_task_vars()
if task_vars is not None:
if self.delegate_to_hostname is None:
task_vars = self._get_task_vars()
if self.delegate_to_hostname is None:
if key in task_vars:
return task_vars[key]
delegated_vars = task_vars['ansible_delegated_vars']
if self.delegate_to_hostname in delegated_vars:
task_vars = delegated_vars[self.delegate_to_hostname]
if key in task_vars:
return task_vars[key]
delegated_vars = task_vars['ansible_delegated_vars']
if self.delegate_to_hostname in delegated_vars:
task_vars = delegated_vars[self.delegate_to_hostname]
if key in task_vars:
return task_vars[key]
return default
@ -624,7 +641,8 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
# must use __contains__ to avoid a TypeError for a missing host on
# Ansible 2.3.
if self.host_vars is None or inventory_name not in self.host_vars:
via_vars = self.get_host_vars(inventory_name)
if via_vars is None:
raise ansible.errors.AnsibleConnectionFailure(
self.unknown_via_msg % (
@ -632,7 +650,6 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
via_vars = self.host_vars[inventory_name]
return ansible_mitogen.transport_config.MitogenViaSpec(

@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ class ContextService(mitogen.service.Service):
l = mitogen.core.Latch()
context = None
with self._lock:
for spec in stack:
for i, spec in enumerate(stack):
key = key_from_dict(via=context, **spec)
response = self._response_by_key.get(key)
if response is None:
LOG.debug('%r: could not find connection to shut down',
LOG.debug('%r: could not find connection to shut down; '
'failed at hop %d', self, i)
return False
context = response['context']

@ -46,7 +46,13 @@ class ConnectionMixin(MuxProcessMixin):
def make_connection(self):
play_context = ansible.playbook.play_context.PlayContext()
return self.klass(play_context, new_stdin=False)
conn = self.klass(play_context, new_stdin=False)
return conn
def wait_for_completion(self):
# put_data() is asynchronous, must wait for operation to happen. Do
