@ -209,28 +209,32 @@ and :py:meth:`call_async() <mitogen.master.Context.call_async>`.
When the master signals the :py:data:`CALL_FUNCTION
<mitogen.core.CALL_FUNCTION> ` :py:class:` Channel <mitogen.core.Channel>` is
closed, the child calls :py:meth: `shutdown() <mitogen.core.Broker.shutdown>`
followed by :py:meth: `wait() <mitogen.core.Broker.wait>` on its own broker,
triggering graceful shutdown.
During shutdown, the master will wait a few seconds for children to disconnect
gracefully before force disconnecting them, while the children will use that
time to call :py:meth: `socket.shutdown(SHUT_WR) <socket.socket.shutdown>` on
their :py:class: `IoLogger <mitogen.core.IoLogger>` socket's write ends before
draining any remaining data buffered on the read ends.
An alternative approach is to wait until the socket is completely closed, with
some hard timeout, but this necessitates greater discipline than is common in
infrastructure code (how often have you forgotten to redirect stderr to
`` /dev/null `` ?), so needless irritating delays would often be experienced
during program termination.
If the main thread (responsible for function call dispatch) fails to trigger
shutdown (because some user function is hanging), then the eventual force
disconnection by the master will cause the IO multiplexer thread to enter
shutdown by itself.
When a context receives :py:data: `SHUTDOWN <mitogen.core.SHUTDOWN>` from its
immediate parent, it closes its own :py:data:`CALL_FUNCTION
<mitogen.core.CALL_FUNCTION> ` :py:class:` Channel <mitogen.core.Channel>` before
sending `` SHUTDOWN `` to any directly connected children. Closing the channel
has the effect of causing :py:meth:`ExternalContext._dispatch_calls()
<mitogen.core.ExternalContext._dispatch_calls> ` to exit and begin joining on
the broker thread.
During shutdown, the master waits up to 5 seconds for children to disconnect
gracefully before force disconnecting them, while children will use that time
to call :py:meth: `socket.shutdown(SHUT_WR) <socket.socket.shutdown>` on their
:py:class: `IoLogger <mitogen.core.IoLogger>` socket's write ends before
draining any remaining data buffered on the read ends, and ensuring any
deferred broker function callbacks have had a chance to complete, necessary to
capture for example forwarding any remaining :py:mod: `logging` records.
An alternative approach is to wait until the IoLogger socket is completely
closed, with some hard timeout, but this necessitates greater discipline than
is common in infrastructure code (how often have you forgotten to redirect
stderr to `` /dev/null `` when starting a daemon process?), so needless
irritating delays would often be experienced during program termination.
If the main thread (responsible for function call dispatch) fails to shut down
gracefully, because some user function is hanging, it will still be cleaned up
since as the final step in broker shutdown, the broker sends
:py:data: `signal.SIGTERM` to its own process.
.. _stream-protocol:
@ -291,10 +295,22 @@ Children listen on the following handles:
When this channel is closed (by way of sending `` _DEAD `` to it), the
child's main thread begins graceful shutdown of its own `Broker` and
`Router`. Each child is responsible for sending ``_ DEAD`` to each of its
directly connected children in response to the master sending `` _DEAD `` to
it, and arranging for the connection to its parent context to be closed
shortly thereafter.
`Router` .
.. data :: mitogen.core.SHUTDOWN
When received from a child's immediate parent, causes the broker thread to
enter graceful shutdown, including writing `` _DEAD `` to the child's main
thread, causing it to join on the exit of the broker thread.
The final step of a child's broker shutdown process sends
:py:data: `signal.SIGTERM` to itself, ensuring the process dies even if the
main thread was hung executing user code.
Each context is responsible for sending `` SHUTDOWN `` to each of its
directly connected children in response to the master sending `` SHUTDOWN ``
to it, and arranging for the connection to its parent to be closed shortly
.. data :: mitogen.core.ADD_ROUTE