@ -918,44 +918,51 @@ class Importer(object):
:param context: Context to communicate via.
# The Mitogen package is handled specially, since the child context must
# construct it manually during startup.
# 2.x generates needless imports for 'builtins', while 3.x does the
# same for '__builtin__'. The correct one is built-in, the other always
# a negative round-trip.
# org.python.core imported by copy, pickle, xml.sax; breaks Jython, but
# very unlikely to trigger a bug report.
if PY3:
def __init__(self, router, context, core_src, whitelist=(), blacklist=()):
self._context = context
self._present = {'mitogen': [
self._present = {'mitogen': self.MITOGEN_PKG_CONTENT}
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self.whitelist = list(whitelist) or ['']
self.blacklist = list(blacklist) + [
# 2.x generates needless imports for 'builtins', while 3.x does the
# same for '__builtin__'. The correct one is built-in, the other
# always a negative round-trip.
# org.python.core imported by copy, pickle, xml.sax; breaks Jython,
# but very unlikely to trigger a bug report.
if PY3:
self.blacklist += ['cStringIO']
self.blacklist = list(blacklist) + self.ALWAYS_BLACKLIST
# Presence of an entry in this map indicates in-flight GET_MODULE.
self._callbacks = {}