Move issue lists into GitHub.

David Wilson 7 years ago
parent e0ecfab5fc
commit 8e2d691d2d

@ -53,17 +53,6 @@ to a solution, I hope you find it useful.
* Move connect() logic to dispatcher thread.
* Connect back using TCP and SSL.
* Python 3 support.
* Windows support via psexec or similar.
* Investigate cPickle safety and potentially replace it, or implement a strict
format validator for messages received by master.
* Predictive import: reduce roundtrips by pipelining modules observed to
probably be requested in future.
* Provide a means for waiting on multiple
:py:class:`Channels <econtext.core.Channel>`.
* Comprehensive integration tests.
* Make pickler deliver a CallError to the intended recipient when a type is
rejected during unpickling.
* Secure and granular SSH agent forwarding.
`View the issue list on GitHub`_
.. _View the issue list on GitHub:

@ -48,14 +48,6 @@ Sequence:
a. registers remote's stdin_handle with local IoPump
b. registers local IoPump with Broker
c. loops waiting for 'local stdout closed && remote stdout closed'
1. Allow multiple invocations of fake SSH command.
2. Name the fakessh context after its PID (dep: 1)
3. Allow originating context to abort the pipeline gracefully
4. Investigate alternative approach of embedding econtext bootstrap command as
an explicit parameter to rsync/scp/sftp, allowing temp file to be avoided.
import getopt
