Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dmw'

Important FileService fix.
David Wilson 6 years ago
commit 49399dfa1a

@ -880,13 +880,11 @@ class Connection(ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase):
# A roundtrip is always necessary for the target to request the file
# from FileService, however, by pipelining the transfer function, the
# subsequent step (probably a module invocation) can get its
# dependencies and function call in-flight before the transfer is
# complete. This saves at least 1 RTT between the transfer completing
# and the start of the follow-up task.
# For now this must remain synchronous, as the action plug-in may have
# passed us a temporary file to transfer. A future FileService could
# maintain an LRU list of open file descriptors to keep the temporary
# file alive, but that requires more work.

@ -313,9 +313,10 @@ Performance
One roundtrip initiates a transfer larger than 124 KiB, while smaller transfers
are embedded in a 0-roundtrip remote call. For tools operating via SSH
multiplexing, 4 roundtrips are required to configure the IO channel, in
addition to the time to start the local and remote processes.
are embedded in a 0-roundtrip pipelined call. For tools operating via SSH
multiplexing, 4 roundtrips are required to configure the IO channel, followed
by 6 roundtrips to transfer the file in the case of ``sftp``, in addition to
the time to start the local and remote processes.
An invocation of ``scp`` with an empty ``.profile`` over a 30 ms link takes
~140 ms, wasting 110 ms per invocation, rising to ~2,000 ms over a 400 ms
@ -848,6 +849,8 @@ logging is necessary. File-based logging can be enabled by setting
enabled, one file per context will be created on the local machine and every
target machine, as ``/tmp/mitogen.<pid>.log``.
.. _diagnosing-hangs:
Diagnosing Hangs

@ -792,8 +792,8 @@ Context Class
.. method:: send (msg)
Arrange for `msg` to be delivered to this context. Updates the
message's `dst_id` prior to routing it via the associated router.
Arrange for `msg` to be delivered to this context.
:attr:`dst_id <Message.dst_id>` is set to the target context ID.
:param mitogen.core.Message msg:
The message.
@ -801,9 +801,9 @@ Context Class
.. method:: send_async (msg, persist=False)
Arrange for `msg` to be delivered to this context, with replies
delivered to a newly constructed Receiver. Updates the message's
`dst_id` prior to routing it via the associated router and registers a
handle which is placed in the message's `reply_to`.
directed to a newly constructed receiver. :attr:`dst_id
<Message.dst_id>` is set to the target context ID, and :attr:`reply_to
<Message.reply_to>` is set to the newly constructed receiver's handle.
:param bool persist:
If :data:`False`, the handler will be unregistered after a single
@ -818,15 +818,15 @@ Context Class
.. method:: send_await (msg, deadline=None)
As with :meth:`send_async`, but expect a single reply
(`persist=False`) delivered within `deadline` seconds.
Like :meth:`send_async`, but expect a single reply (`persist=False`)
delivered within `deadline` seconds.
:param mitogen.core.Message msg:
The message.
:param float deadline:
If not :data:`None`, seconds before timing out waiting for a reply.
The deserialized reply.
:raises mitogen.core.TimeoutError:
No message was received and `deadline` passed.
@ -838,9 +838,9 @@ Context Class
.. class:: Context
Extend :class:`mitogen.core.Router` with functionality useful to
masters, and child contexts who later become parents. Currently when this
class is required, the target context's router is upgraded at runtime.
Extend :class:`mitogen.core.Context` with functionality useful to masters,
and child contexts who later become parents. Currently when this class is
required, the target context's router is upgraded at runtime.
.. attribute:: default_call_chain
@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ Broker Class
Responsible for handling I/O multiplexing in a private thread.
**Note:** This is the somewhat limited core version of the Broker class
used by child contexts. The master subclass is documented below this one.
used by child contexts. The master subclass is documented below.
.. attribute:: shutdown_timeout = 3.0

@ -53,11 +53,6 @@ Enhancements
a 250 ms link from 30 seconds to 10 seconds compared to v0.2.2, down from 120
seconds compared to vanilla.
* `49736b3a <>`_: avoid a
roundtrip when transferring files larger than 124KiB, removing a delay
between waiting for the transfer to complete and start of the follow-up
* `#337 <>`_: To avoid a scaling
limitation, a PTY is no longer allocated for an SSH connection unless the
configuration specifies a password.
@ -74,6 +69,14 @@ Enhancements
improvement, but is easily noticeable on short many-target runs, where
startup overhead dominates runtime.
* The `faulthandler <>`_ module is
automatically activated if it is installed, simplifying debugging of hangs.
See :ref:`diagnosing-hangs` for more information.
* The ``MITOGEN_DUMP_THREAD_STACKS`` environment variable's value now indicates
the number of seconds between stack dumps. See :ref:`diagnosing-hangs` for
more information.

@ -377,6 +377,13 @@ Children listen on the following handles:
6-tuples from :class:`mitogen.parent.CallChain`, imports ``mod_name``, then
attempts to execute `class_name.func_name(\*args, \**kwargs)`.
* `chain_id`: if not :data:`None`, an identifier unique to the originating
:class:`mitogen.parent.CallChain`. When set, if an exception occurs
during a call, future calls with the same ID automatically fail with the
same exception without ever executing, and failed calls with no
`reply_to` set are not dumped to the logging framework as they otherwise
would. This is used to implement pipelining.
When this channel is closed (by way of receiving a dead message), the
child's main thread begins graceful shutdown of its own :py:class:`Broker`
and :py:class:`Router`.

@ -1149,14 +1149,15 @@ class CallChain(object):
calls execute until :meth:`reset` is invoked.
No exception is logged for calls made with :meth:`call_no_reply`, instead
it is saved and reported as the result of subsequent :meth:`call` or
:meth:`call_async` calls.
the exception is saved and reported as the result of subsequent
:meth:`call` or :meth:`call_async` calls.
Sequences of asynchronous calls can be made without wasting network
round-trips to discover if prior calls succeed, and chains originating from
multiple unrelated source contexts may overlap concurrently at a target
context without interference. In this example, 4 calls complete in one
context without interference.
In this example, 4 calls complete in one round-trip::
chain = mitogen.parent.CallChain(context, pipelined=True)
chain.call_no_reply(os.mkdir, '/tmp/foo')

@ -873,7 +873,14 @@ class FileService(Service):
raise Error(self.context_mismatch_msg)
LOG.debug('Serving %r', path)
fp = open(path, 'rb', self.IO_SIZE)
fp = open(path, 'rb', self.IO_SIZE)
except IOError:
# Response must arrive first so requestee can begin receive loop,
# otherwise first ack won't arrive until all pending chunks were
# delivered. In that case max BDP would always be 128KiB, aka. max

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- import_playbook: copy.yml
- import_playbook: fixup_perms2__copy.yml
- import_playbook: low_level_execute_command.yml
- import_playbook: make_tmp_path.yml

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Verify copy module for small and large files, and inline content.
- name: integration/action/synchronize.yml
hosts: test-targets
any_errors_fatal: true
- copy:
dest: /tmp/copy-tiny-file
this is a tiny file.
connection: local
- copy:
dest: /tmp/copy-large-file
# Must be larger than Connection.SMALL_SIZE_LIMIT.
content: "{% for x in range(200000) %}x{% endfor %}"
connection: local
# end of making files
- file:
state: absent
path: "{{item}}"
- /tmp/copy-tiny-file.out
- /tmp/copy-large-file.out
- /tmp/copy-tiny-inline-file.out
- /tmp/copy-large-inline-file.out
# end of cleaning out files
- copy:
dest: /tmp/copy-large-file.out
src: /tmp/copy-large-file
- copy:
dest: /tmp/copy-tiny-file.out
src: /tmp/copy-tiny-file
- copy:
dest: /tmp/copy-tiny-inline-file.out
content: "tiny inline content"
- copy:
dest: /tmp/copy-large-inline-file.out
content: |
{% for x in range(200000) %}y{% endfor %}
# stat results
- stat:
path: "{{item}}"
- /tmp/copy-tiny-file.out
- /tmp/copy-large-file.out
- /tmp/copy-tiny-inline-file.out
- /tmp/copy-large-inline-file.out
register: stat
- assert:
- stat.results[0].stat.checksum == "f29faa9a6f19a700a941bf2aa5b281643c4ec8a0"
- stat.results[1].stat.checksum == "62951f943c41cdd326e5ce2b53a779e7916a820d"
- stat.results[2].stat.checksum == "b26dd6444595e2bdb342aa0a91721b57478b5029"
- stat.results[3].stat.checksum == "d675f47e467eae19e49032a2cc39118e12a6ee72"

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- file:
path: /tmp/foo-{{inventory_hostname}}
state: absent
- copy:
dest: /tmp/foo-{{inventory_hostname}}
content: "{{content}}"

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- hosts: all
- set_fact:
content: "{% for x in range(126977) %}x{% endfor %}"
- include_tasks: _file_service_loop.yml
with_sequence: start=1 end=100