@ -299,6 +299,12 @@ Core Library
shut down, preventing new messages being enqueued that will never be sent,
and subsequently producing a program hang.
* `#462 <https://github.com/dw/mitogen/issues/462>`_: Mitogen could fail to
open a PTY on broken Linux systems due to a bad interaction between the glibc
:func:`grantpt` function and an incorrectly mounted ``/dev/pts`` filesystem.
Since correct group ownership is not required in most scenarios, when this
problem is detected, the PTY is allocated and opened directly by the library.
* `16ca111e <https://github.com/dw/mitogen/commit/16ca111e>`_: handle OpenSSH
7.5 permission denied prompts when ``~/.ssh/config`` rewrites are present.
@ -336,8 +342,10 @@ bug reports, testing, features and fixes in this release contributed by
`Mehdi <https://github.com/mehdisat7>`_,
`Michael DeHaan <https://github.com/mpdehaan>`_,
`Mohammed Naser <https://github.com/mnaser/>`_,
`@syntonym <https://github.com/syntonym/>`_, and
`@yodatak <https://github.com/yodatak/>`_.
`Stéphane <https://github.com/sboisson/>`_,
`@syntonym <https://github.com/syntonym/>`_,
`@yodatak <https://github.com/yodatak/>`_, and
`Younès HAFRI <https://github.com/yhafri>`_.
v0.2.3 (2018-10-23)