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# Copyright 2019, David Wilson
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
# specific prior written permission.
# !mitogen: minify_safe
6 years ago
This module implements functionality required by master processes, such as
starting new contexts via SSH. Its size is also restricted, since it must
be sent to any context that will be used to establish additional child
import dis
import errno
7 years ago
import imp
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import re
import string
7 years ago
import sys
import threading
7 years ago
import types
import zlib
import sysconfig
except ImportError:
sysconfig = None
7 years ago
if not hasattr(pkgutil, 'find_loader'):
# find_loader() was new in >=2.5, but the modern syntax has
# been kept intentionally 2.3 compatible so we can reuse it.
from mitogen.compat import pkgutil
import mitogen
7 years ago
import mitogen.core
import mitogen.minify
import mitogen.parent
from mitogen.core import b
from mitogen.core import IOLOG
from mitogen.core import LOG
from mitogen.core import str_partition
from mitogen.core import str_rpartition
from mitogen.core import to_text
imap = getattr(itertools, 'imap', map)
izip = getattr(itertools, 'izip', zip)
7 years ago
except NameError:
from mitogen.core import any
except NameError:
from mitogen.core import next
7 years ago
RLOG = logging.getLogger('mitogen.ctx')
7 years ago
def _stdlib_paths():
Return a set of paths from which Python imports the standard library.
attr_candidates = [
'real_prefix', # virtualenv: only set inside a virtual environment.
'base_prefix', # venv: always set, equal to prefix if outside.
prefixes = (getattr(sys, a, None) for a in attr_candidates)
version = 'python%s.%s' % sys.version_info[0:2]
s = set(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, 'lib', version))
for p in prefixes if p is not None)
# When running 'unit2 tests/' in a Py2 venv on Ubuntu
# 18.10, above is insufficient to catch the real directory.
if sysconfig is not None:
return s
def is_stdlib_name(modname):
Return :data:`True` if `modname` appears to come from the standard library.
if imp.is_builtin(modname) != 0:
return True
module = sys.modules.get(modname)
if module is None:
return False
# six installs crap with no __file__
modpath = os.path.abspath(getattr(module, '__file__', ''))
return is_stdlib_path(modpath)
_STDLIB_PATHS = _stdlib_paths()
def is_stdlib_path(path):
return any(
os.path.commonprefix((libpath, path)) == libpath
and 'site-packages' not in path
and 'dist-packages' not in path
for libpath in _STDLIB_PATHS
def get_child_modules(path, fullname):
Return the suffixes of submodules directly neated beneath of the package
directory at `path`.
:param str path:
Path to the module's source code on disk, or some PEP-302-recognized
equivalent. Usually this is the module's ``__file__`` attribute, but
is specified explicitly to avoid loading the module.
:param str fullname:
Full name of a module path. Only used with collections because
its modules can't be loaded with iter_modules()
List of submodule name suffixes.
4 years ago
# jjj
# TODO: move this somehow to ansible_mitogen, if it's even possible
# ISSUE: not everything is being loaded via sys.modules in ansible when it comes to collections
# only `action` and `modules` show up in sys.modules[fullname]
# but sometimes you want things like `module_utils`
# if fullname.startswith("ansible_collections"):
# submodules = []
# # import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
# # sys.modules[fullname].__path__
# # for each in dir(sys.modules[fullname]):
# # if not each.startswith("__"):
# # submodules.append(to_text(each))
# for each in os.listdir(sys.modules[fullname].__path__[0]):
# if not each.startswith("__"):
# submodules.append(to_text(each))
# # jjj
# # hack: insert submodule on the path so it can be loaded
# # sys.path.insert(0, each)
# return submodules
# else:
it = pkgutil.iter_modules([os.path.dirname(path)])
return [to_text(name) for _, name, _ in it]
7 years ago
def _looks_like_script(path):
Return :data:`True` if the (possibly extensionless) file at `path`
resembles a Python script. For now we simply verify the file contains
ASCII text.
fp = open(path, 'rb')
except IOError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if e.args[0] == errno.EISDIR:
return False
sample ='latin-1')
return not set(sample).difference(string.printable)
def _py_filename(path):
if not path:
return None
if path[-4:] in ('.pyc', '.pyo'):
path = path.rstrip('co')
if path.endswith('.py'):
return path
if os.path.exists(path) and _looks_like_script(path):
return path
def _get_core_source():
Master version of parent.get_core_source().
source = inspect.getsource(mitogen.core)
return mitogen.minify.minimize_source(source)
if mitogen.is_master:
# TODO: find a less surprising way of installing this.
mitogen.parent._get_core_source = _get_core_source
LOAD_CONST = dis.opname.index('LOAD_CONST')
IMPORT_NAME = dis.opname.index('IMPORT_NAME')
def _getarg(nextb, c):
if c >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
return nextb() | (nextb() << 8)
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
def iter_opcodes(co):
# Yield `(op, oparg)` tuples from the code object `co`.
ordit = imap(ord, co.co_code)
nextb =
return ((c, _getarg(nextb, c)) for c in ordit)
elif sys.version_info < (3, 6):
def iter_opcodes(co):
# Yield `(op, oparg)` tuples from the code object `co`.
ordit = iter(co.co_code)
nextb = ordit.__next__
return ((c, _getarg(nextb, c)) for c in ordit)
def iter_opcodes(co):
# Yield `(op, oparg)` tuples from the code object `co`.
ordit = iter(co.co_code)
nextb = ordit.__next__
return ((c, nextb()) for c in ordit)
def scan_code_imports(co):
Given a code object `co`, scan its bytecode yielding any ``IMPORT_NAME``
and associated prior ``LOAD_CONST`` instructions representing an `Import`
statement or `ImportFrom` statement.
Generator producing `(level, modname, namelist)` tuples, where:
* `level`: -1 for normal import, 0, for absolute import, and >0 for
relative import.
* `modname`: Name of module to import, or from where `namelist` names
are imported.
* `namelist`: for `ImportFrom`, the list of names to be imported from
opit = iter_opcodes(co)
opit, opit2, opit3 = itertools.tee(opit, 3)
except StopIteration:
if sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
for oparg1, oparg2, (op3, arg3) in izip(opit, opit2, opit3):
if op3 == IMPORT_NAME:
op2, arg2 = oparg2
op1, arg1 = oparg1
if op1 == op2 == LOAD_CONST:
yield (co.co_consts[arg1],
co.co_consts[arg2] or ())
# Python 2.4 did not yet have 'level', so stack format differs.
for oparg1, (op2, arg2) in izip(opit, opit2):
if op2 == IMPORT_NAME:
op1, arg1 = oparg1
if op1 == LOAD_CONST:
yield (-1, co.co_names[arg2], co.co_consts[arg1] or ())
class ThreadWatcher(object):
Manage threads that wait for another thread to shut down, before invoking
`on_join()` for each associated ThreadWatcher.
In CPython it seems possible to use this method to ensure a non-main thread
is signalled when the main thread has exited, using a third thread as a
#: Protects remaining _cls_* members.
_cls_lock = threading.Lock()
#: PID of the process that last modified the class data. If the PID
#: changes, it means the thread watch dict refers to threads that no longer
#: exist in the current process (since it forked), and so must be reset.
_cls_pid = None
#: Map watched Thread -> list of ThreadWatcher instances.
_cls_instances_by_target = {}
#: Map watched Thread -> watcher Thread for each watched thread.
_cls_thread_by_target = {}
def _reset(cls):
If we have forked since the watch dictionaries were initialized, all
that has is garbage, so clear it.
if os.getpid() != cls._cls_pid:
cls._cls_pid = os.getpid()
def __init__(self, target, on_join): = target
self.on_join = on_join
def _watch(cls, target):
for watcher in cls._cls_instances_by_target[target]:
def install(self):
lst = self._cls_instances_by_target.setdefault(, [])
if not in self._cls_thread_by_target:
self._cls_thread_by_target[] = threading.Thread(
def remove(self):
lst = self._cls_instances_by_target.get(, [])
if self in lst:
def watch(cls, target, on_join):
watcher = cls(target, on_join)
return watcher
7 years ago
class LogForwarder(object):
Install a :data:`mitogen.core.FORWARD_LOG` handler that delivers forwarded
log events into the local logging framework. This is used by the master's
The forwarded :class:`logging.LogRecord` objects are delivered to loggers
under ``mitogen.ctx.*`` corresponding to their
:attr:``, with the message prefixed with the
logger name used in the child. The records include some extra attributes:
* ``mitogen_message``: Unicode original message without the logger name
* ``mitogen_context``: :class:`mitogen.parent.Context` reference to the
source context.
* ``mitogen_name``: Original logger name.
:param mitogen.master.Router router:
Router to install the handler on.
7 years ago
def __init__(self, router):
self._router = router
self._cache = {}
7 years ago
def _on_forward_log(self, msg):
if msg.is_dead:
7 years ago
context = self._router.context_by_id(msg.src_id)
if context is None:
LOG.error('%s: dropping log from unknown context %d',
self, msg.src_id)
7 years ago
name, level_s, s ='utf-8', 'replace').split('\x00', 2)
logger_name = '%s.[%s]' % (name,
logger = self._cache.get(logger_name)
if logger is None:
self._cache[logger_name] = logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
# See logging.Handler.makeRecord()
record = logging.LogRecord(,
pathname='(unknown file)',
record.mitogen_message = s
record.mitogen_context = self._router.context_by_id(msg.src_id)
record.mitogen_name = name
7 years ago
def __repr__(self):
return 'LogForwarder(%r)' % (self._router,)
class FinderMethod(object):
Interface to a method for locating a Python module or package given its
name according to the running Python interpreter. You'd think this was a
simple task, right? Naive young fellow, welcome to the real world.
7 years ago
def __repr__(self):
return '%s()' % (type(self).__name__,)
def find(self, fullname):
Accept a canonical module name as would be found in :data:`sys.modules`
and return a `(path, source, is_pkg)` tuple, where:
* `path`: Unicode string containing path to source file.
* `source`: Bytestring containing source file's content.
* `is_pkg`: :data:`True` if `fullname` is a package.
:data:`None` if not found, or tuple as described above.
raise NotImplementedError()
class DefectivePython3xMainMethod(FinderMethod):
Recent versions of Python 3.x introduced an incomplete notion of
importer specs, and in doing so created permanent asymmetry in the
:mod:`pkgutil` interface handling for the :mod:`__main__` module. Therefore
we must handle :mod:`__main__` specially.
def find(self, fullname):
Find :mod:`__main__` using its :data:`__file__` attribute.
if fullname != '__main__':
return None
mod = sys.modules.get(fullname)
if not mod:
return None
path = getattr(mod, '__file__', None)
if not (path is not None and os.path.exists(path) and _looks_like_script(path)):
return None
fp = open(path, 'rb')
source =
return path, source, False
class PkgutilMethod(FinderMethod):
Attempt to fetch source code via pkgutil. In an ideal world, this would
be the only required implementation of get_module().
def find(self, fullname):
Find `fullname` using :func:`pkgutil.find_loader`.
# Pre-'import spec' this returned None, in Python3.6 it raises
# ImportError.
loader = pkgutil.find_loader(fullname)
except ImportError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
LOG.debug('%r._get_module_via_pkgutil(%r): %s',
self, fullname, e)
return None
IOLOG.debug('%r._get_module_via_pkgutil(%r) -> %r',
self, fullname, loader)
7 years ago
if not loader:
# jjjj
# if fullname == "ansible_collections":
# import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
4 years ago
# jjj
# if fullname == "ansible_collections":
# import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
# ba = loader.load_module("ansible_collections.alikins")
# # if fullname == "ansible_collections":
# # # ansible named the fake __file__ for collections `__synthetic__` with no extension
# # module.__file__ = module.__file__ + ".py"
# # import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
# # # import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
# # # jjj
# doesn't work because .get_source doesn't exist. Collections loader is super complicated
# and doesn't offer an easy way to extract source code
7 years ago
path = _py_filename(loader.get_filename(fullname))
7 years ago
source = loader.get_source(fullname)
is_pkg = loader.is_package(fullname)
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
# - Per PEP-302, get_source() and is_package() are optional,
# calling them may throw AttributeError.
# - get_filename() may throw ImportError if pkgutil.find_loader()
# picks a "parent" package's loader for some crap that's been
# stuffed in sys.modules, for example in the case of urllib3:
# "loader for urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl cannot handle
# requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl"
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
LOG.debug('%r: loading %r using %r failed: %s',
self, fullname, loader, e)
7 years ago
if path is None or source is None:
if isinstance(source, mitogen.core.UnicodeType):
# get_source() returns "string" according to PEP-302, which was
# reinterpreted for Python 3 to mean a Unicode string.
source = source.encode('utf-8')
return path, source, is_pkg
class SysModulesMethod(FinderMethod):
Attempt to fetch source code via :data:`sys.modules`. This was originally
specifically to support :mod:`__main__`, but it may catch a few more cases.
def find(self, fullname):
Find `fullname` using its :data:`__file__` attribute.
module = sys.modules.get(fullname)
# jjj
# this is hit
# if fullname.startswith("ansible_collections"):
# import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
if not isinstance(module, types.ModuleType):
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
LOG.debug('%r: sys.modules[%r] absent or not a regular module',
self, fullname)
7 years ago
LOG.debug('_get_module_via_sys_modules(%r) -> %r', fullname, module)
alleged_name = getattr(module, '__name__', None)
if alleged_name != fullname:
LOG.debug('sys.modules[%r].__name__ is incorrect, assuming '
'this is a hacky module alias and ignoring it. '
'Got %r, module object: %r',
fullname, alleged_name, module)
# TODO: move to ansible_mitogen somehow if possible
# ansible names the fake __file__ for collections `__synthetic__` with no extension
# if fullname.startswith("ansible_collections"):
# print(fullname)
# module.__file__ = module.__file__ + ".py"
# # import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
# # jjj
path = _py_filename(getattr(module, '__file__', ''))
if not path:
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
LOG.debug('%r: sys.modules[%r]: found %s', self, fullname, path)
is_pkg = hasattr(module, '__path__')
7 years ago
source = inspect.getsource(module)
7 years ago
except IOError:
# Work around inspect.getsourcelines() bug for 0-byte
# files.
7 years ago
if not is_pkg:
source = '\n'
if isinstance(source, mitogen.core.UnicodeType):
# get_source() returns "string" according to PEP-302, which was
# reinterpreted for Python 3 to mean a Unicode string.
source = source.encode('utf-8')
return path, source, is_pkg
7 years ago
class ParentEnumerationMethod(FinderMethod):
Attempt to fetch source code by examining the module's (hopefully less
insane) parent package, and if no insane parents exist, simply use
:mod:`sys.path` to search for it from scratch on the filesystem using the
normal Python lookup mechanism.
This is required for older versions of :mod:`ansible.compat.six`,
:mod:`plumbum.colors`, Ansible 2.8 :mod:`ansible.module_utils.distro` and
its submodule :mod:`ansible.module_utils.distro._distro`.
When some package dynamically replaces itself in :data:`sys.modules`, but
only conditionally according to some program logic, it is possible that
children may attempt to load modules and subpackages from it that can no
longer be resolved by examining a (corrupted) parent.
For cases like :mod:`ansible.module_utils.distro`, this must handle cases
where a package transmuted itself into a totally unrelated module during
import and vice versa, where :data:`sys.modules` is replaced with junk that
makes it impossible to discover the loaded module using the in-memory
module object or any parent package's :data:`__path__`, since they have all
been overwritten. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
def _find_sane_parent(self, fullname):
Iteratively search :data:`sys.modules` for the least indirect parent of
`fullname` that is loaded and contains a :data:`__path__` attribute.
`(parent_name, path, modpath)` tuple, where:
* `modname`: canonical name of the found package, or the empty
string if none is found.
* `search_path`: :data:`__path__` attribute of the least
indirect parent found, or :data:`None` if no indirect parent
was found.
* `modpath`: list of module name components leading from `path`
to the target module.
path = None
modpath = []
while True:
pkgname, _, modname = str_rpartition(to_text(fullname), u'.')
modpath.insert(0, modname)
if not pkgname:
return [], None, modpath
pkg = sys.modules.get(pkgname)
path = getattr(pkg, '__path__', None)
if pkg and path:
return pkgname.split('.'), path, modpath
LOG.debug('%r: %r lacks __path__ attribute', self, pkgname)
fullname = pkgname
def _found_package(self, fullname, path):
path = os.path.join(path, '')
LOG.debug('%r: %r is PKG_DIRECTORY: %r', self, fullname, path)
return self._found_module(
fp=open(path, 'rb'),
def _found_module(self, fullname, path, fp, is_pkg=False):
path = _py_filename(path)
if not path:
source =
if fp:
if isinstance(source, mitogen.core.UnicodeType):
# get_source() returns "string" according to PEP-302, which was
# reinterpreted for Python 3 to mean a Unicode string.
source = source.encode('utf-8')
return path, source, is_pkg
def _find_one_component(self, modname, search_path):
Creates an if one doesn't exist in the search path dirs for ansible collections
This will help imp load packages like `.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/.....plugins/module_utils`
that don't get loaded from Ansible via sys.modules
Unfortunately this leaves files around in collections that don't have them
TODO: delete these when Mitogen exits?
Tried to hack types.ModuleType instead but no luck
Appears imp loads modules old-style with a required
TODO: can the __init__ stuff be moved to ansible_mitogen somewhere, really want it to be there instead
# jjj
# for path in search_path:
# if "collections/ansible_collections" in path:
# init_file = os.path.join(path, modname, "")
# if not os.path.isfile(init_file):
# with open(init_file, "w") as f:
# pass
#fp, path, (suffix, _, kind) = imp.find_module(modname, search_path)
return imp.find_module(modname, search_path)
except ImportError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
LOG.debug('%r: imp.find_module(%r, %r) -> %s',
self, modname, [search_path], e)
return None
def find(self, fullname):
See implementation for a description of how this works.
#if fullname not in sys.modules:
# Don't attempt this unless a module really exists in sys.modules,
# else we could return junk.
fullname = to_text(fullname)
modname, search_path, modpath = self._find_sane_parent(fullname)
while True:
tup = self._find_one_component(modpath.pop(0), search_path)
if tup is None:
return None
fp, path, (suffix, _, kind) = tup
if modpath:
# Still more components to descent. Result must be a package
if fp:
if kind != imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
LOG.debug('%r: %r appears to be child of non-package %r',
self, fullname, path)
return None
search_path = [path]
elif kind == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
return self._found_package(fullname, path)
return self._found_module(fullname, path, fp)
class ModuleFinder(object):
Given the name of a loaded module, make a best-effort attempt at finding
related modules likely needed by a child context requesting the original
def __init__(self):
#: Import machinery is expensive, keep :py:meth`:get_module_source`
#: results around.
self._found_cache = {}
#: Avoid repeated dependency scanning, which is expensive.
self._related_cache = {}
def __repr__(self):
return 'ModuleFinder()'
def add_source_override(self, fullname, path, source, is_pkg):
Explicitly install a source cache entry, preventing usual lookup
methods from being used.
Beware the value of `path` is critical when `is_pkg` is specified,
since it directs where submodules are searched for.
:param str fullname:
Name of the module to override.
:param str path:
Module's path as it will appear in the cache.
:param bytes source:
Module source code as a bytestring.
:param bool is_pkg:
:data:`True` if the module is a package.
self._found_cache[fullname] = (path, source, is_pkg)
get_module_methods = [
7 years ago
def get_module_source(self, fullname):
Given the name of a loaded module `fullname`, attempt to find its
source code.
Tuple of `(module path, source text, is package?)`, or :data:`None`
if the source cannot be found.
tup = self._found_cache.get(fullname)
if tup:
return tup
# jjj
for method in self.get_module_methods:
tup = method.find(fullname)
if tup:
#LOG.debug('%r returned %r', method, tup)
tup = None, None, None
LOG.debug('get_module_source(%r): cannot find source', fullname)
self._found_cache[fullname] = tup
return tup
def resolve_relpath(self, fullname, level):
Given an ImportFrom AST node, guess the prefix that should be tacked on
to an alias name to produce a canonical name. `fullname` is the name of
the module in which the ImportFrom appears.
mod = sys.modules.get(fullname, None)
if hasattr(mod, '__path__'):
fullname += '.__init__'
if level == 0 or not fullname:
return ''
bits = fullname.split('.')
if len(bits) <= level:
# This would be an ImportError in real code.
return ''
return '.'.join(bits[:-level]) + '.'
def generate_parent_names(self, fullname):
while '.' in fullname:
fullname, _, _ = str_rpartition(to_text(fullname), u'.')
yield fullname
def find_related_imports(self, fullname):
Return a list of non-stdlib modules that are directly imported by
`fullname`, plus their parents.
The list is determined by retrieving the source code of
`fullname`, compiling it, and examining all IMPORT_NAME ops.
:param fullname: Fully qualified name of an *already imported* module
for which source code can be retrieved
:type fullname: str
related = self._related_cache.get(fullname)
if related is not None:
return related
modpath, src, _ = self.get_module_source(fullname)
if src is None:
return []
maybe_names = list(self.generate_parent_names(fullname))
co = compile(src, modpath, 'exec')
for level, modname, namelist in scan_code_imports(co):
if level == -1:
modnames = [modname, '%s.%s' % (fullname, modname)]
modnames = [
'%s%s' % (self.resolve_relpath(fullname, level), modname)
'%s.%s' % (mname, name)
for mname in modnames
for name in namelist
return self._related_cache.setdefault(fullname, sorted(
for name in maybe_names
if sys.modules.get(name) is not None
and not is_stdlib_name(name)
and u'six.moves' not in name # TODO: crap
def find_related(self, fullname):
Return a list of non-stdlib modules that are imported directly or
indirectly by `fullname`, plus their parents.
This method is like :py:meth:`find_related_imports`, but also
recursively searches any modules which are imported by `fullname`.
:param fullname: Fully qualified name of an *already imported* module
for which source code can be retrieved
:type fullname: str
stack = [fullname]
found = set()
while stack:
name = stack.pop(0)
names = self.find_related_imports(name)
return sorted(found)
class ModuleResponder(object):
def __init__(self, router):
self._log = logging.getLogger('mitogen.responder')
self._router = router
self._finder = ModuleFinder()
self._cache = {} # fullname -> pickled
self.blacklist = []
self.whitelist = ['']
#: Context -> set([fullname, ..])
self._forwarded_by_context = {}
#: Number of GET_MODULE messages received.
self.get_module_count = 0
#: Total time spent in uncached GET_MODULE.
self.get_module_secs = 0.0
#: Total time spent minifying modules.
self.minify_secs = 0.0
#: Number of successful LOAD_MODULE messages sent.
self.good_load_module_count = 0
#: Total bytes in successful LOAD_MODULE payloads.
self.good_load_module_size = 0
#: Number of negative LOAD_MODULE messages sent.
self.bad_load_module_count = 0
def __repr__(self):
return 'ModuleResponder'
def add_source_override(self, fullname, path, source, is_pkg):
See :meth:`ModuleFinder.add_source_override`.
self._finder.add_source_override(fullname, path, source, is_pkg)
MAIN_RE = re.compile(b(r'^if\s+__name__\s*==\s*.__main__.\s*:'), re.M)
main_guard_msg = (
"A child context attempted to import __main__, however the main "
"module present in the master process lacks an execution guard. "
"Update %r to prevent unintended execution, using a guard like:\n"
" if __name__ == '__main__':\n"
" # your code here.\n"
def whitelist_prefix(self, fullname):
if self.whitelist == ['']:
self.whitelist = ['mitogen']
def blacklist_prefix(self, fullname):
def neutralize_main(self, path, src):
Given the source for the __main__ module, try to find where it begins
conditional execution based on a "if __name__ == '__main__'" guard, and
remove any code after that point.
match =
if match:
return src[:match.start()]
if b('mitogen.main(') in src:
return src
self._log.error(self.main_guard_msg, path)
raise ImportError('refused')
def _make_negative_response(self, fullname):
return (fullname, None, None, None, ())
minify_safe_re = re.compile(b(r'\s+#\s*!mitogen:\s*minify_safe'))
def _build_tuple(self, fullname):
# tried to see if anything with collections was in the cache already
# no luck though
# jjj
# if fullname == "ansible_collections":
# import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
# for key, val in self._cache.items():
# if "collection_inspect" in key:
# print(key, val)
# import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
if fullname == "ansible_collections":
import epdb; epdb.set_trace()
if fullname in self._cache:
return self._cache[fullname]
7 years ago
if mitogen.core.is_blacklisted_import(self, fullname):
raise ImportError('blacklisted')
path, source, is_pkg = self._finder.get_module_source(fullname)
if path and is_stdlib_path(path):
# Prevent loading of 2.x<->3.x stdlib modules! This costs one
# RTT per hit, so a client-side solution is also required.
self._log.debug('refusing to serve stdlib module %r', fullname)
tup = self._make_negative_response(fullname)
self._cache[fullname] = tup
return tup
if source is None:
# TODO: make this .warning() or similar again once importer has its
# own logging category.
self._log.debug('could not find source for %r', fullname)
tup = self._make_negative_response(fullname)
self._cache[fullname] = tup
return tup
# If the module contains a magic marker, it's safe to minify.
t0 =
source = mitogen.minify.minimize_source(source).encode('utf-8')
self.minify_secs += - t0
if is_pkg:
# jjj
pkg_present = get_child_modules(path, fullname)
self._log.debug('%s is a package at %s with submodules %r',
fullname, path, pkg_present)
pkg_present = None
if fullname == '__main__':
source = self.neutralize_main(path, source)
compressed = mitogen.core.Blob(zlib.compress(source, 9))
related = [
for name in self._finder.find_related(fullname)
if not mitogen.core.is_blacklisted_import(self, name)
# 0:fullname 1:pkg_present 2:path 3:compressed 4:related
tup = (
self._cache[fullname] = tup
return tup
def _send_load_module(self, stream, fullname):
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
if fullname not in stream.protocol.sent_modules:
tup = self._build_tuple(fullname)
msg = mitogen.core.Message.pickled(
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
self._log.debug('sending %s (%.2f KiB) to %s',
fullname, len( / 1024.0,
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
if tup[2] is not None:
self.good_load_module_count += 1
self.good_load_module_size += len(
self.bad_load_module_count += 1
def _send_module_load_failed(self, stream, fullname):
self.bad_load_module_count += 1
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
def _send_module_and_related(self, stream, fullname):
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
if fullname in stream.protocol.sent_modules:
tup = self._build_tuple(fullname)
for name in tup[4]: # related
parent, _, _ = str_partition(name, '.')
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
if parent != fullname and parent not in stream.protocol.sent_modules:
# Parent hasn't been sent, so don't load submodule yet.
self._send_load_module(stream, name)
self._send_load_module(stream, fullname)
except Exception:
LOG.debug('While importing %r', fullname, exc_info=True)
self._send_module_load_failed(stream, fullname)
def _on_get_module(self, msg):
if msg.is_dead:
stream = self._router.stream_by_id(msg.src_id)
if stream is None:
fullname =
self._log.debug('%s requested module %s',, fullname)
self.get_module_count += 1
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
if fullname in stream.protocol.sent_modules:
LOG.warning('_on_get_module(): dup request for %r from %r',
fullname, stream)
t0 =
self._send_module_and_related(stream, fullname)
self.get_module_secs += - t0
def _send_forward_module(self, stream, context, fullname):
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
if stream.protocol.remote_id != context.context_id:
data=b('%s\x00%s' % (context.context_id, fullname)),
Refactor Stream, introduce quasi-asynchronous connect, much more Split Stream into many, many classes * mitogen.parent.Connection: Handles connection setup logic only. * Maintain references to stdout and stderr streams. * Manages TimerList timer to cancel connection attempt after deadline * Blocking setup code replaced by async equivalents running on the broker * mitogen.parent.Options: Tracks connection-specific options. This keeps the connection class small, but more importantly, it is generic to the future desire to build and execute command lines without starting a full connection. * mitogen.core.Protocol: Handles program behaviour relating to events on a stream. Protocol performs no IO of its own, instead deferring it to Stream and Side. This makes testing much easier, and means libssh can reimplement Stream and Side to reuse MitogenProtocol * mitogen.core.MitogenProtocol: Guts of the old Mitogen stream implementtion * mitogen.core.BufferedWriter: Guts of the old Mitogen buffered transmit implementation, made generic * mitogen.core.DelineatedProtocol: Guts of the old IoLogger, knows how to split up input and pass it on to a on_line_received()/on_partial_line_received() callback. * mitogen.parent.BootstrapProtocol: Asynchronous equivalent of the old blocking connect code. Waits for various prompts (MITO001 etc) and writes the bootstrap using a BufferedWriter. On success, switches the stream to MitogenProtocol. * mitogen.core.Message: move encoding parts of MitogenProtocol out to Message (where it belongs) and write a bunch of new tests for pickling. * The bizarre Stream.construct() is gone now, Option.__init__ is its own constructor. Should fix many LGTM errors. * Update all connection methods: Every connection method is updated to use async logic, defining protocols as required to handle interactive prompts like in SSH or su. Add new real integration tests for at least doas and su. * Eliminate manual fd management: File descriptors are trapped in file objects at their point of origin, and Side is updated to use file objects rather than raw descriptors. This eliminates a whole class of bugs where unrelated FDs could be closed by the wrong component. Now an FD's open/closed status is fused to it everywhere in the library. * Halve file descriptor usage: now FD open/close state is tracked by its file object, we don't need to duplicate FDs everywhere so that receive/transmit side can be closed independently. Instead both sides back on to the same file object. Closes #26, Closes #470. * Remove most uses of dup/dup2: Closes #256. File descriptors are trapped in a common file object and shared among classes. The remaining few uses for dup/dup2 are as close to minimal as possible. * Introduce mitogen.parent.Process: uniform interface for subprocesses created either via mitogen.fork or the subprocess module. Remove all the crap where we steal a pid from subprocess guts. Now we use subprocess to manage its processes as it should be. Closes #169 by using the new Timers facility to poll for a slow-to-exit subprocess. * Fix su password race: Closes #363. DelineatedProtocol naturally retries partially received lines, preventing the cause of the original race. * Delete old blocking IO utility functions iter_read()/write_all()/discard_until(). Closes #26 Closes #147 Closes #169 Closes #256 Closes #363 Closes #419 Closes #470
5 years ago
def _forward_one_module(self, context, fullname):
forwarded = self._forwarded_by_context.get(context)
if forwarded is None:
forwarded = set()
self._forwarded_by_context[context] = forwarded
if fullname in forwarded:
path = []
while fullname:
fullname, _, _ = str_rpartition(fullname, u'.')
stream = self._router.stream_by_id(context.context_id)
if stream is None:
LOG.debug('%r: dropping forward of %s to no longer existent '
'%r', self, path[0], context)
for fullname in reversed(path):
self._send_module_and_related(stream, fullname)
self._send_forward_module(stream, context, fullname)
def _forward_modules(self, context, fullnames):
IOLOG.debug('%r._forward_modules(%r, %r)', self, context, fullnames)
for fullname in fullnames:
self._forward_one_module(context, mitogen.core.to_text(fullname))
def forward_modules(self, context, fullnames):, context, fullnames)
7 years ago
class Broker(mitogen.core.Broker):
.. note::
You may construct as many brokers as desired, and use the same broker
for multiple routers, however usually only one broker need exist.
Multiple brokers may be useful when dealing with sets of children with
differing lifetimes. For example, a subscription service where
non-payment results in termination for one customer.
:param bool install_watcher:
If :data:`True`, an additional thread is started to monitor the
lifetime of the main thread, triggering :meth:`shutdown`
automatically in case the user forgets to call it, or their code
You should not rely on this functionality in your program, it is only
intended as a fail-safe and to simplify the API for new users. In
particular, alternative Python implementations may not be able to
support watching the main thread.
7 years ago
shutdown_timeout = 5.0
_watcher = None
poller_class = mitogen.parent.PREFERRED_POLLER
7 years ago
def __init__(self, install_watcher=True):
if install_watcher:
self._watcher =
super(Broker, self).__init__()
self.timers = mitogen.parent.TimerList()
def shutdown(self):
super(Broker, self).shutdown()
if self._watcher:
7 years ago
class Router(mitogen.parent.Router):
Extend :class:`mitogen.core.Router` with functionality useful to masters,
and child contexts who later become masters. Currently when this class is
required, the target context's router is upgraded at runtime.
.. note::
You may construct as many routers as desired, and use the same broker
for multiple routers, however usually only one broker and router need
exist. Multiple routers may be useful when dealing with separate trust
domains, for example, manipulating infrastructure belonging to separate
customers or projects.
:param mitogen.master.Broker broker:
Broker to use. If not specified, a private :class:`Broker` is created.
:param int max_message_size:
Override the maximum message size this router is willing to receive or
transmit. Any value set here is automatically inherited by any children
created by the router.
This has a liberal default of 128 MiB, but may be set much lower.
Beware that setting it below 64KiB may encourage unexpected failures as
parents and children can no longer route large Python modules that may
be required by your application.
broker_class = Broker
#: When :data:`True`, cause the broker thread and any subsequent broker and
#: main threads existing in any child to write
#: ``/tmp/mitogen.stats.<pid>.<thread_name>.log`` containing a
#: :mod:`cProfile` dump on graceful exit. Must be set prior to construction
#: of any :class:`Broker`, e.g. via::
#: mitogen.master.Router.profiling = True
profiling = os.environ.get('MITOGEN_PROFILING') is not None
7 years ago
def __init__(self, broker=None, max_message_size=None):
if broker is None:
broker = self.broker_class()
if max_message_size:
self.max_message_size = max_message_size
super(Router, self).__init__(broker)
def upgrade(self):
self.id_allocator = IdAllocator(self)
7 years ago
self.responder = ModuleResponder(self)
self.log_forwarder = LogForwarder(self)
self.route_monitor = mitogen.parent.RouteMonitor(router=self)
self.add_handler( # TODO: cutpaste.
7 years ago
def _on_broker_exit(self):
super(Router, self)._on_broker_exit()
dct = self.get_stats()
dct['self'] = self
dct['minify_ms'] = 1000 * dct['minify_secs']
dct['get_module_ms'] = 1000 * dct['get_module_secs']
dct['good_load_module_size_kb'] = dct['good_load_module_size'] / 1024.0
dct['good_load_module_size_avg'] = (
dct['good_load_module_size'] /
(float(dct['good_load_module_count']) or 1.0)
) / 1024.0
'%(self)r: stats: '
'%(get_module_count)d module requests in '
'%(get_module_ms)d ms, '
'%(good_load_module_count)d sent '
'(%(minify_ms)d ms minify time), '
'%(bad_load_module_count)d negative responses. '
'Sent %(good_load_module_size_kb).01f kb total, '
'%(good_load_module_size_avg).01f kb avg.'
% dct
def get_stats(self):
Return performance data for the module responder.
Dict containing keys:
* `get_module_count`: Integer count of
:data:`mitogen.core.GET_MODULE` messages received.
* `get_module_secs`: Floating point total seconds spent servicing
:data:`mitogen.core.GET_MODULE` requests.
* `good_load_module_count`: Integer count of successful
:data:`mitogen.core.LOAD_MODULE` messages sent.
* `good_load_module_size`: Integer total bytes sent in
:data:`mitogen.core.LOAD_MODULE` message payloads.
* `bad_load_module_count`: Integer count of negative
:data:`mitogen.core.LOAD_MODULE` messages sent.
* `minify_secs`: CPU seconds spent minifying modules marked
return {
'get_module_count': self.responder.get_module_count,
'get_module_secs': self.responder.get_module_secs,
'good_load_module_count': self.responder.good_load_module_count,
'good_load_module_size': self.responder.good_load_module_size,
'bad_load_module_count': self.responder.bad_load_module_count,
'minify_secs': self.responder.minify_secs,
7 years ago
def enable_debug(self):
Cause this context and any descendant child contexts to write debug
logs to ``/tmp/mitogen.<pid>.log``.
7 years ago
self.debug = True
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, e_type, e_val, tb):
def disconnect_stream(self, stream):,
def disconnect_all(self):
# making stream_by_id python3-safe by converting stream_by_id values iter to list
for stream in list(self._stream_by_id.values()):
class IdAllocator(object):
Allocate IDs for new contexts constructed locally, and blocks of IDs for
children to allocate their own IDs using
:class:`mitogen.parent.ChildIdAllocator` without risk of conflict, and
without necessitating network round-trips for each new context.
This class responds to :data:`mitogen.core.ALLOCATE_ID` messages received
from children by replying with fresh block ID allocations.
The master's :class:`IdAllocator` instance can be accessed via
#: Block allocations are made in groups of 1000 by default.
def __init__(self, router):
self.router = router
self.next_id = 1
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def __repr__(self):
return 'IdAllocator(%r)' % (self.router,)
7 years ago
def allocate(self):
Allocate a context ID by directly incrementing an internal counter.
The new context ID.
id_ = self.next_id
self.next_id += 1
return id_
7 years ago
def allocate_block(self):
Allocate a block of IDs for use in a child context.
This function is safe to call from any thread.
Tuple of the form `(id, end_id)` where `id` is the first usable ID
and `end_id` is the last usable ID.
id_ = self.next_id
self.next_id += self.BLOCK_SIZE
end_id = id_ + self.BLOCK_SIZE
LOG.debug('%r: allocating [%d..%d)', self, id_, end_id)
return id_, end_id
def on_allocate_id(self, msg):
if msg.is_dead:
id_, last_id = self.allocate_block()
requestee = self.router.context_by_id(msg.src_id)
LOG.debug('%r: allocating [%r..%r) to %r',
self, id_, last_id, requestee)
msg.reply((id_, last_id))