You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
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Render the request part of a single HTTP API operation, given:
* `parameters`: OpenAPI/Swagger data specifying the parameters
* `request_body`: OpenAPI/Swagger data specifying the request body
* `path`: the path where this definition was found, to enable us to resolve "$ref"
* `anchor_base`: a prefix to add to the HTML anchors generated for each object
This template renders:
* the "simple parameters" (header, path, query parameters)
* body parameters, which may be more complex, containing nested objects
* response body examples
{{ $parameters := .parameters }}
{{ $request_body := .request_body }}
{{ $path := .path }}
{{ $anchor_base := .anchor_base }}
{{ if or $parameters $request_body }}
{{ if $parameters }}
<h3>Request parameters</h3>
{{ partial "openapi/render-parameters" (dict "parameters" $parameters "type" "header" "caption" "header parameters") }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-parameters" (dict "parameters" $parameters "type" "path" "caption" "path parameters") }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-parameters" (dict "parameters" $parameters "type" "query" "caption" "query parameters") }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $request_body }}
<h3>Request body</h3>
A request can have several content types.
{{ $json_body := index $request_body.content "application/json" }}
{{ if $json_body }}
Display the JSON schemas
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $json_body.schema "path" $path) }}
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $schema }}
{{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" (dict "schema" $schema "anchor_base" $anchor_base) }}
{{ $additional_types = uniq $additional_types }}
{{ range $additional_types }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
Show the content types and description.
{{ $mimes := slice }}
{{ range $mime, $body := $request_body.content }}
{{ $mimes = $mimes | append $mime }}
{{ end }}
{{ $content_type := delimit $mimes "|"}}
{{ partial "openapi/render-content-type" (dict "content_type" $content_type "description" $request_body.description) }}
{{ end }}
<h3>Request body example</h3>
Show all the examples.
{{ range $mime, $body := $request_body.content }}
{{ $example := dict }}
{{ if $body.schema }}
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $body.schema "path" $path) }}
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $schema }}
{{ $example = partial "json-schema/resolve-example" $schema }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and (eq ($example | len) 0) $body.example }}
If no example was generated from the schema, fallback to the
main example.
{{ $example = $body.example }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $mime "application/json" }}
{{ $example_json := jsonify (dict "indent" " ") $example }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003c" "<" }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003e" ">" | safeHTML }}
{{ $example_json }}
{{ else }}
{{ $example = $example | safeHTML }}
We need to set a language for the code otherwise the styling
is different than other examples.
{{ $example }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<p>No request parameters or request body.</p>
{{ end }}